
SANAE Takeover Period – Dozers and Drivers Teams

Bulldozers and their drivers are an essential part of Takeover at SANAE IV. Watch the video by Alexander Oelofse  of Interview of drivers during 2019-2020 Takeover  at SANAE IV on SANAP Website.  Below the 2019-2020 Drivers Takeover Team .

   B: Thabang Tshupo, Bertus Roos, Andrew Kietzmann, Riaan Marx.   F:Thabo Thebe, Thato Mareme, Markus Viljoen.

                                                         Above Takeover Dozers and drivers take teams 2017, 2014, 2011

Overwintering team members do training on driving the bulldozers,  as SANAE 51 of 2012 is writing about this training in their newsletter. This post is not about the overwintering team members activities but images of the driver teams that is part of all Takeovers at SANAE ans images to show the tasks they have to accomplish.

In the SANAE takeover manual there is guidelines and procedures as how these tasks must be accomplished.

“The edge of the cliff is an obvious danger area. We recommend that you do not venture closer than 5 metres from the edge. The snow forms overhangs over the cliff edge, which will break off if you put too much pressure on it. “

The newsletters of many team’s discuss the huge task of the bulldozers and the drivers to get the supplies to and from the S. A Agulhas ii at the Penguin Bukta and SANAE IV, such as bulldozer prepare ramp for offloading and February 2018 newsletter tells about offloading at the Penguin Bukta

                                                 There are a few tasks allocated to the drivers of the bulldozers and therefore these teams of drivers are always part of the takeover team for SANAE. Maintenance on equipment needed to be done and the huge task of taking supplies to SANAE IV.

This is just the few images that the Antarctic Legacy got hold of during their trip to SANAE IV in 2019, these images were in the lounge of the base.  ALSA would also like to request any drivers to send us their images and better images of teams that we can add it to the ALSA digital repository as these teams is part of the Legacy of South Africa in the Antarctic. Below we share images taken by Adriaan Dreyer of the Department of Environment, Forestry and fisheries during takeovers. There are more images available by him on the ALSA digital repository and we share these links

 Western side of SANAE IV base being cleared

Ice roads around the base and to E-Base

                      Eastern Side of SANAE IV being cleared

Cover photo and other images by Adriaan Dreyer

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