Bangeni N – Social spaces in the classroom: A narrative of critical professional practice
Bangeni Social spaces in the classroom
Bangeni A narrative of critical professional practice
Bezuidenhout J – Hope Begins at Home
Bezuidenhout Hope Begins at Home
Bitzer E – Optimal conditions to teach for the public good in higher education as a field of studies and research
Bitzer Optimal conditions to teach for the public good
Blaine D – Does teaching for the public good make new or different demands on academics?
Blaine Does teaching for the public good make new or different demands on academics
Bosman H – How Teaching [and Researching] for the Public Good Impacts on the Role and Identity of Academics
Bosman How Teaching [and Researching] for the Public Good Impacts on the Role and Identity of Academics
Bosman H – Teaching Old Testament Ethics for Masters and Doctoral Students from Three Continents: Constraints, Problems and Opportunities when Pitched as “Public Good”
Bosman Teaching Old Testament Ethics for Masters and Doctoral Students from Three Continents
Botman HR – Hopeful pedagogies at Stellenbosch University
Botman Hopeful pedagogies at Stellenbosch University
Bozalek V and Leibowitz B – An Evaluative Framework for Social Justice for Higher Education Teaching and Learning
Bozalek and Leibowitz An Evaluative Framework for Social Justice for HE Teaching and Learning
Bozalek and Leibowitz Towards a theory of social justice for teaching and learning PowerPoint
Chikte U – Focus on academics teaching for the public good
Chikte Focus on academics teaching for the public good
Costandius E – What is the motivation for participating in debates regarding social transformation?
Costandius What is the motivation for participating in debates regarding social transformation
Esau O – Reflections: From Primary School Teacher to Novice Lecturer
Fourie M – Inleiding
Fourie Inleiding
Gierdien F – Finding hope in spreadsheets use in pre-service mathematics teacher education
Gierdien Finding hope in spreadsheets use in pre-service mathematics teacher education
Gierdien Finding hope in spreadsheets use in pre-service mathematics teacher education PowerPoint
Holgate D – Optimal conditions for academics teaching for the public good – exploiting academic freedom
Holgate Optimal conditions for academics teaching for the public good
Kese P – Multilingualism: an academic capital within teacher-education curriculum
Kese Multilingualism
Koopman N – Towards a pedagogy of hybridity, reconciliation and justice
Koopman Towards a pedagogy of hybridity, reconciliation and justice
Leibowitz et al – Collaborative Curriculum Design for Inclusive Education
Leibowitz et al Collaborative Curriculum Design for Inclusive Education
Liebenberg S – Reflections on teaching human rights law to foster deliberative democracy
Liebenberg Reflections on teaching human rights law to foster deliberative democracy
Liebenberg Reflections on Teaching Human Rights Law to Foster Deliberative Democracy Presentation
Malgas R and Jacobs S – Collaborating with civil society groups for innovative teaching and learning: an initiative in the Conservation Ecology Teaching Programme at the University of Stellenbosch
Malgas Jacobs Collaborating with civil society groups for innovative teaching and learning
Malgas Engaging members of Civil Society in University Teaching and Learning PowerPoint
Ruiters J – Developing multilingualism in cyberspace: What are the possibilities?
Ruiters Developing multilingualism in cyberspace
Scheffer C – Contribution of Project Oriented Learning in Global Engineering Teams
Scheffer Contribution of Project Oriented Learning in Global Engineering Teams
Slamat J – Looking differently at education: a pedagogy of compassionate rationality
Slamat, J. 2009. A pedagogy of compassionate rationality and its consequences for teacher education. South African Journal of Higher Education, 23 (6):1148-1160
Slamat A Pedagogy of compassionate rationality
Smith-Tolken A – Experiential learning pedagogies – challenge or opportunity
Smith-Tolken Experiential learning pedagogies – challenge or opportunity
Smith-Tolken Experiential learning pedagogies – challenge or opportunity PowerPoint
Van Schalkwyk S, Herman N, Muller A – Graduate attributes at SU: for the public good?
Van Schalkwyk Muller Herman Graduate attributes for the public good_3Nov2010
Visser M – Multilingualism at Stellenbosch University: Perspectives on the Architecture of Language Use in Teaching and Learning and Language Management Directed Towards Professional Excellence and a Citizenship of Hope
Visser Multilingualism at Stellenbosch University
Wisker G – Optimal conditions for academics teaching for the public good – nurturing critical professionals
Wisker Optimal conditions for academics teaching for the public good
Zaahl M – Diversity in the Faculty of Agrisciences: Students Perspectives
Zaahl Diversity in the Faculty of Agrisciences_Students Perspectives