Professor emeritus/ Emeritus professor
BA (Regte) (Stell); LLB, LLM (RAU); LLD (UNISA)
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Karin Calitz is professor emeritus in Mercantile Law at Stellenbosch University. She studied at Stellenbosch University and the University of Johannesburg and obtained the LLD degree at the University of South Africa in 1999. Her doctoral thesis dealt with the unsatisfactory labour law position of farmworkers in South Africa. She lectured at Vista University in Pretoria before her appointment at Stellenbosch University. She specialises in labour law and within this field her research focusses on vulnerable groups, namely farmworkers, domestic workers, children and women. She has published on, inter alia: the vicarious liability of employers for sexual harassment; child labour; contracts in restraint of trade; the employment position of minsters of religion; collective bargaining; the effect of globalisation on the rights of workers; and international employment contracts. She is a NRF evaluated researcher on level C. Fields of specialisation Labour Law Social Security Law Modules taught Labour Law 311 (LLB) Advanced Labour Law 441 (LLB) Employment Rights (LLM) International Labour and Social Security Law (LLM) Selected Issues in Collective Labour Law (LLM)
Karin Calitz is ‘n emeritus professor in Handelsreg aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch. (US). Sy het aan die US en die Universiteit van Johannesburg gestudeer en het die graad LLD in 1999 aan die Universiteit van Suid-Afrika verwerf. Haar doktorale tesis het gehandel oor die onbevredigende arbeidsregtelike posisie van plaaswerkers. Sy was ‘n dosent aan Vista Universiteit voordat sy by die Universiteit van Stellenbosch aangestel is. Sy spesialiseer in arbeidsreg en spesialiseer binne hierdie veld op kwesbare groepe, naamlik plaaswerkers, huiswerkers, kinders en vroue. Sy het inter alia gepubliseer oor: die middellike aanspreeklikheid van werkgewers vir seksuele teistering; kinderarbeid; mededingingsklousules; die diensverhouding van predikante; kollektiewe bedinging; die effek van globalisering op die regte van werkers; en internasionale dienskontrakte. Sy is n NNS gevalueerde navorser op vlak C. Areas van belangstelling Arbeidsreg Sosiale Sekerheidsreg Modules aangebied Arbeidsreg 311 (LLB) Gevorderde Arbeidsreg 441 (LLB) Employment Rights (LLM) International Labour and Social Security Law (LLM) Selected Issues in Collective Labour Law (LLM)
Chapter in book/Hoofstuk in boeke
- K Calitz “The Failure of the Minimum Age Conventions to Eradicate Child Labour in Developing Countries with Particular Reference to the South African Development Community” in O Dupper, A Govindjee & Marius Olivier (eds) International Labour and Social security Law: International , Regional and National Perspectives Juta 2013 125-140.
- K Calitz “Basic conditions of employment” in Van der Walt, le Roux and Govindjee (eds) Labour Law in Context Pearson 2012 (updated version to be published in 2016).
- K Calitz ‘Unfair labour practices’ in Van der Walt, le Roux and Govindjee (eds) Labour Law in Context Pearson 2012 (updated version to be published in 2016).
- K Calitz, B Grant et al “Unemployment Benefits” in Olivier et al (eds) Social Security Law:General Principles 1999.
Journal articles/Joernaalartikels
- K Calitz “May an employer dismiss and employee if the disciplinary chair imposed a lesser sanction? South African Revenue Service v Commission for Conciliation, Mediation Arbitration (2017) 38 ILJ 97 (CC)” 2019 (2) Stell Law Review (Forthcoming).
- K Calitz “Sexual harassment : Why do the victims so often resign? E v Ikwezi Municipality (2016 37 (ILJ) 1799 (ECG)” 2019 (1) PELJ.
- K Calitz Contracting out of the Labour Relations Act: Vermooten v Department of Public Enterprises (2017) 38 ILJ 607 (LAC) MercLJ 2018 (3).
