%PDF-1.3 1 0 obj << /Type /Catalog /Outlines 2 0 R /Pages 3 0 R >> endobj 2 0 obj << /Type /Outlines /Count 0 >> endobj 3 0 obj << /Type /Pages /Kids [6 0 R 18 0 R 20 0 R ] /Count 3 /Resources << /ProcSet 4 0 R /Font << /F1 8 0 R /F2 9 0 R /F3 10 0 R /F4 11 0 R >> >> /MediaBox [0.000 0.000 612.000 792.000] >> endobj 4 0 obj [/PDF /Text ] endobj 5 0 obj << /Creator (DOMPDF) /CreationDate (D:20240517014728+00'00') /ModDate (D:20240517014728+00'00') /Title (IT-artikels) >> endobj 6 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 3 0 R /Annots [ 12 0 R 14 0 R 16 0 R ] /Contents 7 0 R >> endobj 7 0 obj << /Length 12785 >> stream 0.702 0.800 0.816 rg 34.016 34.016 543.969 723.969 re f 1.000 1.000 1.000 rg 45.266 65.272 521.469 681.462 re f 0.773 0.773 0.773 rg 0.773 0.773 0.773 RG 45.266 746.734 m 566.734 746.734 l 565.984 745.984 l 46.016 745.984 l f 566.734 746.734 m 566.734 65.272 l 565.984 65.272 l 565.984 745.984 l f 45.266 746.734 m 45.266 65.272 l 46.016 65.272 l 46.016 745.984 l f 61.016 617.359 m 550.984 617.359 l 550.984 618.109 l 61.016 618.109 l f 1.000 1.000 1.000 rg BT 278.868 698.693 Td /F1 10.5 Tf [(POST LIST)] TJ ET 0.200 0.200 0.200 rg BT 212.789 670.111 Td /F1 14.4 Tf [(INFORMASIETEGNOLOGIE)] TJ ET BT 221.824 643.466 Td /F1 11.7 Tf [(INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY)] TJ ET BT 61.016 583.841 Td /F1 14.4 Tf [(WHAT IS MICROSOFT OFFICE 365?)] TJ ET 0.400 0.400 0.400 rg BT 61.016 564.033 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(What is the cloud?)] TJ ET BT 61.016 544.044 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(Cloud services)] TJ ET BT 120.029 544.044 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [( is a broad description for IT services provided over the )] TJ ET 0.373 0.169 0.255 rg BT 341.618 544.044 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(internet)] TJ ET 0.373 0.169 0.255 RG 0.18 w 0 J [ ] 0 d 341.618 542.893 m 371.633 542.893 l S 0.400 0.400 0.400 rg BT 371.633 544.044 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(. Your services aren't hosted on your )] TJ ET BT 61.016 533.055 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(system at work or home, but it's located and managed remotely. Many services today use the Cloud, for example some e-)] TJ ET BT 61.016 522.066 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(mail services \(e.g. Gmail\), data storage \(e.g. Dropbox\) or photo storage \(e.g. Flickr\) Because it is is located online or ‘in )] TJ ET BT 61.016 511.077 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(the cloud’, you can access it from virtually anywhere on any device as long as you have an Internet connection. )] TJ ET 0.373 0.169 0.255 rg BT 505.733 511.077 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(More )] TJ ET 0.18 w 0 J [ ] 0 d 505.733 509.926 m 528.737 509.926 l S BT 61.016 500.088 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(articles on the cloud.)] TJ ET 0.18 w 0 J [ ] 0 d 61.016 498.937 m 143.555 498.937 l S 0.400 0.400 0.400 rg BT 61.016 477.129 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(What is Microsoft Office 365?)] TJ ET BT 61.016 457.140 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(Office 365 is an online, cloud-based application of the Microsoft Office products, which includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, )] TJ ET BT 61.016 446.151 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(OneNote, Outlook, Publisher and Access \(Publisher and Access are available on PC only\) available to staff and students )] TJ ET BT 61.016 435.162 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(with an active role. )] TJ ET BT 61.016 415.173 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4WIbqcmSB_E)] TJ ET BT 61.016 387.684 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(What do I get?)] TJ ET 0.400 0.400 0.400 RG 85.866 363.011 m 85.866 363.424 85.696 363.833 85.404 364.125 c 85.113 364.417 84.703 364.586 84.291 364.586 c 83.878 364.586 83.469 364.417 83.177 364.125 c 82.885 363.833 82.716 363.424 82.716 363.011 c 82.716 362.599 82.885 362.189 83.177 361.898 c 83.469 361.606 83.878 361.436 84.291 361.436 c 84.703 361.436 85.113 361.606 85.404 361.898 c 85.696 362.189 85.866 362.599 85.866 363.011 c f BT 91.016 360.195 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(Five downloadable versions of Office365 for personal devices, for example, laptops, tablets and smartphones. This )] TJ ET BT 91.016 349.206 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(does NOT include asset number devices.)] TJ ET BT 255.581 349.206 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [( )] TJ ET BT 91.016 338.217 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(IMPORTANT: For the versions to stay active you must be an active staff member or student of the university. )] TJ ET BT 91.016 327.228 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(Licenses of the downloadable versions have to be refreshed on a monthly basis, otherwise it will stop working.)] TJ ET 85.866 319.055 m 85.866 319.468 85.696 319.877 85.404 320.169 c 85.113 320.461 84.703 320.630 84.291 320.630 c 83.878 320.630 83.469 320.461 83.177 320.169 c 82.885 319.877 82.716 319.468 82.716 319.055 c 82.716 318.643 82.885 318.233 83.177 317.942 c 83.469 317.650 83.878 317.480 84.291 317.480 c 84.703 317.480 85.113 317.650 85.404 317.942 c 85.696 318.233 85.866 318.643 85.866 319.055 c f BT 91.016 316.239 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(Mail: 50 GB mailbox in the cloud)] TJ ET 85.866 308.066 m 85.866 308.479 85.696 308.888 85.404 309.180 c 85.113 309.472 84.703 309.641 84.291 309.641 c 83.878 309.641 83.469 309.472 83.177 309.180 c 82.885 308.888 82.716 308.479 82.716 308.066 c 82.716 307.654 82.885 307.244 83.177 306.953 c 83.469 306.661 83.878 306.491 84.291 306.491 c 84.703 306.491 