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Stellenbosch is geleë in die hart van die Boland wynlanddistrik. Die onstaan van Stellenbosch Universiteit dateer terug na 1866 met die opening van Stellenbosch Gymnasium. Hierdie Gymnasium het later ontwikkel tot die “Lettere Departement” wat in 1881 gegroei het tot “Stellenbosch Kollege”. In 1887 is hierdie instansie hernoem ter eer van Koningin Victoria van Engeland as die “Victoria Kollege”. Na die Uniewording van Suid-Afrika het ernstige samesprekings oor die vestiging van een nasionale universiteit in Kaapstad die voortbestaan van hierdie Kollege bedreig. Teen 1918 was die regering egter oortuig van die belangrikheid van die voortbestaan van hierdie Kollege en is dit die Universiteit van Stellenbosch genoem.


The university town of Stellenbosch is situated between the Boland mountains, in the heart of the Cape Winelands. The University of Stellenbosch traces its origin back to the opening of the Stellenbosch Gymnasium in 1866. The Gymnasium subsequently gave birth to the “Arts Department”, which became “Stellenbosch College” in 1881. In 1887, the golden jubilee of Queen Victoria’s reign, the Stellenbosch College was transformed into the “Victoria College” in honour of the Queen. The possibility of the establishment of a single national university in Cape Town after the unification of South Africa seriously threatened the continued existence of the College and the status of Dutch as an official language of the Cape Colony. The Victoria College, however, was not prepared to give up its heritage. By April 1918 it had managed to convince the government of the need for the institution, and Victoria College then became Stellenbosch University .

Die Fakulteit Regsgeleerdheid is geleë in die Ou Hoofgebou, op die hoek van Victoria- en Ryneveldstraat.  Hierdie gebou was aanvanklik, in 1886, ingehuldig as die hoofgebou van die “Victoria Kollege”. Die gebou is ook ‘n monument ter huldiging van die 200ste herdenking van die vestiging van hierdie dorp deur Simon van der Stel in 1686.  At the centre of Stellenbosch, on the corner of Victoria Street and Ryneveld Street, is the Old Main Building, home to the Stellenbosch Faculty of Law. Inaugurated in 1886 as the main building of the Victoria College, this building also serves as a monument to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the establishment of the town by Simon van der Stel in 1686.

Die Fakulteit Regsgeleerdheid het in 1921 tot stand gekom.

Aanvanklik het die Fakulteit gefokus op LLB-grade om studente op te lei en die nodige vaardighede aan te leer as regspraktisyns en juriste. Oud-studente van hierdie Fakulteit sluit in lede van die regbank, advokate, prokureurs, politici, akademici en leiers in besigheid. In 1976 is die LLM (tesis) graad vir die eerste keer toegeken aan twee studente. Die Fakulteit het in 1994 die LLM (gedoseerd) program vir die eerste keer bekendgestel. Hierdie LLM-program lok jaarliks studente uit verskeie lande insluitend  Duitsland, Nederland, België, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Kenya, Tanzanië, Namibië en Nigerië.

The Stellenbosch Faculty of Law was established in 1921.

Initially, the Faculty concentrated on LLB degrees, by training and equipping students not merely as legal practitioners but also as jurists. Graduates of the Faculty include judges, advocates, attorneys, business people, politicians, and academics. In 1976, the LLM degree (by thesis) was awarded to two students for the first time. The Faculty of Law introduced the Master of Laws programme (LLM by coursework) in 1994. The LLM programme attracts students from far and wide. This includes students from Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Kenya, Tanzania, Namibia and Nigeria.


Dekane van die Fakulteit Regsgeleerdheid | Deans of the Faculty of Law

1921 – 1922 Prof. Dr W.M.R. Malherbe
1923 Prof. Dr Bodenstein
1924 – 1925 Prof. Dr W.M.R. Malherbe
1926 – 1927 Prof. Dr H.D.J. Bodenstein
1928 – 1954 Prof. Dr W.M.R. Malherbe
1955 – 1957 Prof. J.C. de Wet
1958 – 1959 Prof. Y.P. Yeats
1960 – 1961 Prof. W.M. van der Westhuizen
1962 – 1963 Prof. A.B. de Villiers
1964 – 1965 Prof. J.C. de Wet
1966 – 1967 Prof. W.M. van der Westhuizen
1968 – 1969 Prof. A.B. de Villiers
1970 – 1971 Prof. J.C. de Wet
1972 – 1973 Prof. W.M. van der Westhuizen
1974 – 1976 Prof. A.B. de Villiers
1977 – 1980 Prof. A.H. van Wyk
1981 – 1982 Prof. A.B. de Villiers
1983 – 1984 Prof. A.H. van Wyk
1985 – 1987 Prof. H.J. Erasmus
1988 – 1990 Prof. C.G. van der Merwe
1991 – 2004 Prof. J.S.A. Fourie
2005 – 2006 Prof. M.J. de Waal
2007 – 2012 Prof. G.F. Lubbe
2012 – 2017 Prof. C.S. Human
2017 – Prof. N. Smit
Fakulteitsbrosjure | Faculty brochure

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