Dr Franziska Myburgh

Senior Lecturer/Senior Dosent

BA (Stell) LLB (3 year) (Stell) LLD (Stell)





Dr Franziska Myburgh joined the Faculty as a permanent member of staff in 2009 and obtained her LLD for a dissertation entitled “Statutory Formalities in South African  Law” in 2013.  Part of her doctoral research was conducted at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law in Hamburg, Germany.  Her field of interest is the Law of Contract, including Specific Contracts and Consumer Law.  She currently lectures the Specific Contracts module as well as part of the general Contract Law module.  She has also lectured in the module on Consumer Law in the past. Dr Franziska Myburgh het by die Fakulteit aangesluit as ‘n voltydse personeellid in 2009 en het in 2013 haar LLD verwerf vir haar proefskrif “Statutory Formalities in South African Law”. ‘n Gedeelte van haar doktorale navorsing het plaasgevind by die Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law in Hamburg, Duitsland.  Haar belangstellingsveld is  Kontraktereg, insluitend Besondere Kontrakte en Verbruikerseg.  Sy doseer huidiglik die Besondere Kontraktereg module sowel as  ‘n gedeelte van die algemene Kontraktereg module.  Sy het ook in die verlede die Verbruikersreg module aangebied.

Modules taught

Private Law 372 (Law of contract)

Private Law 411 (Specific contracts)


Modules aangebied

Privaatreg 372 (Kontraktereg)

Privaatreg 411 (Spesifieke kontrakte)

Field of specialisation

Contract Law

Area van belangstelling




Chapter in book/Hoofstuk in boek 

  • F Myburgh & R Zimmermann “J C de Wet and the Conventional Penalties Act 15 of 1962” in J du Plessis & G Lubbe (eds) A Man of Principle: The Life and Legacy of J C de Wet (2013) Cape Town: Juta & Co Ltd.

Journal articles/Joernaalartikels 

  • F Myburgh “The South African approach to the rectification of agreements subject to constitutive formalities: One step too many?” (2014) 131 SALJ 787-818.
  • F Myburgh “On Constitutive Formalities, Estoppel and Breaking the Rules” (2016) 27 Stell LR 254-272.
  • F Myburgh Thomas Kuhn’s Structure of Scientific Revolutions, paradigm shifts, and crises : Analysing recent changes in the approach to contractual interpretation in South African law” (2017) 134 SALJ 514-542.
  • F Myburgh “The in duplum rule(s) and attorneys’ fees” (2019) 82 THRHR 30-43.


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