85.113 306.661 85.404 306.953 c 85.696 307.244 85.866 307.654 85.866 308.066 c f BT 91.016 305.250 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(Access to Microsoft Office365 online apps from any computer connected to the internet.)] TJ ET 85.866 297.077 m 85.866 297.490 85.696 297.899 85.404 298.191 c 85.113 298.483 84.703 298.652 84.291 298.652 c 83.878 298.652 83.469 298.483 83.177 298.191 c 82.885 297.899 82.716 297.490 82.716 297.077 c 82.716 296.665 82.885 296.255 83.177 295.964 c 83.469 295.672 83.878 295.502 84.291 295.502 c 84.703 295.502 85.113 295.672 85.404 295.964 c 85.696 296.255 85.866 296.665 85.866 297.077 c f BT 91.016 294.261 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(Calendar: online calendar)] TJ ET 85.866 286.088 m 85.866 286.501 85.696 286.910 85.404 287.202 c 85.113 287.494 84.703 287.663 84.291 287.663 c 83.878 287.663 83.469 287.494 83.177 287.202 c 82.885 286.910 82.716 286.501 82.716 286.088 c 82.716 285.676 82.885 285.266 83.177 284.975 c 83.469 284.683 83.878 284.513 84.291 284.513 c 84.703 284.513 85.113 284.683 85.404 284.975 c 85.696 285.266 85.866 285.676 85.866 286.088 c f BT 91.016 283.272 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(Word: online to access from any computer)] TJ ET 85.866 275.099 m 85.866 275.512 85.696 275.921 85.404 276.213 c 85.113 276.505 84.703 276.674 84.291 276.674 c 83.878 276.674 83.469 276.505 83.177 276.213 c 82.885 275.921 82.716 275.512 82.716 275.099 c 82.716 274.687 82.885 274.277 83.177 273.986 c 83.469 273.694 83.878 273.524 84.291 273.524 c 84.703 273.524 85.113 273.694 85.404 273.986 c 85.696 274.277 85.866 274.687 85.866 275.099 c f BT 91.016 272.283 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(Excel:  online to access from any computer)] TJ ET 85.866 264.110 m 85.866 264.523 85.696 264.932 85.404 265.224 c 85.113 265.516 84.703 265.685 84.291 265.685 c 83.878 265.685 83.469 265.516 83.177 265.224 c 82.885 264.932 82.716 264.523 82.716 264.110 c 82.716 263.698 82.885 263.288 83.177 262.997 c 83.469 262.705 83.878 262.535 84.291 262.535 c 84.703 262.535 85.113 262.705 85.404 262.997 c 85.696 263.288 85.866 263.698 85.866 264.110 c f BT 91.016 261.294 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(PowerPoint: online to access from any computer)] TJ ET 85.866 253.121 m 85.866 253.534 85.696 253.943 85.404 254.235 c 85.113 254.527 84.703 254.696 84.291 254.696 c 83.878 254.696 83.469 254.527 83.177 254.235 c 82.885 253.943 82.716 253.534 82.716 253.121 c 82.716 252.709 82.885 252.299 83.177 252.008 c 83.469 251.716 83.878 251.546 84.291 251.546 c 84.703 251.546 85.113 251.716 85.404 252.008 c 85.696 252.299 85.866 252.709 85.866 253.121 c f BT 91.016 250.305 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(People: online contacts)] TJ ET 85.866 242.132 m 85.866 242.545 85.696 242.954 85.404 243.246 c 85.113 243.538 84.703 243.707 84.291 243.707 c 83.878 243.707 83.469 243.538 83.177 243.246 c 82.885 242.954 82.716 242.545 82.716 242.132 c 82.716 241.720 82.885 241.310 83.177 241.019 c 83.469 240.727 83.878 240.557 84.291 240.557 c 84.703 240.557 85.113 240.727 85.404 241.019 c 85.696 241.310 85.866 241.720 85.866 242.132 c f BT 91.016 239.316 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(Planner: organise tasks and teamwork)] TJ ET 85.866 231.143 m 85.866 231.556 85.696 231.965 85.404 232.257 c 85.113 232.549 84.703 232.718 84.291 232.718 c 83.878 232.718 83.469 232.549 83.177 232.257 c 82.885 231.965 82.716 231.556 82.716 231.143 c 82.716 230.731 82.885 230.321 83.177 230.030 c 83.469 229.738 83.878 229.568 84.291 229.568 c 84.703 229.568 85.113 229.738 85.404 230.030 c 85.696 230.321 85.866 230.731 85.866 231.143 c f BT 91.016 228.327 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(OneDrive: 5TB online storage)] TJ ET 85.866 220.154 m 85.866 220.567 85.696 220.976 85.404 221.268 c 85.113 221.560 84.703 221.729 84.291 221.729 c 83.878 221.729 83.469 221.560 83.177 221.268 c 82.885 220.976 82.716 220.567 82.716 220.154 c 82.716 219.742 82.885 219.332 83.177 219.041 c 83.469 218.749 83.878 218.579 84.291 218.579 c 84.703 218.579 85.113 218.749 85.404 219.041 c 85.696 219.332 85.866 219.742 85.866 220.154 c f BT 91.016 217.338 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(Teams: collaboration)] TJ ET 85.866 209.165 m 85.866 209.578 85.696 209.987 85.404 210.279 c 85.113 210.571 84.703 210.740 84.291 210.740 c 83.878 210.740 83.469 210.571 83.177 210.279 c 82.885 209.987 82.716 209.578 82.716 209.165 c 82.716 208.753 82.885 208.343 83.177 208.052 c 83.469 207.760 83.878 207.590 84.291 207.590 c 84.703 207.590 85.113 207.760 85.404 208.052 c 85.696 208.343 85.866 208.753 85.866 209.165 c f BT 91.016 206.349 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(OneNote: digital notebook)] TJ ET 85.866 198.176 m 85.866 198.589 85.696 198.998 85.404 199.290 c 85.113 199.582 84.703 199.751 84.291 199.751 c 83.878 199.751 83.469 199.582 83.177 199.290 c 82.885 198.998 82.716 198.589 82.716 198.176 c 82.716 197.764 82.885 197.354 83.177 197.063 c 83.469 196.771 83.878 196.601 84.291 196.601 c 84.703 196.601 85.113 196.771 85.404 197.063 c 85.696 197.354 85.866 197.764 85.866 198.176 c f BT 91.016 195.360 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(Class Notebook: OneNote for classrooms)] TJ ET 85.866 187.187 m 85.866 187.600 85.696 188.009 85.404 188.301 c 85.113 188.593 84.703 188.762 84.291 188.762 c 83.878 188.762 83.469 188.593 83.177 188.301 c 82.885 188.009 82.716 187.600 82.716 187.187 c 82.716 186.775 82.885 186.365 83.177 186.074 c 83.469 185.782 83.878 185.612 84.291 185.612 c 84.703 185.612 85.113 185.782 85.404 186.074 c 85.696 186.365 85.866 186.775 85.866 187.187 c f BT 91.016 184.371 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(Sway: Create and share interactive reports, presentations, personal stories, and more.)] TJ ET 