Nagraads | Postgraduate


LLB (3 jaar)

Hierdie LLB program is toeganklik vir gegradueerdes vanuit ander dissiplines, bv Natuurwetenskappe of Ingenieeurswese. Toelating is onderworpe aan keuring.

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LLB (3 year)

Students holding a Bachelors degree in another discipline, eg Science or Engineering, may apply for admission to the 3 year LLB degree.

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Nagraadse Diploma in Belastingreg

Die tweejarige program konsentreer op die interpretasie van belastingwetgewing soos uitgekristaliseer in hofsake, interpretasienotas en ander bronne soos handboeke, vaktydskrif artikels en elektroniese publikasies. Klik hier vir meer inligting.

Die program word slegs in Engels aangebied.

Volgende inname:

Januarie 2025


Postgraduate Diploma in Tax Law

This two-year programme concentrates on the interpretation of tax law contained in judgments, interpretation notes and other sources such as handbooks, journal articles and electronic publications. Click here for more information.

This programme is offered in English only.

Next intake:

January 2025

Nagraadse Diploma in Intellektuele Goederereg

Die program (1 jaar voltyds of 2 jaar deeltyds) is die enigste van sy soort en bied aan studente die besondere geleentheid om ‘n oorsigtelike kennis van die intellektuele goederereg te bekom deur ‘n prakties-gedrewe bestudering van die reg op handelsmerke, patente, ontwerpe, outeursreg en digitale intellektuele goederereg.

Die modules word slegs in Engels aangebied. Toetse en eksamens kan egter in Afrikaans of Engels afgelê word.

Jaarlikse innames:

Januarie en Julie

Postgraduate Diploma in Intellectual Property Law

This programme (1 year full time or 2 years part time) is the only of its kind and offers students the unique opportunity to obtain an introductory knowledge of intellectual property through practice driven study of the law of trademarks, patents, designs, copyright and digital aspects of intellectual property law.

All of the modules in this programme will be offered in English only. Tests and exams may, however, be completed in Afrikaans or English.

Annual intakes:

January and July

Nagraadse Diploma in Staatsverkrygingsreg en -Regulering

Die program (1 jaar voltyds of 2 jaar deeltyds) is die enigste van sy soort en bied aan studente die besondere geleentheid om kennis van staatsverkrygingsreg te bekom deur ‘n prakties-gedrewe bestudering van beide Suid-Afrikaanse as internasionale reg wat staatsverkryging reguleer.

Die modules word slegs in Engels aangebied.

Volgende inname:

Januarie 2026

Lees meer HIER.

Postgraduate Diploma in Public Procurement Policy and Regulation

This programme (1 year full time or 2 years part time) is the only of its kind and offers students the unique opportunity to obtain knowledge in public procurement law through practice driven study of both South African and international public procurement law.

All of the modules in this programme will be offered in English only.

Next intake:

January 2026

Read more HERE.

LLM (Gestruktureerd)

Hierdie program bied regsonderring op die hoogste vlak met ‘n reeks gefokusde studieareas van akademiese en praktiese belang. Die doel van die program is om afgestudeerde regsstudente die geleentheid te bied om te spesialiseer, dieper kennis op te doen oor uitgesoekte velde van die reg en sodoende deskundige praktisyns en leiers op hul gebied te word.

Hierdie graad word verwerf deur vier modules en ‘n aanvaarbare navorsingsprojek van tussen 15 000 en 20 000 woorde oor ‘n goedgekeurde onderwerp te voltooi.

Studente kan of die algemene program volg of ‘n gespesialiseerde program (Alternatiewe Geskilbeslegting, Arbeidsreg, Internasionale Handelsreg of Intellektuele Goederereg).

Die program vereis klasbywoning in Stellenbosch gedurende die jaar, lesings word normaalweg een keer per week per module in die aand tussen 18:00 en 20:00 aangebied.

Alle modules word in Engels aangebied en studente wat vir hierdie program aansoek doen moet goeie taalvaardighede in Engels hê.

Jaarlikse innames:

Januarie en Julie

LLM (by coursework)

This programme offers legal education at the highest level in a range of focused study areas of academic and practical importance. The purpose of this programme is to enable law graduates to specialise, gain deeper insight into selected fields of law and become specialist practitioners and leaders in their chosen field.

The degree is awarded on the successful completion of four taught modules and a research project of between 15 000 and 20 000 words on an approved topic.

Students can either follow the general programme or a specialised programme (Alternative Dispute Resolution, International Trade Law, Intellectual Property Law or Labour Law).

The programme requires class attendance in Stellenbosch throughout the year, with classes generally being presented once a week per module in the evening from 18:00 to 20:00.

All modules are taught in English and students enrolling for this programme must be proficient in English.

