Prof Juanita Pienaar

Visedekaan: Navorsing & Internasionalisering | Vice Dean: Research & Internationalisation

B.luris LLM LLD (Potch)






Juanita M Pienaar is professor in Private Law at the Stellenbosch University and extraordinary professor at the North West University (2015-2017). She obtained the following degrees: B.Iuris (cum laude), LL.B, LL.M en LL.D – North West University (Potchefstroom). She lectures Customary Law, Property Law and Advanced Property Law. Her research focus is Property Law in general and land reform and related matters in particular. The latter culminated in an encompassing publication Land Reform (Juta 2014), forming part of the Juta Property Law Library.  She has co-authored some of the standard Property Law publications, including Silberberg and Schoeman’s Law of Property (with Badenhorst P and Mostert H) and Principles of the Law of Property (Mostert H and Pope A (eds)). She is also responsible for the Land Reform section of the LAWSA “Land” title (2010, with Mostert H and Van Wyk J) and the chapter on “Land” in Constitutional Law of South Africa (with Brickhill J). She was a member of the Advisory Committee of the Law Commission (Land Legislation 2008-2011) and was acting judge in the Land Claims Court for the period: 2006-2007.  She is a fellow of the NRF Research Chair in Property Law and is a B3-NRF-rated researcher (2012-2017). She was awarded the Rector’s Award for Excellence in Research and was a member of the NRF Expert Panel for Law (ending in 2017).

She was Head of the Private Law Department for the period: 2015-2018.


Juanita M Pienaar is professor in Privaatreg aan die Regsfakulteit, Stellenbosch Universiteit en buitengewone professor aan die Regsfakulteit van die Noord-Wes Universiteit (2015-2017). Sy het die volgende grade verwerf: B.Iuris (cum laude), LL.B, LL.M en LL.D – Noord-Wes Universiteit (Potchefstroom). Sy doseer Inheemse reg, Sakereg en Gevorderde Sakereg. Haar besondere navorsingsfokus is grondhervorming en verwante aangeleenthede wat in 2014 neerslag gevind het in ʼn omvattende boekpublikasie Land Reform (Juta 2014 – deel van die Juta Property Law Library).  Sy is mede-outeur van sommige van die standaard Sakeregbronne, onder meer Silberberg and Schoeman’s Law of Property (saam met P Badenhorst en H Mostert) en Principles of the Law of Property (H Mostert en A Pope (red)). Sy is ook verantwoordelik vir die grondhervormingsgedeelte in die LAWSA titel “Land” (2010, saam met H Mostert en J van Wyk) en die “Land” hoofstuk in Constitutional Law of South Africa (saam met J Brickhill). Sy was lid van die Advieskomitee van die Regskommissie (Hersiening van Grond-wetgewing 2008-2011) en was vir die tydperk 2006-2007 waarnemende regter in die Grondeisehof. Sy is ʼn genoot van die NNS Leerstoel in Sakereg en beskik oor ʼn B3-NNS-evaluering (2012-2017). Sy is ʼn ontvanger van die Rektorstoekenning vir Voortreflike Navorsing en het op die NNS-Deskundigheidspaneel vir Regte vir die tydperk 2014-2017, gedien.

Sy was Voorsitter van Privaatreg vir die tydperk: 2015-2018.

Modules taught


Inheemse reg

Statutêre Sakereg


Modules aangebied


Inheemse reg

Statutêre Sakereg


Fields of specialisation 

Property Law, Land Reform and Customary Law

Areas van belangstelling

Sakereg, Grondhervorming en Inheemse Reg

  • Publications/Publikasies


    • Pienaar JM Land Reform (Juta 2014).
    • Badenhorst PJ, Pienaar JM and Mostert H Silberberg and Schoeman’s Law of Property 5th ed 2006.
    • Mostert H, Pienaar JM and Van Wyk J “Land” Law of South Africa (2010) LexisNexis (responsible for the “Land Reform” section).
    • Pienaar JM and Brickhill J Chapter 48: “Land” in Woolman S et al (eds) The Constitutional Law of South Africa (2007) Juta.
    • Authored and co-authored 3 Chapters in The Principles of the Law of Property in South Africa in Mostert H and Pope A (eds) (2010) OUP – both the Afrikaans and the English versions .
    • Chapter 6 “Eiendom” / “Property” in Introduction to Legal Pluralism in Rautenbach C et al (eds) – Both English and Afrikaans versions (2014) LexisNexis.
    • Pienaar JM and Kamkuemah A “Farm land and tenure security: new policy and legislative developments” in Liebenberg S and Quinot G (eds) Law and poverty: Perspectives from South African and beyond (2012) Juta 282-299.
    • “Land – farm land and tenure security in M Swilling et al (eds) Sustainable Stellenbosch: Opening Dialogues (2012) Sun Press 48-58.
    • “El Acceso a la Vivienda en SudAfrica: Dimensiones Y Mecanismos in Metodod alternatives de accessoalo vivienda enel context de crisis (Alternative methods of access to housing in crisis context) in SN Aznar (ed) 2011) Edisofer 455-472.
    • “Unlawful occupier” in perspective: history, legislation and case law” in Mostert H and De Waal MJ (eds) (2011) LexisNexis Essays in Honour of CG van der Merwe 317-338.
    • “Lessons from the Cape: beyond South Africa’s Transformation Act” in Godden L and Tehan M (eds) Comparative Perspectives on Communal Lands and Individual Ownership: Sustainable Futures (2010) Routledge 186-213.
    • “’As a result of racially discriminatory laws and practices’ for purposes of the Restitution of Land Rights Act 22 of 1994: case law analysis” in Habdas M & Wudarski A (eds) Festschrift für Stanislawa Kalus (Peter Lang – Frankfurt) 2010 385-408.

