The University of Stellenbosch

BENEFIT Kids | Systematic Reviews

The BENEFIT Kids Project is working to improve how we use existing data on second-line TB drugs in children. Through two systematic reviews, we're carefully analysing this data to create better dosing guidelines and treatment methods for children with MDR-TB. This approach is efficient and safe for children. Our innovative analysis methods, including data pooling and advanced modelling, not only fill current knowledge gaps but also establish a strong foundation for future research and collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO). We're closely coordinating with WHO and engaging with stakeholders to share our findings and prepare for the adoption and expansion of these improved treatment approaches. Our global partners include the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) and the Medical Research Council of South Africa (MRC SA).

Our first systematic review: Paediatric pharmacokinetics (PK) data for 2nd-line TB drugs:

As part of this systematic review, we will synthesise available data on the pharmacokinetics of second-line drugs for tuberculosis to inform optimal dosing recommendations for MDR-TB prevention and treatment in children.  Results will be disseminated during 2023 and 2024.


Our second systematic review 2: Paediatric MDR-TB treatment:

As part of this systematic review, we will synthesise the available data on treatments and outcomes in children treated for drug-resistant tuberculosis. This evidence will be proactively shared with WHO as they consider new paediatric dosing and treatment guidelines. Initial results have already informed WHO guidelines on the use of bedaquiline and delamanid in children in 2022. Moving forward, the project will continue to support global data curation on MDR-TB treatment in children, adolescents and pregnant women.