Annual intakes

January and July

LLM (Algemeen)

Studente mag enige vier modules van die volgende modules kies:

  • Betaling en Waarborge in Internasionale Kontrakte
  • Deeltitels in regsvergelykende perspektief
  • Die Reg op Geregistreerde Ontwerpe
  • Die Reg op Handelsmerke
  • Gelykheid in Diensverband
  • Georganiseerde Misdaad
  • Geselekteerde Vraagstukke in Internasionale Arbeidsreg en Sosiale Sekerheidsreg
  • Geselekteerde Vraagstukke in Kollektiewe Arbeidsreg
  • Gevorderde Maatskappyereg
  • Gevorderde Menseregte
  • Gevorderde Strafreg
  • Indiensnemingsregte
  • Intellektuele Goederereg in die Digitale Omgewing
  • Internasionale Kommersiële Arbitrasie
  • Internasionale Belastingreg
  • Internasionale Koopreg
  • Internasionale Reg en Kinderregte
  • Internasionale Strafreg
  • Klimaatreg en Volhoubaarheidsregeerkunde
  • Mededingingsreg
  • Outeursreg
  • Regsaspekte van Wêreld- en Streekshandel
  • Seevervoer van Goedere
  • Stedelike Reg
  • Trustreg

Nota: nie alle modules word noodwendig vir elke inname aangebied nie.

 LLM (General)

Students may select any four modules of their choice from the following:

  • Advanced Company Law
  • Advanced Criminal Law
  • Advanced Human Rights Law
  • Carriage of Goods by Sea
  • Climate Change and Sustainability Governance
  • Comparative Apartment Ownership
  • Competition Law
  • Copyright Law
  • Employment Rights
  • Equality in the Workplace
  • Intellectual Property Law in the Digital Environment
  • International Sales Law
  • International Commercial Arbitration
  • International Criminal Law
  • International Law and Children’s Rights
  • International Tax Law
  • Legal Aspects of World and Regional Trade
  • Organised Crime
  • Payment and Guarantees in International Contracts
  • Selected issues in Collective Labour Law
  • Selected issues in International Labour and Social Security Law
  • The Law of Patents and Registered Design
  • The Law of Trusts
  • Trademark Law
  • Urban Law

Note: not all modules are necessarily offered for each intake.

LLM (Alternatiewe Geskilbeslegting)

Gespesialiseerde program met ‘n fokus op Alternatiewe Geskilbeslegting, Kommersiële Arbitrasie en Mediasie. Studente moet ‘n navorsingsprojek en vier modules voltooi:

Verpligte modules:

  • Internasionale Kommersiële Arbitrasie
  • Mediasie
  • Gespesialiseerde Geskilbeslegtingsmetodes

Keusemodules vir 2025:

  • Indiensnemingsregte OF
  • Internasionale Reg en Kinderregte OF
  • Betaling en Waarborge in Internasionale Kontrakte

 LLM (Alternative Dispute Resolution)

Specialised LLM programme with a focus on Alternative Dispute Resolution, Commercial Arbitration and Mediation. Students must complete a research paper and four modules:

Compulsory modules:

  • International Commercial Arbitration
  • Mediation
  • Specialised Dispute Resolution Techniques

Electives for 2025:

  • Employment Rights OR
  • International Law and Children’s Rights OR
  • Payments and Guarantees in International Contracts

 LLM (Internasionale Handelsreg)

Gespesialiseerde program met ‘n fokus op Internasionale Besigheidstransaksies, Kommersiële Arbitrasie, Betalingsinstrumente en Seevervoer. Studente moet ‘n navorsingsprojek en vier van die volgende modules voltooi:

  • Internasionale Koopreg
  • Betaling en Waarborge in Internasionale Kontrakte
  • Internasionale Kommersiële Arbitrasie
  • Internasionale Belastingreg
  • Regsaspekte van Wêreld- en Streekhandel
  • Seevervoer van Goedere
  • Volhoubare Ontwikkelingsreg

 LLM (International Trade Law)

Specialised LLM programme with a focus on International Business Transactions, Commercial Arbitration and Carriage Agreements. Students must complete a research paper and four of the following modules:

  • International Sales Law
  • Payment and Guarantees in International Contracts
  • International Commercial Arbitration
  • International Tax Law
  • Legal Aspects of World and Regional Trade
  • Carriage of Goods by Sea
  • Sustainable Development Law

 LLM (Intellektuele Goederereg)

Gespesialiseerde LLM program in gevorderde intellektuele goederereg. Studente moet ‘n navorsingsprojek en vier modules voltooi:

Verpligte modules:

