Ebrezia Johnson


LLB LLM (Stell)






Ms Ebrezia Johnson joined the Faculty in 2005 as a lecturer in Introduction to Law and Customary Law. Her field of interest includes a wide range of topics including Land Reform and Housing and also the rights of Women and Children in the new South Africa. Me Ebrezia Johnson het in 2005 by die Fakulteit aangesluit as lektor in Inleiding tot die Reg en Inheemse Reg. Haar area van belangstelling sluit in: grondhervorming, behuisingsregte en ook die regte van vroue en kinders in die nuwe Suid-Afrika.

Fields of specialisation

Land reform, communal land rights, evictions and customary law.

Areas van belangstelling

Grondhervorming, kommunale grondregte, uitsettings en inheemse reg.

Modules taught

Introduction to Law 171

Customary Law 171

Modules aangebied

Inleiding tot die Reg 171

Inheemse Reg 171

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