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IT Dienstoonbank: Die stemme aan die ander kant van jou telefoon

Donderdag, Februarie 23rd, 2012

Mandy Wanza Jy ken dit al uit jou kop uit – die nommer wat jy bel as jy op `n Maandagoggend as jy sonder rede jou wagwoord vergeet of jou baas die powerpoint-aanbieding vir sy vergadering tien minute voor die tyd per ongeluk “verloor” het. Ooit gewonder wie die stemme aan die ander kant van die telefoon is?

Informasietegnologie se dienstoonbank word van 8:00 tot 4:30 beman deur  sewe personeellede – 6 manne en een roos tussen die dorings. Die spannetjie is IT se voordeur – jou eerste stop as jy `n probleem het en dit so gou as moontlik opgelos wil hê.

Verskeie funksies word deur die IT Dienstoonbank vervul, onder andere  administrasie van alle versoeke telefonies ontvang, sowel as via die vier generiese e-posse, netwerkadministrasietake en ook eerste vlak gebruikersondersteuning. Vir dié span is dit belangrik dat gebruikers te alle tye op hoogte gehou word van hul probleem se status.

Die Dienstoonbank se hoofdoelwit is om so gou moontlik navrae te hanteer en probleme op te los sodat jy so gou as moontlik kan voortgaan met jou werk.  Hulle werk, aan die ander kant, word aansienlik vergemaklik as gebruikers hulle samewerking gee, volledige inligting verskaf en bo alles geduldig bly. Vir elke probleem is daar `n oplossing – al voel dit nie altyd so nie!  Vele interessante klagtes en versoeke word daagliks aangehoor, maar met  al die geduld in die wêreld kwyt die Dienstoonbank hulle verbasend goed van hul taak.

Om te verseker dat jy hierdie vinnige diens kry, is dit belangrik om `n paar goed te weet .

Indien jy `n dringende versoek het en nie telefonies by die Dienstoonbank uitkom nie, kan jy self `n versoek aanmeld deur `n e-pos te stuur. Geen gewag en aanhou meer nie!

Stuur `n e-pos aan met die volgende belangrike inligting:

  • Beskrywing van probleem
  • Gebou
  • Kamernommer
  • Telefoonnommer
  • Batenommer van rekenaar, drukker, skootrekenaar


Boodskappe kan vir IT se Dienstoonbank gelos word by telefoonnommer 021 808 4367. Versoeke kan ook aanlyn gedoen word by

Sodra ‘n versoek suksesvol aangeteken is, sal jy `n ‘n epos ontvang met `n verwysingsnommer wat jy kan gebruik om om navraag te doen oor die vordering van jou versoek.

Enige rekenaarverwante navrae kan gerig word aan, maar om probleme aan te meld, gebruik asseblief


Meer inligting, ook `n paar algemene vrae, kan hier gevind word.

Fotos: Petro Uys

Waarskuwing aan 3G-gebruikers: Risiko vir oorspandering op datakontrakte

Dinsdag, Februarie 14th, 2012

Gebruikers word gewaarsku om versigtig die 3G-databundel, veral op skootrekenaars, te gebruik. Sommige pakkette van diensverskaffers se 3G-databundels beskerm nie die gebruiker teen oorspandering nie.

Hierdie risiko kom veral voor by gebruikers wat ‘n besigheidskontrak met ‘n diensverskaffer gesluit het en onder die indruk is dat, indien ‘n databundel teen die kontrak gekoop is, dit veilig is om maar die datadiens te gebruik “tot dit op” is.

Daar is egter ‘n groot risiko dat indien die databundel oorskry word, ‘n baie hoër “buite-bundel” tarief inskop en die gebruiker onvermoedelik ʼn baie hoër uitgawe verpligting aangaan.

Die risiko word verhoog deur programmatuur wat outomaties, sonder die gebruiker se wete, opdateer en gevolglik hoë volumes verkeer genereer. Let dus veral op sagteware se verstellings en maak seker dat opdaterings eerder met die hand gedoen word i.p.v. outomaties.

ʼn Verdere groot risiko is die buitensporige koste van data in die buiteland. “Wireless” binne die hotel is gewoonlik meer bekostigbaar as plaaslike diensverskaffers se “roaming” data opsies.

Gebruikers word sterk aangeraai om limiete op die bedrag of verkeer te plaas (kyk na u diensverskaffer se webblad), asook om sms of epos boodskappe te aktiveer wanneer die verkeer naby die limiet van die kontrak kom. Voorafbetaalde data is in die opsig baie veiliger.

Verder word gebruikers aangemoedig om die volume verkeer op die 3G beheerprogram self deeglik dop te hou. Die meeste verskaffers gee aan hul kliënte die opsie op datagebruik op hulle webwerf te monitor en IT raai gebruikers aan om van hierdie fasiliteit gebruik te maak. Skakel ook die 3G-fasiliteit af indien dit nie benodig word nie.