  • Outeursreg
  • Die Reg op Handelsmerke
  • Die Reg op Geregistreerde Ontwerpe


  • Intellektuele Goederereg in die Digitale Omgewing OF
  • Mededingingsreg

Meer inligting

 LLM (Intellectual Property Law)

Bespoke LLM programme in advanced intellectual property law. Students must complete a research paper and four taught modules:

Compulsory modules:

  • Copyright Law
  • Trade Mark Law
  • The Law of Patents and Registered Designs


  • Intellectual Property Law in the Digital Environment OR
  • Competition Law

More information


LLM (Arbeidsreg)

Gespesialiseerde program met ‘n fokus op Arbeidsreg. Studente moet ‘n navorsingsprojek en die volgende vier modules voltooi:

  • Gelykheid in Diensverband
  • Geselekteerde Vraagstukke in Internasionale Arbeidsreg en Sosiale Sekerheidsreg
  • Geselekteerde Vraagstukke in Kollektiewe Arbeidsreg
  • Indiensnemingsregte

LLM (Labour Law)

Specialised LLM programme with a focus on Labour Law. Students must complete a research paper and the following four modules:

  • Employment Rights
  • Equality in the Workplace
  • Selected issues in Collective Labour Law
  • Selected issues in International Labour and Social Security Law
Professionele LLM

Hierdie LLM program is gefokus op die ontwikkeling van professionele kundigheid en is gemik op persone in professionele praktyk. ‘n Student moet vier gedoseerde modules voltooi sowel as ‘n navorsingsportefeulje.

LLM (Staatsverkrygingsreg)

Gespesialiseerde program met ‘n fokus op Staatsverkrygingsreg. Studente moet vier modules voltooi:

Verpligte modules

  • Staatsverkrygingsreg en -beleid in Suid-Afrika
  • Internasionale stelsels van staatsverkrygingsreg

Keuse modules

  • Korrupsie en staatsverkryging
  • Die reg en beleid van verdedigingsverkryging
  • Die reg en beleid van staatsverkryging van infrastruktuur in Suid-Afrika
  • Beleid en staatsverkrygingsreg
  • Afdwinging van staatsverkrygingsreg

Lees meer HIER.

Professional LLM

This LLM programme is specifically focused on developing professional expertise and is aimed at persons in professional practice. A student must successfully complete four taught modules and a research portfolio.

LLM (Public Procurement Regulation)

Specialised LLM programme with a focus on Public Procurement Law. Students must complete four modules:

Compulsory modules

  • Public Procurement Regulation and Policy in South Africa
  • International legal regimes on public procurement

Elective modules

  • Corruption and Public Procurement
  • Defence Procurement Regulation and Policy
  • Infrastructure Procurement Regulation and Policy in South Africa
  • Policy and public procurement law
  • Procurement law compliance

Read more HERE.


LLM (Navorsingsopsie)

Die graad word toegeken na die suksesvolle voltooiing van ‘n tesis van ongeveer 60 000 woorde op ‘n goedgekeurde onderwerp onder studieleiding van ‘n spesialis.

Aansoekprosedure vir die LLM (navorsingsopsie)

Nagraadse gids 2024

LLM (by research)

The degree is awarded on successful completion of a thesis of approximately 60 000 words on an approved topic under supervision of an expert.

Application process for the LLM (by research)

Postgraduate Guide 2024



Die graad word toegeken na die suksesvolle voltooiing van ‘n proefskrif van ongeveer 100 000 woorde op ‘n goedgekeurde onderwerp onder studieleiding van ‘n spesialis.

Aansoekprosedure vir LLD studies

Nagraadse gids 2024


The degree is awarded on successful completion of a dissertation of approximately 100 000 words on an approved topic under supervision of an expert.

Application process for LLD studies

Postgraduate Guide 2024


Aansoeke / Applications

Aansoeke vir Nagraadse Programme kan op ingedien word.

Verdere inligting rondom die aansoek proses, sluitingsdatums asook programme en taalvereistes (Engels) is beskikbaar op die Voornemende Nagraadse Studente webwerf.

Let wel aansoeke tot die LLM (Navorsingsopsie) en LLD grad moet ‘n  aanvaarbare navorsingsvoorstel insluit en voornemende studente word aanbeveel om hul navorsingsvoorstel voor indiening met hulle beoogde studieleier te bespreek.

Vir meer inligting kontak:

Mnr Shirle Cornelissen

Applications for Postgraduate Programmes can be submitted via

Further information pertaining to the application process, closing dates as well as programme and English Language requirements is available on the Prospective Postgraduate Student website.

Please note that LLM (by research) and LLD applications must be accompanied by an acceptable research proposal and prospective students are advised to discuss their proposed research with a suitable promoter at the Faculty prior to submission.

For more information contact:

Mr Shirle Cornelissen