85.866 176.198 m 85.866 176.611 85.696 177.020 85.404 177.312 c 85.113 177.604 84.703 177.773 84.291 177.773 c 83.878 177.773 83.469 177.604 83.177 177.312 c 82.885 177.020 82.716 176.611 82.716 176.198 c 82.716 175.786 82.885 175.376 83.177 175.085 c 83.469 174.793 83.878 174.623 84.291 174.623 c 84.703 174.623 85.113 174.793 85.404 175.085 c 85.696 175.376 85.866 175.786 85.866 176.198 c f BT 91.016 173.382 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(Forms: build survey forms and easily share them with students, parents, and colleagues.)] TJ ET 85.866 165.209 m 85.866 165.622 85.696 166.031 85.404 166.323 c 85.113 166.615 84.703 166.784 84.291 166.784 c 83.878 166.784 83.469 166.615 83.177 166.323 c 82.885 166.031 82.716 165.622 82.716 165.209 c 82.716 164.797 82.885 164.387 83.177 164.096 c 83.469 163.804 83.878 163.634 84.291 163.634 c 84.703 163.634 85.113 163.804 85.404 164.096 c 85.696 164.387 85.866 164.797 85.866 165.209 c f BT 91.016 162.393 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(Tasks: schedule tasks)] TJ ET 85.866 154.220 m 85.866 154.633 85.696 155.042 85.404 155.334 c 85.113 155.626 84.703 155.795 84.291 155.795 c 83.878 155.795 83.469 155.626 83.177 155.334 c 82.885 155.042 82.716 154.633 82.716 154.220 c 82.716 153.808 82.885 153.398 83.177 153.107 c 83.469 152.815 83.878 152.645 84.291 152.645 c 84.703 152.645 85.113 152.815 85.404 153.107 c 85.696 153.398 85.866 153.808 85.866 154.220 c f BT 91.016 151.404 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(Video: scalable, easy-to-use portal for uploading and sharing your corporate videos.)] TJ ET 85.866 143.231 m 85.866 143.644 85.696 144.053 85.404 144.345 c 85.113 144.637 84.703 144.806 84.291 144.806 c 83.878 144.806 83.469 144.637 83.177 144.345 c 82.885 144.053 82.716 143.644 82.716 143.231 c 82.716 142.819 82.885 142.409 83.177 142.118 c 83.469 141.826 83.878 141.656 84.291 141.656 c 84.703 141.656 85.113 141.826 85.404 142.118 c 85.696 142.409 85.866 142.819 85.866 143.231 c f BT 91.016 140.415 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(SharePoint: online storage and sharing of files)] TJ ET 85.866 132.242 m 85.866 132.655 85.696 133.064 85.404 133.356 c 85.113 133.648 84.703 133.817 84.291 133.817 c 83.878 133.817 83.469 133.648 83.177 133.356 c 82.885 133.064 82.716 132.655 82.716 132.242 c 82.716 131.830 82.885 131.420 83.177 131.129 c 83.469 130.837 83.878 130.667 84.291 130.667 c 84.703 130.667 85.113 130.837 85.404 131.129 c 85.696 131.420 85.866 131.830 85.866 132.242 c f BT 91.016 129.426 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(Yammer: collaboration tool that helps you and your teams stay on top of it all. Start conversations, work together )] TJ ET BT 91.016 118.437 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(on files, and organise around projects.)] TJ ET BT 61.016 98.448 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(What is the difference between the cloud and your PC?)] TJ ET BT 61.016 78.459 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(After moving to the cloud you will have both data locally on your PC, on the network \(G and H: drives\), but you will also )] TJ ET endstream endobj 8 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /Name /F1 /BaseFont /Helvetica-Bold /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding >> endobj 9 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /Name /F2 /BaseFont /Helvetica /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding >> endobj 10 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /Name /F3 /BaseFont /Helvetica-BoldOblique /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding >> endobj 11 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /Name /F4 /BaseFont /Helvetica-Oblique /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding >> endobj 12 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /A 13 0 R /Border [0 0 0] /H /I /Rect [ 341.6177 543.2116 371.6327 552.3691 ] >> endobj 13 0 obj << /Type /Action /S /URI /URI (http://searchwindevelopment.techtarget.com/definition/Internet) >> endobj 14 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /A 15 0 R /Border [0 0 0] /H /I /Rect [ 505.7327 510.2446 528.7367 519.4021 ] >> endobj 15 0 obj << /Type /Action /S /URI /URI (http://blogs.sun.ac.za/it/en/?s=cloud) >> endobj 16 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /A 17 0 R /Border [0 0 0] /H /I /Rect [ 61.0157 499.2556 143.5547 508.4131 ] >> endobj 17 0 obj << /Type /Action /S /URI /URI (http://blogs.sun.ac.za/it/en/?s=cloud) >> endobj 18 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 3 0 R /Contents 19 0 R >> endobj 19 0 obj << /Length 11814 >> stream 0.400 0.400 0.400 rg 0.400 0.400 0.400 RG 0.18 w 0 J [ ] 0 d 0.702 0.800 0.816 rg 34.016 34.016 543.969 723.969 re f 1.000 1.000 1.000 rg 45.266 63.418 521.469 694.566 re f 0.773 0.773 0.773 rg 0.773 0.773 0.773 RG 566.734 757.984 m 566.734 63.418 l 565.984 63.418 l 565.984 757.984 l f 45.266 757.984 m 45.266 63.418 l 46.016 63.418 l 46.016 757.984 l f 0.400 0.400 0.400 rg BT 61.016 749.193 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(have data on the cloud. The same goes for your applications. You will be able to have some applications locally on your )] TJ ET BT 61.016 738.204 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(PC, while others will be cloud-based. Data on the cloud will be the primary source, while the copies on your PC and )] TJ ET BT 61.016 727.215 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(network drives are synced versions.)] TJ ET BT 61.016 707.226 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(The same applies to your Office365 applications. For this reason, it's important that you keep track of where you save your )] TJ ET BT 61.016 696.237 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(data. )] TJ ET BT 61.016 