    Journal articles/Joernaalartikels 

    •  Pienaar JM “Reflections on the South African land reform programme: characteristics, dichotomies and tensions (Part 1)” 2014 (3) TSAR 425-446.
    • Pienaar JM “Reflections on the South African land reform programme: characteristics, dichotomies and tensions (Part 2)” 2014 (4) TSAR 689-705.
    • Pienaar JM, du Plessis W and Olivier NJJ “Land matters 2014 (1)” 2014 (1) Southern African Public Law.
    • Du Plessis W, JM pienaar and NJJ Olivier “Onrus en Geweld 2014 (1)” 2014 (1) Southern African Public Law.
    • Pienaar JM, du Plessis W and Olivier NJJ “Land matters 2014 (2)” 2014 (2) Southern African Public Law.
    • Du Plessis W, JM pienaar and NJJ Olivier “Onrus en Geweld 2014 (2)” 2014 (2) Southern African Public Law.
    • Van der Merwe & Pienaar JM “Law of Property (including mortgage and pledge) 2012 Annual Survey 717-805 (published in 2014).
    • Pienaar JM “Mechanics of intervention and the Green Paper on Land Reform” 2014 PER.
    • Boggenpoel Z and Pienaar JM “The continued relevance of the mandament van spolie: recent developments relating to dispossession and eviction” 2013 (4) De Jure 998.
    • W du Plessis, JM Pienaar and NJJ Olivier “Land matters 2013 (1)” 2013 (1) Southern African Public Law.
    • W du Plessis, JM Pienaar and NJJ Olivier “Land matters 2013 (2)” 2013 (2) Southern African Public Law.
    • W du Plessis, JM Pienaar and NJJ Olivier “Onrus en Geweld: 2013 (1)” 2013 (1) Southern African Public Law.
    • W du Plessis, JM Pienaar and NJJ Olivier “Onrus en Geweld: 2013 (2)” 2013 (2) Southern African Public Law.
    • Pienaar JM “Een honderd jaar later: Herdenking van die Swart Grond Wet 27 van 1913” Litt Net: Akademies – Regte – Junie 2013.
    • Van der Merwe CG & Pienaar JM “Law of Property (including  mortgage and pledge) 2011 Annual Survey 890-995 (published in 2013).
    • Pienaar JM “Access to housing in South Africa: An overview of dimensions and mechanisms” 2011 Journal for Juridical Science 119-140 – published in 2012.
    • Pienaar JM “Die betekenis van ‘n ontneming weens ‘n rasdiskriminerende wet of praktyk vir doeleindes van die Wet op die Herstel van Grondbesitregte 22 van 1994: ‘n oorsig van ontwikkelings in regspraak” 2012 Litnet Akademies Regte 107-140.
    • Pienaar JM, Du Plessis W and Olivier NJJ “Land matters and rural development: 2012” 2012 27(2) Southern African Public Law 588-627.
    • Pienaar JM, Du Plessis W en Olivier NJJ “Onrus en geweld: 2012” 2012 27(2) Southern African Public Law 577-587.
    • Van der Merwe CG and Pienaar JM “Law of property (including real security) 2010 Annual Survey of South African Law 1001-1101 (published in 2012).
    • Du Plessis W, Pienaar JM and Olivier NJJ “Geweld: 2011 (1)” 2011(1) Southern African Public Law 508-520.
    • Du Plessis W, Pienaar JM and Olivier NJJ “Land matters: 2011” 2011(1) Southern African Public Law 521-563.
    • Du Plessis W, Olivier NJJ and  Pienaar JM “Geweld: 2011 (2)” 2011(2) Southern African Public Law 279-291.
    • Pienaar JM and Kamkuemah A “Farm land and tenure security: New Policy and Legislative developments” 2011 (3) Stellenbosch Law Review 724-741.
    • Van der Merwe CG and Pienaar JM “Law of Property (including mortgage and pledge)” 2009 Annual Survey 897-970 (published in 2011).
    • Pienaar JM “The non-restoration of land in South-Africa: Practical examples and remaining questions” 2011 Property Law Review (Australia) 32767-32779.
    • Pienaar JM “Tenure reform in South Africa: Overview and challenges” 2011 (1) Speculum Iuris 108-133.
    • Pienaar JM “Restitutionary road: reflecting on good governance and the role of the Land Claims Court” PER 2011, vol 2, no 7 Aug 30.
    • Van der Merwe CG and Pienaar JM “Law of Property (including mortgage and pledge)” Annual Survey of South African Law (2008) 965-1057 – published in 2010.
    • Pienaar JM and Geyser K ‘“Occupier” for purposes of the Extension of Security of Tenure Act: the plight of female spouses and widows’ (2010) 73(2) THRHR 248.
    • Du Plessis W and Pienaar JM “The more things change the more they stay the same: The story of communal land tenure in South Africa” 2010 Fundamina Editio Specialis 73-89.
    • Du Plessis W, Olivier NJJ and  Pienaar JM “Land matters: 2010” 2010(1) Southern African Public Law 292-318.
    • Du Plessis W, Olivier NJJ and  Pienaar JM “Geweld 2010” 2010(1) Southern African Public Law.


    • Pienaar JM “Land Reform” – Juta Quarterly Review 2014.
    • Pienaar JM “Land Reform” – Juta Quarterly Review 2013.
    • Pienaar JM “Land Reform” – Juta Quarterly Review 2012.
    • Pienaar JM “Land Reform” – Juta Quarterly Review 2011.
    • Pienaar JM “Land Reform” – Juta Quarterly Review 2010.


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