Prof Oliver Ruppel


LLM (Stell), LLD (CU), MM (Hagen)





Prof Oliver C. Ruppel specialises in International Economic Law, Sustainable Development Law and Environmental Law. Before joining the faculty in 2011 he held one of the worldwide 14 founding academic chairs of the World Trade Organisation (WTO), Geneva (Switzerland), which he established at the University of Namibia, Windhoek, where he had previously also served as Director of the Human Rights and Documentation Centre (HRDC), a national institute established by statute under the Namibian Ministry of Justice. Since 2012 Prof Ruppel is the Director of the Development and Rule of Law Programme (DROP), hosted by the Water Institute at Stellenbosch University. He is a Distinguished Fellow at the Fraunhofer Centre for International Management and Knowledge Economy (IMW), Leipzig (Germany); and a Professor Extraordinaire at various institutions around the world, including Strathmore Law School, Nairobi (Kenya); the Catholic University of Central Africa, Yaoundé (Cameroon); and the European Faculty of Law, Ljubljana (Slovenia).

Prof Ruppel is an International Arbitrator with the Association of Arbitrators of Southern Africa and the Swiss Chamber for Commercial Mediation. He is a member of the International Conservations Union (IUCN) World Commission (WCEL); the Society of International Economic Law (SIEL); the Association for International Law (ILA); the Wildlife Justice Commission, The Hague (Netherlands); the Sahel Consortium (USA); the German African Law Association (Gesellschaft für Afrikanisches Recht); and the United Nations Environment Programme’s (UNEP) Association of Environmental Law Lecturers in African Universities (ASSELLAU). He serves on various editorial boards such as the University of Namibia Law Review; the International Yearbook on Soil Law and Policy, Springer; the Journal of African Foreign Affairs; the Legal Series on Law and Constitution in Africa, Nomos; and the Nigerian Journal of Environmental Law. He is a standing member of the Scholarship Programme of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), where he was Coordinating Lead Author (CLA) for Africa in the 5th Assessment of Working Group II. During the past years Prof Ruppel was seconded to the German Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS), where in 2016 he established the Climate Policy and Energy Security Programme for sub-Saharan Africa, funded by the German Ministry for Development Cooperation.

Prof Oliver C. Ruppel spesialiseer in Internasionale Ekonomiese Reg, Volhoubare Ontwikkelingsreg en Omgewingsreg.  Voordat hy in 2011 by die fakulteit aangesluit het, het hy een van die 14 gesogte setels in die Akademiese Program van die Wêreldhandelsorganisasie (WHO), Genève (Switserland), gehou, wat hy gestig het by die Universiteit van Namibië, Windhoek, waar hy voorheen ook as direkteur gedien het by die Human Rights and Documentation Centre (HRDC), ʼn nasionale instituut wat deur die Namibiese Ministerie van Justisie ingestel is.  Sedert 2012 dien prof Ruppel as die Direkteur van die Development and Rule of Law Programme (DROP), aangebied deur die Waterinstituut by die Universiteit van Stellenbosch. Hy is ʼn erelid by die Fraunhofer Centre for International Management and Knowledge Economy (IMW), Leipzig (Duitsland) en ʼn ereprofessor by verskeie instansies regoor die wêreld, insluitend Strathmore Law School, Nairobi (Kenia), die Catholic University of Central Afica, Yaoundé (Kameroen), en die European Faculty of Law, Ljubljana (Slowenië).

Hy is ʼn Internasionale Arbiter by die Association of Arbitrators of Southern Africa en ‘n Kommersiële Middelaar by die Swiss Chamber for Commercial Mediation, Zurich (Switserland). Hy is lid van die International Conservations Union (IUCN) World Commission (WCEL); die Society of International Economic Law (SIEL); die Association for International Law (ILA); die Wildlife Justice Commission, Den Haag (Nederland); die Sahel Consortium (VSA); die German African Law Association (Gesellschaft für Afrikanisches Recht); en die United Nations Environment Programme’s (UNEP) Association of Environmental Law Lecturers in African Universities (ASSELLAU). Hy dien op verskeie redaksionele rade soos die University of Namibia Law Review; die International Yearbook on Soil Law and Policy, Springer; die Journal of African Foreign Affairs; die Legal Series on Law and Constitution in Africa, Nomos; en die Nigerian Journal of Environmental Law. Hy is ʼn bestaande lid van die Studieprogram van die United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), waar hy die Coordinating Lead Author (CLA) vir Afrika in die 5de Assessering van Werkgroep II was. Die afgelope jare het Prof Ruppel gewerk by die German Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS), waar hy in 2016 die Climate Policy and Energy Security Programme vir sub-Sahara Afrika gestig het, wat deur die German Ministry for Development Cooperation befonds word.

