AntarcticaGough IslandNewsPreserveSANAESub-Antarctic

Coffee lovers will know there’s coffee and then there’s coffee. In many of the newlsetters, written by Gough Island, SANAE and Marion Island overwintering team members, the mentioning of coffee occur. Coffee brings team members together, whether it’s breakfast time, tea time or late night shifts. During the packing process, before the departure of Gough […]

NewsPromoteSouthern OceanSub-Antarctic

At its most recent meeting held in Brazil this May the international Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels (ACAP) agreed to initiate a World Albatross Day to aid in giving greater visibility to the conservation crisis that continues to face albatrosses and petrels.  The inaugural World Albatross Day is set to be celebrated […]

AntarcticAntarcticaMarion IslandNewsPromoteS.A.Agulhas IISouthern OceanSub-Antarctic

Polar Week

2019 Heritage Month/Polar Week (23-29 September) APECS South Africa and ALSA presents 2020 calendars and a series of postcards, designed by APECS SA with the winning photos of the APECS SA Photo Competition launched during the March Polar Week. Photos were entered into the following categories: data, fieldwork, landscape and wildlife – within the Antarctic […]