676.248 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(IMPORTANT: SU copyright agreements do not extend to storing and sharing of documents protected under the copyright )] TJ ET BT 61.016 665.259 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(law on OneDrive for business, SharePoint online or any other public store spaces.)] TJ ET BT 61.016 643.470 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(What are the advantages of cloud services?)] TJ ET BT 248.576 643.470 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [( )] TJ ET 0.400 0.400 0.400 RG 85.866 626.297 m 85.866 626.710 85.696 627.119 85.404 627.411 c 85.113 627.703 84.703 627.872 84.291 627.872 c 83.878 627.872 83.469 627.703 83.177 627.411 c 82.885 627.119 82.716 626.710 82.716 626.297 c 82.716 625.885 82.885 625.475 83.177 625.184 c 83.469 624.892 83.878 624.722 84.291 624.722 c 84.703 624.722 85.113 624.892 85.404 625.184 c 85.696 625.475 85.866 625.885 85.866 626.297 c f BT 91.016 623.481 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(More storage space available, up to 5TB on OneDrive and 50GB on Outlook.)] TJ ET 85.866 615.308 m 85.866 615.721 85.696 616.130 85.404 616.422 c 85.113 616.714 84.703 616.883 84.291 616.883 c 83.878 616.883 83.469 616.714 83.177 616.422 c 82.885 616.130 82.716 615.721 82.716 615.308 c 82.716 614.896 82.885 614.486 83.177 614.195 c 83.469 613.903 83.878 613.733 84.291 613.733 c 84.703 613.733 85.113 613.903 85.404 614.195 c 85.696 614.486 85.866 614.896 85.866 615.308 c f BT 91.016 612.492 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(Your data is available from anywhere, anytime, on any device. You'll always have access to your data if you have )] TJ ET BT 91.016 601.503 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(an internet connection.)] TJ ET 85.866 593.330 m 85.866 593.743 85.696 594.152 85.404 594.444 c 85.113 594.736 84.703 594.905 84.291 594.905 c 83.878 594.905 83.469 594.736 83.177 594.444 c 82.885 594.152 82.716 593.743 82.716 593.330 c 82.716 592.918 82.885 592.508 83.177 592.217 c 83.469 591.925 83.878 591.755 84.291 591.755 c 84.703 591.755 85.113 591.925 85.404 592.217 c 85.696 592.508 85.866 592.918 85.866 593.330 c f BT 91.016 590.514 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(Your information is also safely stored, even if you lose one of your devices.  )] TJ ET BT 61.016 570.525 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(What are the disadvantages of cloud services? )] TJ ET BT 264.083 570.525 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [( )] TJ ET 85.866 553.352 m 85.866 553.765 85.696 554.174 85.404 554.466 c 85.113 554.758 84.703 554.927 84.291 554.927 c 83.878 554.927 83.469 554.758 83.177 554.466 c 82.885 554.174 82.716 553.765 82.716 553.352 c 82.716 552.940 82.885 552.530 83.177 552.239 c 83.469 551.947 83.878 551.777 84.291 551.777 c 84.703 551.777 85.113 551.947 85.404 552.239 c 85.696 552.530 85.866 552.940 85.866 553.352 c f BT 91.016 550.536 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(Familiarise yourself with copyright regulations. Make sure you know what you are allowed to store and share )] TJ ET BT 91.016 539.547 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(online.  SU copyright agreements do not extend to storing of documents protected under the copyright law on )] TJ ET BT 91.016 528.558 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(OneDrive for business or any other public store space.)] TJ ET 85.866 520.385 m 85.866 520.798 85.696 521.207 85.404 521.499 c 85.113 521.791 84.703 521.960 84.291 521.960 c 83.878 521.960 83.469 521.791 83.177 521.499 c 82.885 521.207 82.716 520.798 82.716 520.385 c 82.716 519.973 82.885 519.563 83.177 519.272 c 83.469 518.980 83.878 518.810 84.291 518.810 c 84.703 518.810 85.113 518.980 85.404 519.272 c 85.696 519.563 85.866 519.973 85.866 520.385 c f BT 91.016 517.569 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(You are entirely responsible for your own information. Be careful who you give rights and access to, as it will )] TJ ET BT 91.016 506.580 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(compromise your information if it's visible to other people.)] TJ ET 85.866 498.407 m 85.866 498.820 85.696 499.229 85.404 499.521 c 85.113 499.813 84.703 499.982 84.291 499.982 c 83.878 499.982 83.469 499.813 83.177 499.521 c 82.885 499.229 82.716 498.820 82.716 498.407 c 82.716 497.995 82.885 497.585 83.177 497.294 c 83.469 497.002 83.878 496.832 84.291 496.832 c 84.703 496.832 85.113 497.002 85.404 497.294 c 85.696 497.585 85.866 497.995 85.866 498.407 c f BT 91.016 495.591 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(You are responsible for synchronisation between online and local data. Synchronisation between online and local )] TJ ET BT 91.016 484.602 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(information needs to be set up correctly and done on a regular basis.)] TJ ET 85.866 476.429 m 85.866 476.842 85.696 477.251 85.404 477.543 c 85.113 477.835 84.703 478.004 84.291 478.004 c 83.878 478.004 83.469 477.835 83.177 477.543 c 82.885 477.251 82.716 476.842 82.716 476.429 c 82.716 476.017 82.885 475.607 83.177 475.316 c 83.469 475.024 83.878 474.854 84.291 474.854 c 84.703 474.854 85.113 475.024 85.404 475.316 c 85.696 475.607 85.866 476.017 85.866 476.429 c f BT 91.016 473.613 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(Keep in mind that access to cloud services when on campus will not incur any costs, but if you work from home )] TJ ET BT 91.016 462.624 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(your own data will be utilised.)] TJ ET 85.866 454.451 m 85.866 454.864 85.696 455.273 85.404 455.565 c 85.113 455.857 84.703 456.026 84.291 456.026 c 83.878 456.026 83.469 455.857 83.177 455.565 c 82.885 455.273 82.716 454.864 82.716 454.451 c 82.716 454.039 82.885 453.629 