Modules taught

LLB: Environmental Law

LLM: Sustainable Development Law

LLM: Legal Aspects of World and Regional Trade

Modules aangebied

LLB: Environmental Law

LLM: Sustainable Development Law

LLM: Legal Aspects of World and Regional Trade

Fields of specialisation

International Economic Law

Sustainable Development Law

African Union and Regional Community Law in Africa

Environmental Law

Areas van belangstelling

International Economic Law

Sustainable Development Law

African Union and Regional Community Law in Africa

Environmental Law




  • Kameri-Mbote P, A Paterson, OC Ruppel, BB Orubebe & ED Kam Yogo (eds) Law | Environment | Africa. Law and Constitution in Africa Vol 38, Baden-Baden:Nomos (English).
  • Ruppel OC & ED Kam Yogo (eds) Environmental law and policy in Cameroon – Towards making Africa the tree of life. Law and Constitution in Africa (2019), Baden-Baden: Nomos (French and English).
  • Kinhoun E & OC Ruppel (eds) La question de la responsabilité sociale et environnementale de l’entreprise – perspective africaine, cas du Cameroun (2018), UCAC Presses Yaoundé (French).
  • Ruppel OC & ED Kam Yogo (eds) Droit et politique de l’environnement au Cameroun – Afin de faire de l’Afrique l’arbre de vie (2018), Yaoundé: UCAC Presses (French and English).
  • Ruppel OC & H Dix Roadmap for sustainable biofuels in southern Africa. Regulatory frameworks for improved development? Law and Constitution in Africa (2017), Baden-Baden: Nomos.
  • Ruppel OC, KM Scherr & AD Berndt Assessing Progress in the Implementation of Zimbabwe’s New Constitution: National, Regional and Global Perspectives (2017), Baden-Baden: Nomos.
  • Ruppel OC & K Ruppel-Schlichting Environmental Law and Policy in Namibia – Towards Making Africa the Tree of Life 3 ed (2016), Windhoek: Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung.
  • Ginzky H, I Heuser, T Qin, OC Ruppel & P Wegerdt International Yearbook of Soil Law and Policy (2017), Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
  • Ruppel OC & B Althusmann Perspectives on Energy Security and Renewable Energies in Sub-Saharan Africa – Practical Opportunities and Regulatory Challenges 2 ed (2016), Windhoek: MacMillan Education Namibia.
  • Ruppel OC, C Roschmann & K Ruppel-Schlichting Climate Change: International Law and Global Governance: Volume I: Legal Responses and Global Responsibility Volume II: Policy, Diplomacy and Governance in a Changing Environment (2013), Baden-Baden: Nomos.
  • Hinz MO, OC Ruppel & C Mapaure Knowledge Lives in the Lake. Case Studies in Environmental and Customary Law from Southern Africa (2012), Windhoek: Namibia Scientific Society.
  • Ruppel OC & LN Ambunda The Justice Sector and the Rule of Law in Namibia: Framework, Selected Legal Aspects and Cases (2011), Windhoek: Human Rights and Documentation Centre (HRDC) & Namibia Institute for Democracy (NID).
  • Ruppel OC & G Winter Justice from within: Legal Pluralism in Africa and Beyond (2011), Hamburg: Dr. Kovac Publisher.
  • Hinz MO & OC Ruppel Biodiversity and the Ancestors: Challenges to Customary and Environmental Law Case Studies from Namibia (2008), Windhoek: Namibia Scientific Society.

