
ALSA’s Principal Investigator, Ria Olivier, and co-investigator, Anché Louw, both now members of the South Africa National Committee for the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR), under Social Sciences and Humanities Standing Committee of SCAR. Please refer to this article for more information on the South African National Committee for SCAR. More on ALSA’s representation at […]


Antarctica, Anche Louw, Ria Olivier

ALSA received the opportunity to visit the SANAE IV (South African National Antarctic Expedition) Station in the first two weeks of January. Anché and I left to accomplish the task of gathering as much information as possible of the current research station, as well as the rich history of South Africa’s involvement on the Antarctic […]


Although our office is based in Stellenbosch and we are dedicated to the South African National Antarctic Programme (SANAP) the ALSA project needs to spread the word about SA’s Antarctic Legacy nationally and internationally. We need to share our ideas and expand our archival knowledge. Our neighbouring country Botswana hosted the second International SciDataCon during International […]