
SCAR 2020 Online have a session on Antarctic Heritage: “2020 is the two hundredth anniversary of the first human interactions with the Antarctic continent. This session included presentations on all aspects of research and management related to the human heritage of Antarctic activity. The session was closely linked to those on Antarctic and Southern Ocean […]

AntarcticaArchiveclothingHistoryMarion Island

     Clothes is an essential item for visiting one of South Africa stations in Antarctica or on Marion and Gough Island. The clothes are protection against the harsh environment and over the years studies have been done to establish how people adapt to the climate. “The use of relatively sophisticated and often complicated, to […]

AntarcticaArchiveFlagsHistoryPhoto Gallery

The South African flag flies at the South Pole. The South Pole was first reached by a Norwegian explorer in 1911. A South African took the South African flag to the South Pole in 1958 as part of Sir Edmund Hillary’s team to cross the continent overland – a journey that took 99 days.  Antarctic Brochure […]