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Midwinter 2022

We would like to wish our teams on Antarctica, Marion Island, and Gough Island a happy midwinter. You can find the current teams’ Midwinter greeting cards here: SANAE 61 Marion 79 Gough 67 View some previous midwinter cards here: SANAE Marion Island Gough Island Did you/will you be celebrating midwinter with some old team members? […]


This years South African Antarctic Club (SAAC) Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Midwinter celebratory lunch was once again held at the GEMS Village in Irene, Pretoria. This years event took place on Saturday 22 June 2019 and was attended by 10 members and some of their partners. This included welcome visits from Dr Heinz Rode […]

AntarcticaArchiveMarion IslandMidwinter CelebrationSANAETeams

A solstice can be defined in a number of ways but few really explain the mechanics of the phenomenon. Firstly, a solstice can be said to be either of the times each year when the sun is furthest from the equator. It is also the time when the sun is vertically above the Tropic of […]