Chapters in books/Hoofstukke in boeke

  • Ruppel OC & B Varekamp “International and African Legal Protection Mechanisms against Illegal Wildlife Trade” in P Kameri-Mbote et al (eds) Liber amicorum Charles Okidi Nairobi (2019) (English).
  • Ruppel OC & T Borgmeyer “The BRICS Partnership from a South African Perspective: Sustainable Development Space in a New Global Governance” in M Ndulo & S Kayizzi-Mugerwa (eds) Financing Innovation and Sustainable Development in Africa. Cornell Institute for African Development Series (2017), Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Ruppel OC “Mudanças Climáticas e Pessoas Deslocadas por Eventos Ambientais Permanentes e de Início Lento (Slow-Onset): uma Perspectiva do Direito Internacional” in LL Jubilut, FC Fernandes Rei & G Soldano Garcez (eds) Humanos e Meio Ambiente: Minorias Ambientais “Coleção Ambiental” (2017), Arlindo Philippi Jr. (Coord) Manole ).
  • Ruppel OC & A von Finckenstein “The Protection of Soil under Namibian Law” in H Ginzky, I Heuser, T Qin, OC Ruppel & P Wegerdt (eds) International Yearbook of Soil Law and Policy (2017) 309-346, Springer: Heidelberg.
  • Ruppel OC & K Ruppel-Schlichting “The Hybridity of Law in Namibia and the Role of Community Law in the Southern African Development Community (SADC)” in JAR Nafziger (ed) Comparative Law and Anthropology (2017) 31-71, Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Ruppel OC & K Ruppel-Schlichting “Namibia’s Constitution in the context of environmental protection and combatting climate change” in N Horn & MO Hinz (eds) Beyond a Quarter Century of Constitutional Democracy Process and Progress in Namibia (2017) 103-134, Windhoek: Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung,
  • Chevallier R, T Feltes & OC Ruppel “South Africa: Climate Report 2017 – Private Sector and Climate Finance in the G20 Countries” Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, European and International Cooperation Department Berlin, (2017). (German and English).
  • Ruppel OC “International Trade and Sustainable Development” in H Strydom (ed) International Law (2016) 435-476, Cape Town: Oxford University Press.
  • Ruppel OC “Protection of International Investments: Selected Contemporary Aspects in H Strydom (ed) International Law (2016) 435-476, Cape Town: Oxford University Press.
  • Niang I & OC Ruppel et al “Africa” in VR Barros CB Field, DJ Dokken, MD Mastrandrea KJ, Mach, TE Bilir, M Chatterjee, KL Ebi, YO Estrada, RC Genova, B Girma, ES Kissel, AN Levy, S MacCracken, PR Mastrandrea & LL White (eds) Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability. Part B: Regional Aspects. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (2014) 1199-1265, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Ruppel OC  “Climate Change, Law and Development in Africa: A Reflection on Selected Aspects, Relations and Responses” in D König, HJ Koch, J Sanden & R Verheyen (eds) Legal Regimes for Environmental Protection, Governance for Climate Change and Ocean Resources (2015) 89-125, Leiden: Brill & Nijhoff Publishers.
  • Ruppel OC “Climate Change Law and Policy in the African Union and Selected African Countries” in J Spier & U Magnus (eds) Climate Change Remedies: Injunctive Relief and Criminal Law Responses (2014) 191-220, The Hague: Series Legal Perspectives and Global Challenges, No. 2 Eleven Int. Publishing.
  • Ruppel OC “International Trade Law and the Environment” in J Glazewski & L du Toit (eds) Environmental Law in South Africa (2013) 4-1 – 4-33, South Africa: LexisNexis.
  • Glazewski J & OC Ruppel “International Environmental Law” in J Glazewski & L du Toit (eds) Environmental Law in South Africa (2013) 2-1 – 2-63, South Africa LexisNexis.
  • Ruppel OC “Children’s rights and child labour from a global, African and SADC law perspective” in M Olivier, O Dupper & A Govindgjee (eds) The Role of Standards in Labour and Social Security Law: International, Regional and National Perspectives (2013) 125-140, Cape Town: Juta.
  • Ruppel OC “Climate Change Induced Challenges in the African Union: A Policy, Security and Development Perspective” in G Xue & A White (eds) 30 years of UNCLOS (1982-2012): Progress and Prospects (2013) 317-350, Beijing: China University of Political Science and Law Press.
  • Ruppel OC & K Ruppel-Schlichting “Climate change and human security: relevant for regional integration in SADC?” in T Hartzenberg, G Erasmus & A Du Pisani (eds) Monitoring Regional Integration in Southern Africa 2011 Yearbook for Regional Integration (2012) 32-71, Stellenbosch, Trade Law Centre for Southern Africa (TRALAC).
  • Ruppel OC “Wasser und Land. Brennpunkte innerhalb der Entwicklungsgemeinschaft des südlichen Afrika (SADC)” in M Reder & H Pfeifer (eds) Kampf um Ressourcen. Weltordnung zwischen Konkurrenz und Kooperation (Globale Solidarität – Schritte zu einer neuen Weltkultur (2012) 59-85, Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
  • Ruppel OC “Land issues before the Southern African Development Community Tribunal: a case for human rights?” in B Chigara (ed) Southern African Development Community Land Issues: Towards a New Sustainable Land Relations Policy (2013) 89-120, Routledge: Oxford and New York.
  • Ruppel OC “The WTO Chairs Programme and the Role of World Trade and Economic Development for Regional Integration, the Reduction of Poverty and the Promotion of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in Africa” in H Elliesie, C Schoepffer & T Marauhn (eds) Formal/Informal Law and Economic Development in Africa. Recht in Africa/Droit en Afrique/Law in Africa (2012) 1 143-156.

