B Comm. LLB (Stell) Ph.D. (Edinburgh)
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Philip Sutherland is co-director of the Centre for Competition Law & Economics (CCLE) and Professor of Mercantile Law at Stellenbosch University. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Edinburgh and BCom and LLB degrees from Stellenbosch University. Philip has published extensively on competition law, corporate law and financial regulation. The broad objective of his research is to determine how to balance the needs of businesses and the interests of those who may be harmed by business activities. He has been a member of the Financial Services Board since 2002 and the Head of the Department of Mercantile law at Stellenbosch University from 2012-2016. In the area of competition law, Philip is a co-author of The Competition Law of South Africa (LexisNexis). In the area of competition law, his research is currently focused on competition law theory and enforcement. When he has the opportunity to escape his office, Philip is interested in rock music and all things related to the ocean. |
Philip Sutherland is mededirekteur van die Centre for Competition Law & Economics (CCLE) en professor in Handelsreg aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch. Hy het ʼn Ph.D. van die Universiteit van Edinburg en het beide sy BCom en LLB-grade aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch verwerf. Philip het aansienlike publikasies oor mededingingsreg, ondernemingsreg en finansiële regulasies. Die breë doel van sy navorsing is om te bepaal hoe die behoeftes van ondernemings en die belange van diegene wat deur besigheidsaktiwiteite benadeel word, in balans gebring kan word. Hy was sedert 2002 ʼn lid van die Raad van Finansiële Dienste en vanaf 2012-2016 hoof van die Handelsreg departement aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch. Op die gebied van mededingingsreg is Philip mede-outeur van The Competition Law of South Africa (LexisNexis). Op die gebied van mededingingsreg is sy navorsing tans gefokus op mededingingsreg-teorie en handhawing. As hy die geleentheid kry om uit sy kantoor te ontsnap, stel Philip belang in rock-musiek en alles wat met die see verband hou. |
Fields of specialisationRestraint of trade, company law, competition law |
Areas van belangstellingBeperking van handelsvryheid, maatskappyereg, mededingingsreg |
Modules taughtLLB: Mercantile Law 471 (Company Law, Closed Corporations and Partnerships); Mercantile Law 444 (Advanced Company Law) and Mercantile Law 445 (Competition Law) LLM: Contractual Restrictions on the Freedom of Trade and Advanced Company Law BComm: Mercantile Law 381 (Companies, closed corporations, trusts and partnerships) |
Modules aangebiedLLB: Handelsreg 471 (Maatskappyereg, Beslote Korporasies en Vennootskappe), Handelsreg 444 (Gevorderde Maatskappyereg) en Handelsreg 445 (Mededingingsreg) LLM: Kontraktuele beperkings op die Vryheid van Handel en Gevorderde Maatskappyereg BComm: Handelsreg 381 (Maatskappye, beslote korporasies, trusts en vennootskappe) |
- Sutherland PJ & K Kemp Competition Law of South Africa” (2006), Durban: LexisNexis.
Chapters in books/Hoofstukke in boeke
- Sutherland PJ “Third-party Contracts” in H MacQueen & R Zimmerman (eds) European Contract Law Scots and South African Perspectives (2006), United Kingdom: Edinburgh University Press.
Journal articles/Joernaalartikels
- Sutherland PJ “Steel and propane: The efficiency defence and horizontal mergers” (2008) 125 South African Law Journal 331-370.
- Sutherland PJ “Ensuring contractual fairness in consumer contracts after Barkhuizen v Napier 2007 5 SA 323 (CC)” (2008) 1 Stellenbosch Law Review 390-414.
- Sutherland PJ “Insurance Law” (2006) Annual Survey of South African Law 540-565.
- Sutherland PJ “Suedafrika” (2006) Handbuch des internationalen GmbH-Rechts, Zerb Verlag, Angelbachtal 1619-1716.