The fifth annual Anton Lubowski Memorial Lecture, celebrating the life of anti-apartheid activist and advocate, Anton Lubowski (3 February 1952 – 12 September 1989), will be held on 27 September 2023.

The lecture is presented by Stellenbosch University’s Development and Alumni Relations Division, in partnership with the Faculty of Law and Simonsberg Residence.

This year’s lecture will be hosted online and in-person. Please join our speakers, Zackie Achmat, co-director of NGO Ndifuna Ukwazi (Dare to Know), and co-founder of the Treatment Action Campaign, and Dr Imtiaz Sooliman, founder of the Gift of the Givers Foundation, as they discuss the establishment of a movement for social impact and change.

Our moderator is Max du Preez, editor of Vrye Weekblad, author, commentator and friend of the late Anton Lubowski.

More on our speakers:

Abdurrazack “Zackie” Achmat is a South African activist and film director. He co-founded the Treatment Action Campaign and is renowned worldwide for his advocacy on behalf of individuals living with HIV and AIDS in South Africa. Currently, he serves as a board member and co-director of Ndifuna Ukwazi, an organisation dedicated to bolstering social justice entities and leaders. Additionally, he holds the position of chairperson at the Equal Education movement.

Dr Imtiaz Sooliman is a South African medical doctor and philanthropist. He gave up his career as a medical doctor to pursue the field of humanitarian aid and founded the Gift of the Givers Foundation. The Gift of the Givers Foundation is the largest disaster response non-governmental organisation of African origin on the African continent. He is the founder and chairperson.

Venue: Simonsberg Residence AND Online (Microsoft Teams)
Date: Wednesday, 27 September 2023
Time: 18:00 – 19:30
RSVP: Click Here  to RSVP by Friday 22 September.

If you wish to join via Microsoft Teams, a link will be sent via email on Tuesday 26 September


(Afrikaans volg)


Die vyfde jaarlikse Anton Lubowski-gedenklesing, ter viering van die lewe van die anti-apartheid aktivis en advokaat, Anton Lubowski (3 Februarie 1952 – 12 September 1989), sal 27 September 2023 plaasvind.

Hierdie gedenklesing word aangebied deur die Universiteit Stellenbosch se Afdeling Ontwikkeling en Alumnibetrekkinge, in samewerking met die Fakulteit Regsgeleerdheid en Simonsberg-koshuis.
Vanjaar se lesing word aanlyn en in-persoon aangebied.

Sluit gerus aan by ons sprekers, Zackie Achmat, mededirekteur van die NRO Ndifuna Ukwazi (Dare to Know), en medestigter van die Treatment Action Campaign, en dr Imtiaz Sooliman, stigter van die Gift of the Givers-stigting, wat die vestiging van ‘n beweging vir sosiale impak en verandering sal bespreek.

Die gespreksleier is Max du Preez, redakteur van die Vrye Weekblad, skrywer, kommentator en vriend van wyle Anton Lubowski.

Meer oor ons sprekers:

Abdurrazack “Zackie” Achmat is ‘n Suid-Afrikaanse aktivis en filmregisseur. Hy is medestigter van die Treatment Action Campaign en is wêreldwyd bekend vir sy voorspraak namens individue met MIV en VIGS in Suid-Afrika. Tans dien hy as ‘n raadslid en mededirekteur van Ndifuna Ukwazi (Dare to Know), ‘n organisasie wat daarop toegespits is om sosiale geregtigheidsorganisasies en leiers te ondersteun. Daarbenewens beklee hy die posisie van voorsitter by Equal Education.

Dr Imtiaz Sooliman is ‘n Suid-Afrikaanse mediese dokter en filantroop. Hy het sy loopbaan as ‘n mediese dokter prysgegee om die veld van humanitêre hulp na te jaag en het die Gift of the Givers-stigting begin. Die Gift of the Givers-stigting is die grootste rampreaksie nie-regeringsorganisasie op die vasteland wat sy oorsprong in Afrika het. Hy is die stigter en voorsitter.

Plek: Simonsberg-koshuis EN Aanlyn (Microsoft Teams)
Datum: Woensdag 27 September 2023
Tyd: 18:00 – 19:30
RSVP: Klik hier om teen Vrydag 22 September u bywoning te bevestig.

Indien u aanlyn aansluit, sal ‘n skakel op Dinsdag 26 September per e-pos aangestuur word.


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