
Over the Horizon_Launch

The Antarctic Legacy of South Africa launched its sixth book on the 3rd of November 2022 at the Irma Stern Museum in Cape Town. Jean Brundrit’s book, Over the Horizon, is a work of art. The book contains images taken with an ice lens, in the Antarctic region, and at the Antarctic ice shelf. Read […]

EventsNewsPrince Edward IslandsPromoteScience

The Zoological Society of Southern Africa (ZSSA) presents an annual award for the most outstanding third-year and Honours students in Zoology at each of the South African universities. At Stellenbosch University, on 29 June 2022, the Department of Botany and Zoology had the opportunity to present the prizes to awardees of 2021, at the first […]

AntarcticAntarcticaEventsNewsSouthern OceanSub-Antarctic

The NRF SANAP project, ‘Antarctica, Africa and the Arts’, hosted a workshop from 23 to 25 May at Cape Agulhas National Park, with a focus on Africa’s relationship to its south-facing coastlines from the perspective of the arts and humanities. The workshop brought scholars from a wide range of academic disciplines together with creative practitioners, […]