Prof Geo Quinot


BA LLB (Stell) LLM (Virginia) MA (Free State) MPA (Birmingham) LLD (Stell)





Prof Geo Quinot is a professor in the Department of Public Law and is also affiliated with the School of Public Leadership at the University. He teaches Administrative and Public Procurement law. Quinot is a recipient of the University of Stellenbosch Chancellor’s Medal, the annual award for the most outstanding final-year student at the university, which he received upon graduating from his LLB degree in 2000. Other noteworthy awards that he has received include the Rector’s Award for Community Interaction, which he received jointly with Prof Sandra Liebenberg in 2008, the CHE/HELTASA National Excellence in Teaching and Learning Award in 2012 and the Stellenbosch University Chancellor’s Award in 2016. He completed an LLM at the University of Virginia School of Law in the United States as a Fulbright Fellow, an MA in Higher Education Studies at the University of the Free State and an MPA at the University of Birmingham School of Government. His doctoral study focused on the topic of “the Judicial Regulation of State Commercial Activity.” His research focuses on administrative law, with a particular interest in commercial conduct of the state, including public procurement as well as legal education. He is the founding director of the African Procurement Law Unit (APLU) and editor of the African Public Procurement Law Journal. Prof Quinot was also appointed as a university teaching fellow for the period 2013-2015 with a focus on the development of a pedagogy of law in South Africa and completed the national Teaching Advancement at Universities (TAU) Fellowship programme in 2016. Prof Quinot is a fellow of the Public Procurement Research Group at the University of Nottingham in the UK and a board member of the journal, Public Procurement Law Review. 


Fields of specialisation

Administrative Law

Public Procurement Law

Legal Education

Modules taught

Administrative law

Public Procurement Law

Prof Geo Quinot is ʼn professor in die Departement Publiekreg en is ook verbonde aan die Skool vir Publieke Leierskap by die Universiteit. Hy doseer Administratiefreg en Staatsverkrygingsreg. Quinot is ʼn ontvanger van die Universiteit Stellenbosch Kanseliersmedalje, die jaarlikse toekenning vir die mees uitstaande finalejaarstudent aan die universiteit, wat aan hom toegeken is met sy LLB graad in 2000. Ander opmerklike toekennings wat hy ontvang het sluit in die Rektorstoekenning vir Gemeenskapsinteraksie wat hy in 2008 saam met prof Sandra Liebenberg ontvang het, die CHE/HELTASA National Excellence in Teaching and Learning Award in 2012 en die US Kanselierstoekenning in 2016. Hy het ʼn LLM aan die University of Virginia School of Law in die VSA voltooi op ʼn Fulbright toekenning, ʼn MA in Hoër Onderwysstudies aan die Universiteit van die Vrystaat en ‘n MPA aan die Universiteit van Birmingham se School of Government. Sy doktorale proefskrif het gehandel met die tema: “The Judicial Regulation of State Commercial Activity.” Sy navorsing fokus op administratiefreg, met ʼn spesifieke belangstelling in kommersiële optrede van die staat, insluitende staatsverkryging sowel as regsopleiding. Hy is die stigter-direkteur van die African Procurement Law Unit (APLU) en redakteur van die African Public Procurement Law Journal. Prof Quinot was ook ʼn universiteitsonderriggennoot vir die tydperk 2013-2015 met ʼn fokus op die ontwikkeling van regspedagogie in Suid-Afrika en het die nasionale Teaching Advancement at Universities (TAU) Fellowship program in 2016 voltooi. Prof Quinot is ‘n genoot van die Public Procurement Research Group by die Universiteit van Nottingham in die VK and ‘n lid van die redaksionele raad van die joernaal Public Procurement Law Review. 


