AntarcticAntarcticaS.A.Agulhas IISouthern OceanSub-Antarctic

Today we would like to applaud the female scientists within the South African National Antarctic Programme. May you act as mentors and leaders for years to come!   Anché Louw, Antarctic Legacy of South Africa, Department of Botany and Zoology, Stellenbosch University, 08 March 2018.


Promoting South Africa’s involvement in the Antarctic Region. Antarctic Legacy of South Africa (ALSA) will be supplying flyers to all interested Universities for Open Days. These flyers are to be placed at the University Departments or Faculties stalls with a current involvement in the Antarctic Region (including Antarctica, the Southern Ocean and the sub-Antarctic Regions […]


South Africa is very proud to be part of this legacy!! South Africa’s permanent presence on the Antarctic Continent, Dronning Maud Land region (approximately 4000 km south of Cape Town) commenced in 1959, during the first South African National Antarctic Expedition (SANAE). South Africa’s presence in the sub-Antarctic dates back to 1947/1948, when Marion Island […]