83.177 453.338 c 83.469 453.046 83.878 452.876 84.291 452.876 c 84.703 452.876 85.113 453.046 85.404 453.338 c 85.696 453.629 85.866 454.039 85.866 454.451 c f BT 91.016 451.635 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(It is very important that you keep your private usernames, passwords and information separate from your official )] TJ ET BT 91.016 440.646 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(work, to prevent your data from getting mixed up.)] TJ ET 85.866 432.473 m 85.866 432.886 85.696 433.295 85.404 433.587 c 85.113 433.879 84.703 434.048 84.291 434.048 c 83.878 434.048 83.469 433.879 83.177 433.587 c 82.885 433.295 82.716 432.886 82.716 432.473 c 82.716 432.061 82.885 431.651 83.177 431.360 c 83.469 431.068 83.878 430.898 84.291 430.898 c 84.703 430.898 85.113 431.068 85.404 431.360 c 85.696 431.651 85.866 432.061 85.866 432.473 c f BT 91.016 429.657 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(Having access to the cloud from any computer makes your digital identification vulnerable, do not use computers )] TJ ET BT 91.016 418.668 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(you do not trust to access your cloud services.)] TJ ET BT 61.016 398.679 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(What if I have been using OneDrive personal, Dropbox and other cloud storage options? )] TJ ET BT 61.016 378.690 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(You can keep on using them, but it is very important that you only use these storage options for your personal data.)] TJ ET BT 61.016 358.701 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(OneDrive for business and SharePoint online is available under of the US MS Licence agreement for storage and sharing )] TJ ET BT 61.016 347.712 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(of institutional data. The storage and sharing of institutional data are not allowed on Dropbox, OneDrive personal or any )] TJ ET BT 61.016 336.723 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(other cloud storage. IMPORTANT: SU copyright agreements do not extend to storing and sharing of documents protected )] TJ ET BT 61.016 325.734 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(under the copyright law on OneDrive for business, SharePoint online or any other public store spaces.)] TJ ET BT 61.016 305.745 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(What is the difference between the storage options?)] TJ ET BT 284.558 305.745 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [( )] TJ ET BT 287.060 305.745 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [( )] TJ ET BT 63.266 269.762 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [( )] TJ ET BT 138.266 269.012 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(ONEDRIVE)] TJ ET BT 223.766 274.506 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(ONEDRIVE FOR )] TJ ET BT 223.766 263.517 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(BUSINESS)] TJ ET BT 307.016 274.506 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(SHAREPOINT )] TJ ET BT 307.016 263.517 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(ONLINE)] TJ ET BT 404.516 269.012 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(DROPBOX)] TJ ET BT 497.516 269.012 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(GOOGLE DRIVE)] TJ ET BT 613.016 269.762 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [( )] TJ ET BT 63.266 231.528 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(PURPOSE)] TJ ET BT 138.266 231.528 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(Personal)] TJ ET BT 223.766 231.528 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(Business)] TJ ET BT 307.016 231.528 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(Business)] TJ ET BT 404.516 231.528 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(Personal)] TJ ET BT 497.516 231.528 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(Personal)] TJ ET BT 613.016 240.650 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [( )] TJ ET BT 613.016 223.906 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [( )] TJ ET BT 63.266 194.045 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(MANAGED BY)] TJ ET BT 138.266 194.045 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(You \(private\))] TJ ET BT 223.766 194.045 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(You \(business\))] TJ ET BT 307.016 199.539 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(Teamsite owner, )] TJ ET BT 307.016 188.550 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(moderator \(business\))] TJ ET BT 404.516 194.045 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(You \(private\))] TJ ET BT 497.516 194.045 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(You \(private\))] TJ ET BT 613.016 194.795 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [( )] TJ ET BT 63.266 158.061 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(WHAT DATA )] TJ ET BT 63.266 147.072 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(SHOULD I )] TJ ET BT 63.266 136.083 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(STORE HERE?)] TJ ET BT 138.266 158.061 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(Personal files )] TJ ET BT 138.266 147.072 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(\(photos of your pet, )] TJ ET BT 138.266 136.083 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(last holiday, etc.\))] TJ ET BT 223.766 158.061 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(Work files)] TJ ET BT 223.766 147.072 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(\(e.g. Word or Excel )] TJ ET BT 223.766 136.083 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(docs, PDF's, etc.