Journal articles/Joernaalartikels

  • Ruppel OC “Erste Klimaklage Afrikas erfolgreich? Das südafrikanische Thabametsi Urteil” (2019) 2 Zeitschrift für Umweltrecht.
  • Ruppel OC & DJ Biam “African cabotage: coastal waters governance and economic independence” (2016) Iilwandle zethu: Journal of Ocean Law and Governance in Africa 28 – 53.
  • Ruppel OC & A Wulff “Climate Change and Energy Security in the Anthropocene: Africa in the Light of the Paris Climate Protection Agreement” in International Reports 2/2016 Climate. Energy Security Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Berlin (2016). (German and English).
  • Ruppel OC & F Shifotoka “Foreign Direct Investment Protection in Africa – Contemporary Legal Aspects between Bits and BRICS” (2016) 21 African Yearbook of International Law 5-56.
  • Elkemann C & OC Ruppel “Chinese Foreign Direct Investment into Africa in the Context of BRICS and Sino-African Bilateral Investment Treaties” (2015) 13 Richmond Journal of Global Law and Business 593-622.
  • Ruppel OC & DK Bwiza “Environment under Reconstruction: Environmental Law and Policy in the Democratic Republic of Congo” (2013) 4 Verfassung und Recht in Übersee/Law and Politics in Africa 473-486.
  • Ruppel OC & C Luedemann “Climate Finance: Mobilising private sector finance for mitigation and adaptation, Situation Report” (2013) Institute for Security Studies, Pretoria – South Africa, Dakar – Senegal, Addis Ababa – Ethiopia, Nairobi – Kenya.
  • Ruppel OC “Climate Change, Natural Disasters and Human Security: International Law and Diplomacy Responses from an African Perspective” (2012) 2 Zanzibar Yearbook of Law 3-25.
  • Ruppel OC “SADC Environmental Law and the Promotion of Sustainable Development” (2012) II SADC Law Journal 246-280.
  • Ruppel OC & S Van Wyk “Climate Change Induced Movement of Persons in Africa: Human Rights Responses to Aspects of Human Security?” (2012) 18 South African Journal for Environmental Law and Policy 49-64.
  • Ruppel OC “Climate change policy positions and related developments in the AU and SADC” (2012) II SADC Law Journal 14-35.
  • Ruppel OC & K Ruppel-Schlichting “Legal and Judicial Pluralism in Namibia and Beyond” (2012) 64 Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law 33-64.
  • Ruppel OC “Klimathot och migration i Afrika – en global rättvisefråga“ (2012) 1 Signum 36-42.


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