Professor & Anton Mostert Leerstoel in Intellektuele Goederereg | Professor & Anton Mostert Chair in Intellectual Property Law
BSc LLB (UCT) LLM (London) LLD (Stell)
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Prof. Sadulla Karjiker joined the Faculty in 2008. He is admitted as an attorney in South Africa and as a solicitor in England, and has practised in corporate and commercial law in both jurisdictions. He also worked for a UK legal publisher on its technology-related projects.
Prof. Karjiker received his BSc degree in Mathematics in 1991 at the University of Cape Town. He then completed his LLB in 1994 also at the University of Cape Town, followed by an LLM at the University of London in 1997. In 2012, he received an LLD degree for his dissertation entitled “Open–source software and the rationale for copyright protection of computer programs” at Stellenbosch University. His research and teaching interests include intellectual property law, data protection, law and economics, and information technology law. Since 2016 he was appointed as a professor and the incumbent of the Anton Mostert Chair in Intellectual Property Law. Read more here. He is the co-author of the Handbook of South African Copyright Law, the leading text on copyright law in South Africa. He teaches Copyright Law (LLM), Trade Mark Law (LLM), and Intellectual Property Law (LLB). He previously taught the following courses (or parts thereof): Intellectual Property Law (LLM), Information Technology Law (LLM), Internet Law (LLB), Company Law (LLB), and Roman Law (LLB). Fields of specialisationCompany Law, Intellectual Property Law and Information Technology Law Modules taughtLLB: Company Law; LLM: Copyright Law |
Prof. Sadulla Karjiker het in 2008 by die Fakulteit aangesluit. Hy is ʼn toegelate prokureur van die Hoogeregshof van Suid-Afrika, en is ook toegelaat as regspraktisyn in Engeland en het as ‘ korporatiewe en kommersiële prokureur in beide jurisdiksies gepraktiseer. Hy het ook by ʼn regsuitgewer in die Verenigde Koninkryk gewerk aan tegnologie verwante projekte.
Prof. Karjiker het sy BSc graad in Wiskunde aan die Universiteit van Kaapstad verwerf in 1991. Daarna het hy ook sy LLB in 1994 aan die Universiteit van Kaapstad verwerf, gevolg deur ‘n LLM aan die Universiteit van Londen in 1997. In 2012 het hy ‘n LLD graad aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch verwerf, gebaseer op sy proefskrif getiteld “Open-source software and the rationale for copyright protection of computer programs”. Sy navorsings- en onderrig belangstellings is intellektuele goederereg, databeskerming, ekonomiese perspektiewe van die reg, asook inligtingstegnologie reg. Hy is aangestel as professor en hoof van die Anton Mostert Leerstoel in Intellektuele Goederereg sedert 2016. Lees meer hier. Hy is ook die mede-outeur van die Handbook of South African Copyright Law, die toonaangewende handboek oor outeursreg in Suid-Afrika. Hy bied kursusse aan in Outeursreg (LLM), Die Reg op Handelsmerke (LLM) en Intellektuele Goederereg (LLB). Hy het ook voorheen die volgende kursusse (of dele daarvan) aangebied: Intellektuele Goederereg (LLM), Inligtings Tegnologie Reg (LLM), Internet Reg (LLB), Maatskappye Reg (LLB) en Romeinse Reg (LLB). Areas van belangstellingMaatskappyereg, Immateriële Goederereg, Informasietegnologiereg Modules aangebiedLLB: Maatskappyereg; LLM: Outeursreg |
- Jooste C, Karjiker S, “Chapter 10: Intellectual Property in the Digital Environment (eIP Law)” in Dean & Dyer: Introduction to Intellectual Property Law, Oxford University Press 2014.
- Dean OH, Karjiker S, Handbook of South African Copyright Law, Juta looseleaf.
- Co-author from the 2015 update (Revision Service 15).
Journal articles/Joernaalartikels
- Karjiker S “Justifications for Copyright: The Moral Justifications”2013 South African Intellectual Property Law Journal 1 42-58.
- Karjiker S “Justifications for Copyright: The Economic Justification”2014 South African Intellectual Property Law Journal 1 13-41.
- Karjiker S “The New gTLDs and the Resolution of Trade Mark Disputes”2014 Stell LR 2 408-424.
- Karjiker S “A Response to Forechimes’ ‘Download this Essay: A Defence of Stealing eBooks’”2014 Think: Philosophy for everyone (Cambridge Journals), 13 (38), 51-57.
- Karjiker S “The First-Sale Doctrine: Parallel Importation and Beyond”2015 Stell LR 3 633-661.
- Karjiker S “Copyright Protection of Computer Programs”2016 South African Law Journal 1 51-72.
- Hobson-Jones S, Karjiker S “Is South African Trademark Law out of Shape? A Comparative Analysis of Shape Marks, in Light of the Recent SCA and CJEU Kit Kat Decisions”2016 Stell LR 3 575-598.
- Karjiker S “Copyright Infringement and Game Theory: The Law and its Limits”2017 Stell LR 1 164-186.
- Karjiker S “The Case for the Recognition of a Public-Interest Defence in Copyright”2017 TSAR 3 451-469.
- Karjiker S “The Role of Reputation in Trade Mark Infringement”2018 TSAR 4 726-738.
- Karjiker S “Intellectual Property as Real Security” 2018 South African Intellectual Property Law Journal 1 1-23.