Dr Theo Broodryk has, upon invitation, been awarded the prestigious Beaufort (Colenso) Scholarship by St John’s College, Cambridge University in the United Kingdom. Dr Broodryk will conduct a research visit at Cambridge University during the 2019 Michaelmas term on the regulation of small amount credit and how the private law interacts with social policy and…
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James Wewege, a pre-final year BAccLLB student, recently provided the parliamentary portfolio committee for Justice and Correctional Development with his written submission in respect of the proposed State Liability Amendment Bill. These submissions are based on research completed for a LLB dissertation under the supervision of Dr Bernard Wessels. The committee invited James to present…
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Blockchain technology could stem corruption in public procurement procurement spend is R800 billion – estimated that about 50% of this might be lost to corruption current safeguards have done little to curb corruption 50% of complaints submitted to Public Protector refer to problems with public procurement process blockchain technology both a digitised and decentralised public…
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