- K Calitz “The precarious position of Minsters of Religion: Servants of God but not of the church” 2017(2) Stell LR 287.
- Kitty Malherbe & Karin Calitz “ The expediency of including claims for disablement based on sexual harassment as compensable in terms of South African workers’ compensation legislation?” Stell LReview 2016 (3).
- K Calitz “Violent, frequent and lengthy strikes in South Africa: Is the use of replacement labour part of the problem?” SA Merc law Journal (2016) 3.
- K Calitz “The extension of bargaining council agreements to non-parties” 2015(1) SA Merc Law Journal 1-31.
- K Calitz “Vicarious liability of the church for the historical sexual assault of children by priests” PER 2014 17(6) 2452-2485.
- K Calitz & C Garbers “Labour Law” in Botha, Heaton & Shcultze (eds) Annual Survey of South African Law 2012 Juta 2014 535-601.
- K Calitz & C Garbers “A Comparative Perspective on the Application of Domestic Labour Legislation in International Employment Disputes” 2013 (3) Stell LR 538-561.
- K Calitz& R Conradie “Should Teachers have the right to strike? The expediency of declaring the education sector an essential service” 2013 (1) Stell LR124-145.
- K Calitz “Will the 2012 Amendments to the Labour Relations Act Solve the Problems with Minimum Service Agreements in Eskom Holdings Ltd v NUM?” 2012 (4) SA Merc LJ 438-448.
- K Calitz “The jurisdiction of the Labour Court in international employment contracts in respect of workplaces outside South Africa” Obiter 2011 (32) (3) 678-696.
- K Calitz “Die tweede trauma van slagoffers van seksuele teistering by die werkplek: Indie steek gelaat deur bestuur’ Mokone v Sahara Computers (Pty) Ltd” (2011) 23 Merc LJ 280-290.
- K Calitz “Restraint of Trade Agreements in Employment Contracts: Time for Pacta Sunt Servanda to bow out?” Stell LR 2011 (1) 50-70.
- K Calitz “Liability of Employers for the Harassment of Employees by Non-employees” Stell LR 2009 (3).
- K Calitz “The harmonisation of labour law in Southern Africa” De Jure 2008 (2) 223-244.
- K Calitz “The close connection test for vicarious liability” 2007 (3) Stell LR.
- K Calitz “Globalisation, constitutionalism and the individual employee’ 2007 (2) PER.
- K Calitz ‘Vicarious liability: the risk theory revisited’ 2005 (1) TSAR 215-235.
- K Calitz “Die Resepsie van Arbeidsreg in Suid-Afrika” 2003 (2) TRW.
- K Calitz “Die minderwaardige arbeidsregtelike posisie van plaaswerkers in Suid-Afrika” 2001 (4) ILJ.
- K Calitz “S v Lehnberg: Jeugdigheid as strafversagtende faktor” 1976(2) TSAR.
- K Calitz “Reasonable accommodation of Religion and Culture in SA Workplaces:Taken n notch too far?”in Franck Hendrickx (ed) Bulletin of Coamparative labour Relations 2016 (2).
- K Calitz “Should priests be regarded as employees? Actualités Juridiques Internationales (Université Montesquieu ̶ Bordeaux) 2015/2.
- K Calitz “ How far should an employer go to accommodate the religionof an employee?” Actualités Juridiques Internationales (Université Montesquieu ̶ Bordeaux) 2015/1 116-117.
- K Calitz “Searching for solutions for violent and frequent strikes in South Africa” Actualités Juridiques Internationales (Université Montesquieu ̶ Bordeaux) 2014/2 114-115.
- K Calitz “The Failure of the Minimum Age Conventions to Eradicate Child Labour in Developing Countries with Particular Reference to the South African Development Community” 2013 (29) The International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations 83-104.
- K Calitz “South Africa: Addressing strikes in essential services” Actualités Juridiques Internationales (Université Montesquieu ̶ Bordeaux) 2012/2 93-94.