Areas van belangstelling




Modules aangebied





  • Quinot G Administrative Law Cases & Materials (2008), Cape Town: Juta & Co.
  • Quinot G State Commercial Activity: A Legal Framework (2009), Cape Town: Juta & Co.
  • Liebenberg S & G Quinot (eds) Law and Poverty: Perspectives from South Africa and Beyond (2012), Cape Town: Juta & Co.
  • Quinot G & S Arrowsmith (eds) Public Procurement Regulation in Africa (2013), Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
  • Quinot G (ed) Administrative Justice in South Africa: An Introduction (2015), Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
  • Williams-Elegbe S & Quinot G (eds) Public Procurement Regulation for 21st Century Africa (2018) Cape Town: Juta & Co
  • Quinot G & Williams-Elegbe S (eds) Public Procurement Regulation in Africa: Development in Uncertain Times (2020) LexisNexis
  • Quinot, G. (ed) Administrative Justice in South Africa: An Introduction 2nd ed (2020) Oxford University Press

Chapters in Books/Hoofstukke in Boeke

  • Quinot G “Offer, Acceptance, and the Moment of Contract Formation” in HL MacQueen & R Zimmermann (eds) European Contract Law – Scots and South African Perspectives (2006), Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh.
  • Quinot G “Globalisation, State Commercial Activity and the Transformation of Administrative Law” in M Faure & AJ van der Walt (eds) Globalization and Private Law The Way Forward (2010), Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Bolton P & G Quinot “Social Policies in Procurement and the Government Procurement Agreement: a Perspective from South Africa” in S Arrowsmith & R Anderson (eds) The WTO Regime on Government Procurement: Recent Developments and Challenges Ahead (2011), Cambridge University Press.
  • Quinot G & S Liebenberg “Narrowing the Band: Reasonableness Review in Administrative Justice and Socio-Economic Rights Jurisprudence in South Africa” in S Liebenberg & G Quinot (eds) Law and Poverty: Perspectives from South Africa and Beyond (2012), Cape Town: Juta & Co.
  • Quinot G & Arrowsmith S “Introduction” in G Quinot & S Arrowsmith (eds) Public Procurement Regulation in Africa (2013), Cambridge University Press.
  • Quinot G “Remedies in Public Procurement Regulation” in G Quinot & S Arrowsmith (eds) Public Procurement Regulation in Africa (2013), Cambridge University Press.
  • Quinot G “The Promotion of Socio-economic Objectives through Procurement” in G Quinot & S Arrowsmith (eds) Public Procurement Regulation in Africa (2013), Cambridge University Press.
  • Quinot G & Maree PJH “Administrative Action” in G Quinot (ed) Administrative Justice in South Africa: An Introduction (2015), Oxford University Press.
  • Quinot G “Regulating Administrative Action” in G Quinot (ed) Administrative Justice in South Africa: An Introduction (2015), Oxford University Press.
  • Quinot G “Lawfulness” in G Quinot (ed) Administrative Justice in South Africa: An Introduction (2015), Oxford University Press.
  • Quinot G “Public Contracts” in A Farazmand (ed) Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy (2016) Springer
  • Quinot G “Private Law and Public Administration” in A Farazmand (ed) Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy (2016) Springer
  • Quinot G “Control and litigation in public contracts in South Africa” in L Folliot Lalliot & S Torricelli (eds) Contrôles et contentieux des contrats publics – Oversight and Challenges of public contracts (2018) Bruylant
  • Quinot G & Williams-Elegbe S “The New Challenges and Opportunities for Public Procurement Regulation in Africa” in S Williams-Elegbe & G Quinot (eds) Public Procurement Regulation for 21st Century Africa (2018) Juta
  • Quinot G “Public Procurement Law in Africa within a Developmental Framework” in S Williams-Elegbe & G Quinot (eds) Public Procurement Regulation for 21st Century Africa (2018) Juta
  • Quinot G & Van der Sijde E “Reflections on the single system of law principle with reference to the regulation of property and the right to just administrative action” in G Muller et al (eds) Transformative Property Law (2018) Juta
  • Quinot G “Constitutionalising Public Procurement through Human Rights: Lessons from South Africa” in O Martin-Ortega & C Methven O’Brien (eds) Public Procurement and Human Rights (2019) Edward Elgar Publishing
  • Quinot, G. “Differences in States’ Procurement Practices” in A Farazmand (ed) Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. (2021) Springer
  • Quinot, G., Williams-Elegbe, S & Udeh, K.T. “Emergency Procurement and Responses to COVID-19 in Africa: The Contrasting Cases of South Africa and Nigeria” in S Arrowsmith, LRA Butler, A La Chimia & C Yukins (eds) Public Procurement Regulation in (a) Crisis? (2021) Bloomsbury Publishing
  • De Schutter, O., Quinot, G. & Swensson, L.F.J. “Food procurement as a development tool: the role of the regulatory framework” in L.F.J. Swensson, D. Hunter, S. Schneider & F. Tartanac (eds) Public Food Procurement for Sustainable Food Systems and Healthy Diets, Vol 1 (2021) FAO, Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT and Editora da UFRGS
  • Quinot, G. “Local Public Entities in Distress: An Analysis of the South African Approach” in E. Vaccari, Y. Marique & L.N. Coordes (eds) Local Public Entities in Distress: A Global Study (2022) Insol International
  • Quinot, G. “Legal Regulation of Public Procurement in South Africa” in Kichik & G. Mordokhov (eds) Public Procurement Law Around the World Vol II (2022) Yustitsinform
  • Quinot, G. “Human rights and developmental considerations in procuring for Africa’s first World Cup” in O. Martin-Ortega & L. Trevino-Lozano (eds) Sustainable Public Procurement of Infrastructure and Human Rights (2023) Edward Elgar
  • Quinot, G. “Corruption and Covid-19 procurement” in S. Williams & J. Tillipman (eds) Routledge Handbook on Public Procurement Corruption (2023) Routledge