\))] TJ ET BT 307.016 158.061 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(Your teams')] TJ ET BT 307.016 147.072 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(collabrative files, big )] TJ ET BT 307.016 136.083 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(data files, etc.)] TJ ET BT 404.516 158.061 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(Personal files)] TJ ET BT 404.516 147.072 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(\()] TJ ET BT 407.513 147.072 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(photos of your pet, )] TJ ET BT 404.516 136.083 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(last holiday etc.\))] TJ ET BT 497.516 152.567 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(Personal files)] TJ ET BT 556.043 152.567 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [( \(photos of )] TJ ET BT 497.516 141.578 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(your pet, last holiday etc.\))] TJ ET BT 613.016 147.822 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [( )] TJ ET BT 63.266 104.094 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(HOW MUCH )] TJ ET BT 63.266 93.105 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(STORAGE )] TJ ET BT 63.266 82.116 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(SPACE?)] TJ ET BT 138.266 104.094 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(5GB \(more if you )] TJ ET BT 138.266 93.105 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(created an account )] TJ ET BT 138.266 82.116 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(before Feb'16\))] TJ ET BT 223.766 93.105 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(5TB)] TJ ET BT 307.016 104.094 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(Limited by your )] TJ ET BT 307.016 93.105 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(imagination or work )] TJ ET BT 307.016 82.116 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(needs.)] TJ ET BT 404.516 98.600 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(First 5GB free, then )] TJ ET BT 404.516 87.611 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(pay as you need.)] TJ ET BT 497.516 98.600 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(First 15GB free, then pay )] TJ ET BT 497.516 87.611 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(as you need.)] TJ ET BT 613.016 107.722 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [( )] TJ ET BT 613.016 79.988 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [( )] TJ ET endstream endobj 20 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 3 0 R /Contents 21 0 R >> endobj 21 0 obj << /Length 1960 >> stream 0.400 0.400 0.400 rg 0.400 0.400 0.400 RG 0.18 w 0 J [ ] 0 d 0.702 0.800 0.816 rg 34.016 34.016 543.969 723.969 re f 1.000 1.000 1.000 rg 45.266 549.276 521.469 208.709 re f 0.773 0.773 0.773 rg 0.773 0.773 0.773 RG 45.266 549.276 m 566.734 549.276 l 565.984 550.026 l 46.016 550.026 l f 566.734 757.984 m 566.734 549.276 l 565.984 550.026 l 565.984 757.984 l f 45.266 757.984 m 45.266 549.276 l 46.016 550.026 l 46.016 757.984 l f 0.400 0.400 0.400 rg BT 63.266 736.443 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(FILE SHARING?)] TJ ET BT 138.266 729.299 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(Yes, similar to )] TJ ET BT 138.266 718.310 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(Google Drive or )] TJ ET BT 138.266 707.321 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(DropBox.)] TJ ET BT 223.766 734.794 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(Yes. You manage )] TJ ET BT 223.766 723.805 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(the share \(security\) )] TJ ET BT 223.766 712.816 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(of file/folder. )] TJ ET BT 223.766 701.827 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(Simple versioning.)] TJ ET BT 307.016 734.794 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(Yes, team collab )] TJ ET BT 307.016 723.805 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(space; managed by )] TJ ET BT 307.016 712.816 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(moderators. Most )] TJ ET BT 307.016 701.827 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(granular and secure.)] TJ ET BT 404.516 718.310 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(Yes, very simple.)] TJ ET BT 497.516 718.310 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(Yes, very simple.)] TJ ET BT 613.016 736.499 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [( )] TJ ET BT 613.016 701.621 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [( )] TJ ET BT 61.016 668.938 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [(Do I still have to back up my data if it's stored in the cloud?)] TJ ET BT 61.016 647.149 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(Yes, it's always beneficial to have more than one backup of your data, preferably in different locations.)] TJ ET BT 61.016 627.160 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tRqs368GgA)] TJ ET BT 61.016 596.701 Td /F3 9.0 Tf [( )] TJ ET BT 61.016 578.212 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [( )] TJ ET BT 61.016 567.223 Td /F4 9.0 Tf [(Posted in:Apps,Connectivity,General | Tagged:Office 365 | With 0 comments)] TJ ET endstream endobj xref 0 22 0000000000 65535 f 0000000008 00000 n 0000000073 00000 n 0000000119 00000 n 0000000319 00000 n 0000000348 00000 n 0000000483 00000 n 0000000579 00000 n 0000013417 00000 n 0000013529 00000 n 0000013636 00000 n 0000013756 00000 n 0000013872 00000 n 0000014000 00000 n 0000014114 00000 n 0000014242 00000 n 0000014331 00000 n 0000014458 00000 n 0000014547 00000 n 0000014612 00000 n 0000026480 00000 n 0000026545 00000 n trailer << /Size 22 /Root 1 0 R /Info 5 0 R >> startxref 28558 %%EOF Apps « Informasietegnologie
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What is Microsoft Office 365?

