
Expand the Knowledge of our Children. Day 2 takes our younger generation on a short journey to learn more about the Antarctic region and South Africa’s involvement. On Saturdays ALSA will try and expand our kidz knowledge of the world around them. ALSA compiled a activity booklet. This booklet can be used for different age groups. […]

Marion IslandNewsOutreachS.A.Agulhas IIScienceSub-Antarctic

SIC2018, Stellenbosch University

We enjoyed our SIC2018 journey with 1st year BSc students at Stellenbosch University (SU). This year’s 1st Year BSc students completed a new compulsory module (Science in Context – SIC) where they had to choose a topic that will be researched, written up and presented. ALSA had the opportunity to propose 7 Antarctic (including sub-Antarctic […]


Promoting South Africa’s involvement in the Antarctic Region. Antarctic Legacy of South Africa (ALSA) will be supplying flyers to all interested Universities for Open Days. These flyers are to be placed at the University Departments or Faculties stalls with a current involvement in the Antarctic Region (including Antarctica, the Southern Ocean and the sub-Antarctic Regions […]