Journal articles/Joernaalartikels 

  • Quinot G “Labour Law and Administrative Law: uneasy bed-fellows?” (2000) Responsa Meridiana 16-32
  • Quinot G “Substantive Legitimate Expectations in South African and European Administrative Law” (2004) 5:1 German Law Journal 65-85 (online link)
  • Quinot G “The Right to Die in American and South African Constitutional Law” (2004) 37 The Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa 139-172
  • Quinot G “The Developing Doctrine of Substantive Protection of Legitimate Expectations in South African Administrative Law” (2004) 19 SA Publiekreg/ Public Law 543-570
  • “The Regulation of In-flight Films” (2005) 16:1 Stellenbosch Law Review/Regstydskrif 45-59
  • Williams S & Quinot G “Public Procurement and Corruption: The South African Response” (2007) 124:2 South African Law Journal 339-363
  • Quinot G “An Administrative Law Perspective on ‘Bad Building’ Evictions in the Johannesburg Inner City” (2007) 8:1 ESR Review 25-28 (online link)
  • Quinot G “Worse than Losing a Government Tender: Winning It” (2008) 19:1 Stellenbosch Law Review/Regstydskrif 101 – 121
  • Williams S & Quinot G “To Debar or not to Debar: When to Endorse a Contractor on the Register for Tender Defaulters” (2008) 125:2 South African Law Journal 248 – 258
  • “Towards Effective Judicial Review of State Commercial Activity” (2009) Journal of South African Law 436 – 449
  • Quinot G “Snapshot or Participatory Democracy? Political Engagement as Fundamental Human Right” (2009) 25 South African Journal on Human Rights 392 – 402.
  • Quinot G “New Procedures for Judicial Review of Administrative Action” (2010) 25 SA Public Law 646-655.
  •  Quinot G “Substantive Reasoning in Administrative-Law Adjudication” (2010) 3 Constitutional Court Review 111 – 139 (online link).
  • Quinot G “Administrative Law” (2010) Annual Survey of South African Law 41-76.
  • Quinot G “The Right to Reasons for Administrative Action as a Key Ingredient of a Culture of Justification” (2011) 25 Speculum Juris 32-47.
  • Quinot G “Enforcement of Procurement Law from a South African Perspective” (2011) 20 Public Procurement Law Review 193 – 206.
  • Quinot G & S Liebenberg “Narrowing the Band: Reasonableness Review in Administrative Justice and Socio-Economic Rights Jurisprudence in South Africa” (2011) 22 Stellenbosch Law Review 639-663.
  • Quinot G “Administrative Law” (2011) Annual Survey of South African Law 49-65.
  • Quinot G “Transformative Legal Education” (2012) 129 South African Law Journal 411-433.
  •  Quinot G “Die reg se oënskynlike onvermoë om korrupsie in staatskontraktering in Suid-Afrika hok te slaan” (2013) 10 LitNet Akademies 215-248 (online link).
  • Quinot, G “The Role of Quality in the Adjudication of Public Tenders” (2014) 17 Potchefstroomse Elektroniese Regsblad 1110-1136 (online link).
  • Quinot G & SP Van Tonder  “The Potential of Capstone Learning Experiences in Addressing Perceived Shortcomings in LLB Training in South Africa” (2014) 17 Potchefstroomse Elektroniese Regsblad 1355-1390 (online link).
  • Quinot G “In-house provisioning and South African public procurement law” (2014) 39 Journal for Juridical Science 115-129.
  • Quinot G & L Greenbaum “The Contours of a Pedagogy of Law in South Africa” (2015) 26 Stellenbosch Law Review 29-62.
  • Quinot G “Innovation, state contracting and public procurement law” (2015) 7 Trade, Law and Development 229 (online link).
  • Maree PJH & G Quinot “A decade and a half of deference (Part I)” (2016) Journal of South African Law 268-280.
  • Maree PJH & G Quinot “A decade and a half of deference (Part II)” (2016) Journal of South African Law 447-466.
