AntarcticPreserveSouthern OceanSub-Antarctic

The first and main aim of our project is to preserve South Africa’s rich involvement in the Antarctic and sub-Antarctic regions. In order to fulfil this never-ending task we collect and store the stories, memories, photographs and other documents pertaining to South Africans in the Antarctic and on the sub-Antarctic islands since the turn of […]

Marion IslandNewsPrince Edward Islands

Today is World Wetlands Day. The Prince Edward Islands are the first Ramsar sites in the sub-Antarctic. References: Ramsar. South African National Antarctic Programme.  Anché Louw, Antarctic Legacy of South Africa, Department of Botany and Zoology, Stellenbosch University, 02 February 2017.   

AntarcticaMarion IslandOutreachPromote

Promoting South Africa’s involvement in the Antarctic and sub-Antarctic has become a great passion for ALSA. This involves communicating the science that is conducted in these regions. Children find it fascinating and we often get call-backs from teachers wanting to know more about the South African National Antarctic Programme (SANAP). We feel proud to bring […]