Vice Dean & Associate Professor | Visedekaan & Medeprofessor
BA LLB (Stell) LLM (Tübingen) LLD (Stell)
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Prof Richard Stevens is an Associate Professor in Mercantile Law and the Vice Dean of the Faculty. Prof Stevens has been involved at the faculty, initially lecturing Insolvency Law, from 1999 and then Company Law since 2004. He has presented in the area of Company Law at international conferences in Scotland, the Netherlands and Australia. His focus has been on liability within company groups and has published predominantly in this area of Company Law. His focus is furthermore on the position of directors and their fiduciary duties. He is an admitted attorney and served as candidate attorney at Webber Wentzel where he also remained as admitted attorney before joining the faculty. He completed his Master of Laws degree at the University of Tübingen, Germany and his doctoral degree at the Stellenbosch University. He is also an accredited commercial mediator as well as a director at Cluver Markotter Inc in the Commercial and Labour Law department on a part-time basis. | Prof Richard Stevens is ʼn medeprofessor in Handelsreg en die Visedekaan van die Fakulteit. Prof Stevens was sedert 1999 betrokke by die fakulteit en het aanvanklik Insolvensiereg doseer, waarna hy Maatskappyereg sedert 2004 doseer. Hy lewer referate by internasionale konferensies in Skotland, Nederland en Australië. Hy bestudeer die aanspreeklikheid binne maatskappygroepe en het veral op hierdie gebied van Maatskappyereg gepubliseer. Hy fokus verder op die posisie van direkteure en hul vertrouensplig. Hy is ʼn toegelate prokureur en het sy klerkskap by Webber Wentzel voltooi, waar hy ook as prokureur gepraktiseer het voordat hy by die fakulteit aangesluit het. Hy het sy LLM aan die Universiteit van Tübingen, Duitsland voltooi en sy doktorsgraad aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch. Hy is ook ʼn geakkrediteerde kommersiële bemiddelaar en ʼn direkteur by Cluver Markotter Inc in die handels- en arbeidsregafdeling. | |
Fields of specialisationCompany Law |
Areas van belangstellingMaatskappyereg |
Modules taughtLLB: Mercantile Law 471 (Company Law), Mercantile Law 312 (Insolvency Law) |
Modules aangebiedLLB: Handelsreg 471 (Maatskappyereg), Handelsreg 312 (Insolvensiereg) |
- Stevens R “Crimes under the Companies Act 71 of 2008” in G Kemp (ed) Criminal Law in South Africa (2012), United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
- Stevens R Author of three chapters in Company Secretarial Practice 2016 (Juta), M Havenga Managing Editor.
- Stevens R “Visser Sitrus v Goede Hoop Sitrus: “Best Interest and Oppressive Conduct: Never the twain shall meet?” Ius Commune, Edinburgh November 2014.
- Stevens R “Creditor Protection within company groups”, Ius Commune, Maastricht November 2013.
Journal articles/Joernaalartikels
- Stevens R “Kuwait Asia Bank EC v National Mutual Nominees Ltd revisited: The possible vicarious liability of a holding company for the delicts caused by its nominee directors on the board of its subsidiary” (2019) 1 Tydskrif vir die Suid Afrikaanse Reg 78-90.
- Stevens R “The legal nature of the duty of care and skill” (2017) 20 Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal 1-28.
- Stevens R “Liability within company groups” (2016) 4 Tydskrif vir die Suid Afrikaanse Reg 709-730.
- Stevens R “The Duty of Care and Skill, And Reckless Trading: Remedies in Flux?” (2016) 28 South African Mercantile Law Journal 250-284.
- Stevens R “The Consolidation of Assets and Liabilities within Company Groups: Can South African Company learn From New Zealand’s Company Law?” Dovenschmidt Quarterly 3/2014.
- Stevens R “Circumventing Veil Piercing: Possible delictual liability of a holding company to a creditor of its insolvent subsidiary” (2013) 24 Stellenbosch Law Review 93-106.
- Stevens R “RIP Testator” (2001) 118 South African Law Journal 230-236.
- Stevens R Kuwait Asia Bank EC v National Mutual Nominees Ltd revisited: The possible vicarious liability of a holding company for the delicts caused by its nominee directors on the board of its subsidiary (2018) unpublished paper prepared for the Australian Corporate Law Teachers Association Conference at Melbourne Australia, February 2018.
- Stevens R The duty of care and skill and reckless trading: unnecessary duplication? (2014) unpublished paper prepared for the Australian Corporate Law Teachers Association Conference Adelaide Australia, February 2014.