Marion IslandNewsSub-Antarctic

Alta Zietsman, one of the members of Marion Island’s 73rd Overwintering Team, made contact with RSG (Radio Without Borders/Radio Sonder Grense), an Afrikaans radio station. RSG proved to truly be a radio station without borders, as those that like to make contact with South Africa’s Marion Island would know this is not always an easy task. […]


Association of Polar Early Career Scientists – South Africa Are you a African emerging researcher or student within the polar sciences? Would you like to get more involved in polar research within the South African, as well as the international community? If you have answered ‘YES!‘ to either of those questions you should consider becoming […]

AntarcticaEventsS.A.Agulhas II

The S.A. Agulhas II pulled in at East Pier, Victoria & Alfred Waterfront midday on the 7th of February this year. It has been a very successful year on the continent for the 55th SANAE Overwintering Team, as well as for scientists, maintenance team (returning later this month) and crew on-board the S.A. Agulhas II […]