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World Environment Day 2020

In Celebration of World Environment Day 2020 – 5 June 2020   The theme of this year’s World Environment Day on 5 June 2020 is Celebrate Biodiversity. We will be celebrating the scientific work done on the variety of plant and animal species, marine and terrestrial, within the Antarctic and sub-Antarctic region over the past […]


Bulldozers and their drivers are an essential part of Takeover at SANAE IV. Watch the video by Alexander Oelofse  of Interview of drivers during 2019-2020 Takeover  at SANAE IV on SANAP Website.  Below the 2019-2020 Drivers Takeover Team .    B: Thabang Tshupo, Bertus Roos, Andrew Kietzmann, Riaan Marx.   F:Thabo Thebe, Thato Mareme, Markus Viljoen. […]

AntarcticaInternational Celebration DayMarion IslandPreservePrince Edward Islands

International Museum Day is celebrated on 18 May. In 2020 we  are celebrating the Sentinels of the South exhibit at Iziko museum in Cape Town that opened in December 2019. The Ecosystems of Antarctica, and the sub-Antarctic islands, such as South Africa’s Prince Edward Islands, are exceptionally important to understand our planet and its future. […]