AntarcticaGough IslandMarion IslandNewsPromoteS.A.Agulhas IIScience

Stellenbosch University, Science in Contect, Faculty of Science

The Faculty of Science at Stellenbosch University added a new compulsory module, ‘Science in Context’ to be completed by all first year BSc students. The purpose of the module is to expose students to the benefits of integrating knowledge from different disciplines, when approaching scientific topics (also see video below). This will enforce students to […]

Marion IslandScienceSub-AntarcticTeams

He overwintered on Marion Island (2015-2016) as part of Marion72, to collect data for his Master’s degree in Geomorphology. He is once again appointed as a Marion Island field assistant, part of Marion75 (2018-2019), watch this video to see what Abu is doing on Marion Island. Also, read the first newsletter of M75 and meet […]


South Africans attending SCAR, POLAR2018

Only one month to go before 23 South Africans travel to the XXXV SCAR Biennial Meetings and SCAR/IASC Open Science Conference (POLAR2018). Click on the link below download the programme of South Africans presenting at POLAR2018. South Africans Presenting POLAR2018   Anché Louw, Antarctic Legacy of South Africa, Department of Botany and Zoology, Stellenbosch University, […]