En die wenner is …

Donderdag, Oktober 13th, 2011

Informasie Tegnologie het in Julie `n splinternuwe inisiatief bekendgestel waar studente die geleentheid gebied is om Microsoft sagteware teen afslagpryse deur die universiteit te koop. Hierdie wonderlike aanbod bied aan Stellenbosch Universiteit studente die unieke geleentheid om toegang te verkry tot die nuutste Windows en Microsoft Office programmatuur.

As deel van die insiatief is studente outomaties ingeskryf in `n kompetisie om `n splinternuwe Lenovo Ideapad te wen.

Die gelukkig wenner, Sibusiso Dlamini, is verlede week aangewys uit honderde inskrywings en sy prys is Woensdag aan hom oorhandig deur Allister Lesar, Koördineerder: IT Studentesentrum en Marita de Koker, Sagteware Koördineerder.

Google Plus fake invites pose security anxiety

Woensdag, Julie 27th, 2011

Kaspersky Lab warns Internet users of targeted attacks on newly launched Google Plus.

Kaspersky Lab warns Internet users of targeted attacks on newly launched Google Plus social networking site. Having only launched at the end of June 2011, Google Plus is growing fast, having already reached more than 10 million users in its first week of operation.

However, as with any social network, over sharing has become the default option, and as such, is a constant concern. Considering Google Plus is new to this arena, it is interesting to note that it has already attracted the attention of cybercriminals.

In fact, Kaspersky Lab have identified that cybercriminals are already targeting individuals through friend invites to this network, via emails.

“Google Plus is another addition to the social networking world, and while certainly an exciting avenue to explore in this regard, considering the world of Internet cybercrime, Kaspersky Lab have identified that Brazilian cybercriminals have already started sending fake invites with malicious links pointing to malware, specifically Trojan bankers.

We recently found one targeting Portuguese speakers and as such, feel that it is crucial to warn users of the potential security threats targeting this social networking site as it is only set to grow,” says Fabio Assolini, Kaspersky Lab Malware Researcher, Global Research and Analysis Team.

The fake invite contains an infected link that when accessed, redirects the user to a very common Brazilian Trojan banker file – a .cmd file hosted at Dropbox. The most interesting thing to note in this message however is another link pointing to a form hosted at Google Docs. The message shows the link as “send the invitation to your friends” but it is actually a fake form created to collect names and e-mail addresses of new victims. Kaspersky Lab has reported this malicious file and the fake Web form to Google for their interest.

Social Network security

Social networks are seen as one of the greatest security threats among businesses, along with various other forms of file sharing. The introduction of new social networking sites creates a haven for cybercriminals to implement virus and threat activity for their own gain; especially as such sites are without a doubt popular among users. In fact, looking at statistics it is evident as to why these sites attract cybercriminals – lots of user.

According to Strategy Worx CC, worldwide Facebook has 750 million users, of which over four million (approximately 4 095 280) originate from South Africa. The same reports also indicates that Twitter has an estimated figure of 277 million worldwide users of which approximately 900 000 users are in SA. Google Plus is fast gaining the attention of users and the nature progress to cybercriminals is evident.

As such, Kaspersky Lab offers the following tips for securing a Google Plus account:

· Profile Management – The profile editing section is the brains of the Google Plus’s privacy, providing a versatile interface that allows you to customise how you share each and every nugget of your information. Be sure to use it and make your privacy levels a high priority.

· One circle to rule them all – If you’re going to use Google Plus, you need to learn to master the fine art of Circle Management. Circles are the main privacy control centre of Google Plus. They allow you to create groups of friends and associates using a powerful (and cool) user interface that makes it easy to group friends, family and co-workers, and then limit who can see what.

· Instant upload – If you access Google Plus using your Android phone, photos and videos you take are automatically uploaded to Google’s cloud via a new tool called Instant Upload. Don’t worry – photos aren’t shared by default, but are stored on a private Picasa Web folder for future sharing. Instant Upload is a fine idea – for a minority of users – but it’s enabled by default and may take a lot of new Google Plus users unaware. To disable Instant Upload, click into the app, Menu/ Settings/ and at the top of the screen uncheck “Instant Upload” for increased protection.

“If you are interested in joining Google Plus our advice would be to ensure you explore this medium on a secure computer, whist being cautious at all times of pop up blocks and links that insist you re-direct.

Furthermore, Kaspersky Lab urge users to not believe in supposed invites received via e-mails. Ensuring a safe social networking experience requires you to be aware that such threats exist, thereby being able to take action the necessary action required and socialising in a secure environment,” says Assolini.


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