Monday, June 5th, 2017

What is the cloud?

Cloud services is a broad description for IT services provided over the internet. Your services aren’t hosted on your system at work or home, but it’s located and managed remotely. Many services today use the Cloud, for example some e-mail services (e.g. Gmail), data storage (e.g. Dropbox) or photo storage (e.g. Flickr) Because it is is located online or ‘in the cloud’, you can access it from virtually anywhere on any device as long as you have an Internet connection. More articles on the cloud.

What is Microsoft Office 365?

Office 365 is an online, cloud-based application of the Microsoft Office products, which includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Outlook, Publisher and Access (Publisher and Access are available on PC only) available to staff and students with an active role. 

What do I get?

  • Five downloadable versions of Office365 for personal devices, for example, laptops, tablets and smartphones. This does NOT include asset number devices. 
    IMPORTANT: For the versions to stay active you must be an active staff member or student of the university. Licenses of the downloadable versions have to be refreshed on a monthly basis, otherwise it will stop working.
  • Mail: 50 GB mailbox in the cloud
  • Access to Microsoft Office365 online apps from any computer connected to the internet.
  • Calendar: online calendar
  • Word: online to access from any computer
  • Excel:  online to access from any computer
  • PowerPoint: online to access from any computer
  • People: online contacts
  • Planner: organise tasks and teamwork
  • OneDrive: 5TB online storage
  • Teams: collaboration
  • OneNote: digital notebook
  • Class Notebook: OneNote for classrooms
  • Sway: Create and share interactive reports, presentations, personal stories, and more.
  • Forms: build survey forms and easily share them with students, parents, and colleagues.
  • Tasks: schedule tasks
  • Video: scalable, easy-to-use portal for uploading and sharing your corporate videos.
  • SharePoint: online storage and sharing of files
  • Yammer: collaboration tool that helps you and your teams stay on top of it all. Start conversations, work together on files, and organise around projects.

What is the difference between the cloud and your PC?

After moving to the cloud you will have both data locally on your PC, on the network (G and H: drives), but you will also have data on the cloud. The same goes for your applications. You will be able to have some applications locally on your PC, while others will be cloud-based. Data on the cloud will be the primary source, while the copies on your PC and network drives are synced versions.

The same applies to your Office365 applications. For this reason, it’s important that you keep track of where you save your data. 

IMPORTANT: SU copyright agreements do not extend to storing and sharing of documents protected under the copyright law on OneDrive for business, SharePoint online or any other public store spaces.

What are the advantages of cloud services? 

  • More storage space available, up to 5TB on OneDrive and 50GB on Outlook.
  • Your data is available from anywhere, anytime, on any device. You’ll always have access to your data if you have an internet connection.
  • Your information is also safely stored, even if you lose one of your devices.  

What are the disadvantages of cloud services?  

  • Familiarise yourself with copyright regulations. Make sure you know what you are allowed to store and share online.  SU copyright agreements do not extend to storing of documents protected under the copyright law on OneDrive for business or any other public store space.
  • You are entirely responsible for your own information. Be careful who you give rights and access to, as it will compromise your information if it’s visible to other people.
  • You are responsible for synchronisation between online and local data. Synchronisation between online and local information needs to be set up correctly and done on a regular basis.
  • Keep in mind that access to cloud services when on campus will not incur any costs, but if you work from home your own data will be utilised.
  • It is very important that you keep your private usernames, passwords and information separate from your official work, to prevent your data from getting mixed up.
  • Having access to the cloud from any computer makes your digital identification vulnerable, do not use computers you do not trust to access your cloud services.

What if I have been using OneDrive personal, Dropbox and other cloud storage options? 

You can keep on using them, but it is very important that you only use these storage options for your personal data.

OneDrive for business and SharePoint online is available under of the US MS Licence agreement for storage and sharing of institutional data. The storage and sharing of institutional data are not allowed on Dropbox, OneDrive personal or any other cloud storage. IMPORTANT: SU copyright agreements do not extend to storing and sharing of documents protected under the copyright law on OneDrive for business, SharePoint online or any other public store spaces.

What is the difference between the storage options?  
















You (private)

You (business)

Teamsite owner, moderator (business)

You (private)

You (private)



Personal files
(photos of your pet, last holiday, etc.)

Work files
(e.g. Word or Excel docs, PDF’s, etc.)

Your teams’ collabrative files, big data files, etc.

Personal files
photos of your pet, last holiday etc.)

Personal files (photos of your pet, last holiday etc.)



5GB (more if you created an account before Feb’16)


Limited by your imagination or work needs.

First 5GB free, then pay as you need.

First 15GB free, then pay as you need.



Yes, similar to Google Drive or DropBox.

Yes. You manage the share (security) of file/folder. Simple versioning.

Yes, team collab space; managed by moderators. Most granular and secure.

Yes, very simple.

Yes, very simple.


Do I still have to back up my data if it’s stored in the cloud?

Yes, it’s always beneficial to have more than one backup of your data, preferably in different locations.



New SUNLearn mobile app available for download

Wednesday, April 26th, 2017

Information Technology has developed a new SUNLearn mobile app which is now available for download. The app can be downloaded for Android, as well as iOS devices. It can also be downloaded by scanning the QR code to the right.  

SUNLearn is Stellenbosch University’s blended-learning platform. It is an open source, powerful, flexible and mobile-ready blended learning platform for learning and teaching. The system is easy to learn and use for both staff and students and an extensive user guide is also available. 

The SUNLearn mobile app can be used to:

– browse the content of your courses, even when offline,
– receive instant notifications of messages and other events,
– quickly find and contact other people in your courses,
– upload images, audio, videos and other files from your mobile device,
– view your course grades, etc.

Full features can be seen here.

Students who are new to the system can go to the Student training link where they will find various resources, videos and self-help guides. Keep in mind that when you use the SUNLearn mobile app on campus via Maties WiFi or the network, you will not be charged for any data and you will not need Inetkey for access.

The SUNLearn support team can be reached at learn@sun.ac.za or 021-808 2222.

Calling all reluctant designers

Monday, April 24th, 2017

Whether you are a professional, aspiring or reluctant designer, occasionally you have to rustle up a poster, flyer, ad or some form of graphic representation.

Canva an Australian company, was founded in 2012 to easily create graphic designs for whatever purpose.

The web site rapidly became popular, with more than 750,000 users in its first year. It currently has over 10 million users across 179 countries. It’s also considered to be one of the easiest graphic design platforms available at the moment. 

Canva is considered to be one of the easiest (according to some THE easiest) graphic design platforms currently available. One of the biggest challenges with graphic design is learning to use software like Adobe Photoshop, a fairly complicated programme. Canva eliminates this learning process and doesn’t expect you to be an expert designer to use it. How is this possible?