  • Burch VC, Lewis J, Subramaney U, Katurura A, Quinot G, Singh S, Dhunpath R. “Towards A Conceptual Framework For Interdisciplinary Teaching And Learning Dialogues In Higher Education” Alternation 23,1 (2016) 233 – 266
  • Quinot G “The Third Wave of Preferential Procurement Regulations in South Africa” (2018) Journal of South African Law 856-867
  • Quinot G & Van der Sijde E “Opening at the Close: Clarity from the Constitutional Court on the Legal Cause of Action and Regulatory Framework for an Organ of State Seeking to Review Its Own Decisions?” (2019) Journal of South African Law 324 – 336
  • Arrowsmith S, Bayley R, Gorczynska A, Idoko J, Kay S, Faria Lopes J, Cifuentes CSB, Quinot G, Ren K, Nobel A, Solomanyan A, Sobieraj I, Soós G & Thurston A “Procuring infrastructure for international sporting events: mapping the field for IPACS and beyond” (2019) 28:6 Public Procurement Law Review 257-318
  • Stoffel, T., Cravero, C., La Chimia, A. and Quinot, G. “Multidimensionality of Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP)—Exploring Concepts and Effects in Sub-Saharan Africa and Europe” (2019) 11:22, 6352 Sustainability, 1-23
  • Shai, L., Molefinyana, C. and Quinot, G. “Public Procurement in the Context of Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE) in South Africa—Lessons Learned for Sustainable Public Procurement” (2019) 11:24, 7164 Sustainability, 1-27
  • Quinot, G. “Regulatory justification and coordination in South Africa” (2020) The Regulatory Review (online)
  • Quinot, G. “Reforming Procurement Law in South Africa” (2020) 7 APPLJ 1-15
  • Quinot, G. & Williams-Elegbe, S. “Some African Responses to Public Procurement for and during COVID-19” (2020) 30 Public Procurement Law Review 232-237
  • Quinot, G. “The conundrum of self-review – sanctioning parallel systems of administrative law” (2020) 66 Loyola Law Review 525-554
  • Quinot, G. “Justification, integration, and expertise: South Africa’s regulatory response to COVID-19” (2021) 73(1) Administrative Law Review 105-120
  • Quinot, G. & Anthony, A. “Towards Open Contracting in South African Public Procurement Law” (2022) 31 Public Procurement Law Review 113-119
  • Quinot, G. “Public Procurement Law” (2022) 3 Yearbook of South African Law 1161-1174
  • Quinot, G. “Contemporary trends in the development of public procurement law in South Africa” (2023) 85(1) Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 71

Lectures & conference presentations recordings

Quinot, G Some thoughts on the implementation of Transformative Legal Education (2012) unpublished paper presented at the Teaching Law Colloquium at the Faculty of Law of North-West University, Potchefstroom.

Quinot G The Importance of the State in Innovation (2015) unpublished paper presented at the Procurement Week 2015: Fenceless Fences: Re-Drafting the Boundaries of Procurement Innovation Cardiff Wales, 16 to 20-03-2015.

Quinot G Die grondwetlike waardes onderliggend aan die Wet op Burgerlike Verbintenisse (2015) unpublished paper presented at the Eendag-konferensie oor Selfdegeslag Verhoudinge Fakulteit Teologie, Universiteit Stellenbosch, 12-09-2015.

Quinot G, L Miller, C Nicholas & M Vannari Roundtable discussion: Developing Trends and Model Systems: Is the World Ready to Move Towards Harmonization of Suspension & Debarment? (2015) unpublished paper presented at the World Bank Third Suspension and Debarment ColloquiumWashington DC, 16-12-2015.

Also see the following research projects:

African Procurement Law Unit

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