
ALSA attends an Open Day at Stellenbosch University

On Saturday 27 February, Stellenbosch University held its annual Open Day. Antarctic Legacy of South Africa was given the opportunity to exhibit its banner and hand out flyers at the Department of Botany and Zoology Stall, in the J.C. Smuts Building on the Stellenbosch Campus. We also gave away buttons with our logo on – which children loved with most of them saying something like “ANTARCTICA…nice!”.

From 8.30 am until 4.00 pm children, mostly together with their parents, streamed through the hallways. Some children knew exactly what their future study will be but others were confused, mostly wanting to know whether studying science will give them a bright future. Children were intrigued with our colourful flyer and wanted to know more about ‘this kind of science’, referring to the photos on the flyer. They mostly knew about Antarctica, but not one was aware of Marion or Gough Island. Grade 11’s mostly wanted to know what subjects to take in Grade 12 to be able to study towards a BSc degree.

Because expeditions to Antarctica, Marion and Gough  do not only include the study of fauna and flora, we also made our flyers available at the Geology Stall. Engineering is another leg of research at the three research stations and we should also make our flyers available at the engineering faculties on upcoming open days.

Most favourite quote of the day: “Wow, I see this is clearly not an office job, exactly what I want!”

My take on this open day: it will definitely be worthwhile to visit schools in order to promote South Africa’s involvement in Antarctic and sub-Antarctic research.

Flyers will be sent to the following Open Days of universities involved with the South African National Antarctic Programme.

University of Cape Town – 16 April 2016
North West University – 7 May 2016 (Potchefstroom Campus)
University of Pretoria – 21 May 2016
University of Johannesburg – Date not announced yet
Rhodes University – Doesn’t have an open day

Feature photograph: Anche stands by ALSA’s pull-up banner at Stellenbosch University’s 2016 Open Day

Anche Louw, Research Assistant/Social Science Communicator, Antarctic Legacy of South Africa, Department of Botany and Zoology, Stellenbosch University, o1 March 2016

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