One way with which Canva simplifies the design process is by using an easy, intuitive drag and drop system which makes adding, removing, and editing elements extremely easy. You can choose between 11 available templates or customise your document from scratch. It also provides over 8,000 free and paid layouts.

Additionally, it offers a free photo editing tool, colour palette generator, and font combination tool, along with a database of over a million photographs, graphics and fonts. Many of the images are for the Premium package, which will cost you $1 per image, but you can easily upload and use your own images.

All these tools can be used for both web and print media design and graphics. Canva is free for individuals, but also offers a ‘Team’ tier at $12.45/month,


Good news for MATLAB fans

Monday, April 24th, 2017

MATLAB and Simulink are fundamental computational tools used at educational institutions worldwide. More than 500 universities have instituted a Total Academic Headcount (TAH) site license, including one-third of the top 300 universities worldwide and 23 of the top 25 universities.

Today, MATLAB and Simulink are an integral part of the curriculum at the SUN. The tools are used for teaching and research across several academic disciplines such as Geography, Agriculture, Economics, Biology, Informatics, Psychology, Math, Statistics and Physics, in addition to the engineering disciplines. The university provides lab room access via 8 different classroom licenses servers to be used by students on university owned machines. Researcher access is provided by a number of installs: 6 network servers provide 35 concurrent users, 8 group licenses with 79 users and 35 individual licenses.

Students who use MATLAB and Simulink establish a foundation for learning that serves them through their university years and prepares them for careers in engineering but also in areas such as biology, science, finance, and math. Faculty employ MATLAB and Simulink to engage students in coursework and research by providing a flexible environment for teaching, applying algorithms and models, and exploring data. Students can apply theory to real-world problems within a broad range of student- oriented research much in line with the big trends towards active learning i.e. PBL and CDIO.

Stellenbosch University has a Total Academic Headcount (TAH) license for MATLAB, Simulink, and add-on products. Faculty, researchers, and students may use these products for teaching, research, and learning. The license allows individuals to install the products on university-owned equipment, as well as personally owned computers.

To obtain an individual license for laptops and home PC’s:

Option 1 – On campus download – Click here for instructions.
Option 2 – Off campus download from Mathworks Website. Click here for instructions.

Learn About Capabilities and Using the Software

Use the TAH Resource Kit to find tutorials, webinars, teaching materials, books, and more to help you use MATLAB and Simulink. When you access these resources from the resource kit, you bypass registration forms.

Note that your MathWorks account gives you access to FREE online training with theMATLAB Onramp, as well as access to online assignments through Cody Coursework.

Empower Yourself With MathWorks tools

Visit the MathWorks for Education website at mathworks.com/academia
Visit the MathWorks Academy site for FREE online course at matlabacademy.mathworks.com


Connect to MATLAB from your iPhone, iPad, or Android device.mathworks.com/products/matlab-mobile.html

Need Assistance?
E-mail: ithub@sun.ac.za

[Information supplied by Kirsten Smith, Application Engineering Manager at MATLAB]

Whatsapp scams

Wednesday, November 23rd, 2016

WhatsApp is a popular communication tool, used by students and personnel every day. On the downside, it provides cyber criminals with another way to convince you to part with your well-earned money and unfortunately it’s usually quite convincing.

WhatsApp scams come in many different forms and are often very convincing. Just make sure that you stay vigilant and don’t fall for anything that seems too good or too worrying to be true. Just because a friend or a family member sends you something, it doesn’t mean that it is safe.

Voucher scams

A message arrives in your WhatsApp from someone who looks like your friend, recommending a deal they’ve found. The messages usually come with a link that actually takes you to another website and tricks you into giving your personal information. Don’t ever click a link you’re not sure of and certainly don’t ever hand over personal information to a website you haven’t checked.

WhatsApp shutting down

There are many fake messages claiming that WhatsApp is going to end unless enough people share a certain message. The messages often look convincing, claiming to come from the CEO or another official. They’re written using the right words and phrases and look like an official statement. Any official statement wouldn’t need users to send it to everyone like a round robin. You would either see it in the news or it’ll come up as a proper notification in the app from the actual WhatsApp team.

WhatsApp threatening to shut down your account

This is very similar to the previous scam. It looks like an official message that claims that people’s WhatsApp accounts are being shut down for being inactive. Sending the message on will prove that it’s actually being used and often instructs people to pass it along.

WhatsApp forcing you to pay

Similar to the previous scam, with the only difference being that the message supposedly exempts you from having to pay for your account – if you send it on to other people.

WhatsApp Gold or WhatsApp Premium

The claim suggests that people pay for or download a special version of WhatsApp, usually called Gold or Premium. It offers a range of exciting-sounding features, like the ability to send more pictures, use new emoji or add extra security features. The problem is that it is far from secure. Downloading the app infects people’s phones with malware that use the phone to send more fake messages at the cost of the original victim.

Emails from WhatsApp

Spam e-mails are bad enough. E-mails plus WhatsApp is even worse. There’s a range of scams out there that send people e-mails that look like they’ve come from WhatsApp, usually looking like a notification for a missed voice call or voicemail. But when you click through, you will end up getting tricked into giving over your information, passphrases etc. Don’t ever click on an e-mail from a questionable sender. WhatsApp doesn’t send you e-mails including information about missed calls or voicemails.

Fake WhatsApp spying apps

Currently, it is not possible to let people spy on other’s conversations on WhatsApp, because it has end-to-end encryption enabled, which ensures that messages can only be read by the phones that send and receive them. These scam apps encourage people to download something that isn’t actually real and force people to pay money for malware, or actually read your chats once they’ve got onto your phone.

Lastly – 

Hopefully, you have  already blocked sharing your WhatsApp details with Facebook (telephone number, name etc. and allowing Facebook to suggest phone contacts as friends) and Facebook will not be able to  make your WhatsApp account accessible to the 13 million South African Facebook users.

There are some details about this controversial policy change by WhatsApp on the following page: http://www.mirror.co.uk/tech/you-can-stop-whatsapp-sharing-8893949






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