Dear Law students
We understand that during this new reality there is a great need for communication in order to avoid misunderstandings and to limit concerns or anxiety due to our changed environment and way of work. We therefore want to make the following clear whilst giving an undertaking that we will again communicate as new information comes to light:
- The academic offering (online teaching) of the Faculty of Law for all students will commence on Monday 20 April.
- At present there is no date on which students will be allowed onto campus, so all instruction will be in some form of online offering until further notice.
- At present there is no clarity or decision regarding when the “June examination period” will commence and end respectively.
- Please keep an eye on your module announcements and email. We do not have other means to communicate so please take up the responsibility to read your emails.
- Lecturers and other staff cannot respond to each individual email from students (unless it is of a very personal nature that cannot be shared with other students on a SUNLearn Forum). Lecturers will respond to themes of queries via, for example, the SUNLearn announcements page of the specific module.
- Lecturers will communicate with students regarding the format of lectures and tutorials, via the online communication arrangements for each module, in particular, how and when to direct subject-related questions to the lecturer and how and when feedback will be provided to these questions.
- The intention is that all semester modules will be finalised in this semester (as per the dates which will be communicated by the University as decisions are made).
- Assessments (excluding the traditional sit down tests), which may take various formats including online assessments or written assignments/essays/papers that must be submitted electronically, may be scheduled as from Tuesday 21 April, but where possible it will only be scheduled from Monday 4 May.
- In this context, summative assessment involves that the student’s learning is evaluated and a mark is awarded that counts towards a class or exam mark. Formative assessment involves offering students an opportunity to develop the desired knowledge, skills and dispositions with the aid of timely feedback that students can use to improve their learning without counting towards a class or exam mark.
- The Faculty’s intent is that there will be at least one summative assessment mark for all law semester modules prior to the June examination period. The following is applicable:
- In all semester modules at least one assessment (other than a traditional sit down test) will be completed to count towards the class mark for each module.
- Where a summative assessment was completed prior to 17 March, such assessment will also count towards the class mark for that module.
- Traditional sit down tests that were scheduled to take place between 17 March and 20 April will, however, not be rescheduled.
- This position in (c) does not apply to flexible assessment modules where the lecturer(s) will make specific arrangements regarding possible rescheduling of assessment opportunities.
- We hope to be able to communicate more details about the format and scope of semester one summative assessments (other than sit-down assessments) as well as any possible adjustment to modules outcomes after 21 April.
- The final marks of first semester law modules will therefore be calculated on the basis of at least one summative assessment plus an examination mark.
- For year modules, the first summative assessment opportunity will be during the June examination period (unless an assessment was completed prior to 17 March).
- We have not yet decided how the final marks of year modules will be calculated, but once we have a better idea of when further assessments will be administered in the second semester, we will inform you.
- Lecturers may schedule new formative assessments after 20 April and before the June examination but these will not count toward any mark. We encourage students to complete these formative assessments so as to measure their individual progress and understanding of the work.
- Lecturers will have online office/consultation hours to support you. They will communicate the platform, format and times in due course.
- Lecturers will as far as possible stay in their normal timetable slot for synchronous learning (for example, in the case of postgraduate students); online office hours, discussion groups etc. Lecturers will, however, communicate specific arrangements for modules in due course.
Writing consultants:
In line with the precautionary measures taken by Stellenbosch University’s Law Faculty in response to COVID-19, all in-person consultations with the writing consultants are being discontinued. However, consultation services and appointments with the Faculty’s writing consultants will still be available online via Skype or Zoom until 20 April 2020.
In order for the consultations to run smoothly, students will be required to email their assignments along with questions, concerns or points of discussion regarding their assignment to the consultant 24 hours prior to the consultation.
Once a student has emailed their assignment and questions, the consultant will provide them with a link to a Skype or Zoom meeting, which they must use to initiate the call when it is time for their consultation. Students must please ensure that they are available on Skype or Zoom for their scheduled appointment time. Please further note that the same rules apply regarding the rescheduling or cancellation of such appointments, in this regard please consult the Booking Rules.
If you have any further queries relating to your consultation, please do not hesitate to contact us.
At this time we request that you:
- Download SUNLearn and MS Teams apps on all your learning devices.
- Use the period before Monday 20 April to prepare, using your textbooks, module frameworks and -guides, as if you will write summative assessments in the upcoming weeks (as you would have done in preparation for all the previously scheduled second assessment opportunities). Review your notes, read the textbooks and, where possible, go through the tutorials and other helpful materials that your lecturers upload onto SUNLearn to assist your learning. So keep on learning and studying.
- Ensure that you will be able to access the online learning platforms from Monday 20 April, including SUNLearn, MS Teams and other platforms that you and your fellow students have used in the past to coordinate your studies and especially group tasks. We recognise that some students may experience challenges and SU is in the process of negotiating a zero rate with cell phone companies to access SUNLearn. Keep an eye out for the formal communication in this regard from the University.
- Regularly check the different SUNLearn sites of your modules as well as your student email account for further instructions. We will communicate with you via the SUNLearn module platforms and/or email.
- Regularly check for support tools online. The SU Centre for Teaching and Learning and Faculties are working together to make useful guides and tips available to all students. See, for example .
Please keep in mind that we are in a fluid situation and the above arrangements may have to be changed as and when circumstances dictate. Any changes and developments will, however, be formally communicated. We remain committed to finding ways for our students to continue with their studies. In order to achieve this, we request that you approach this in a spirit of cooperation. Although we will do our best to make appropriate learning material available and support you on the different online platforms the responsibility to take ownership of your own learning has never been as important as now. It will require a significant amount of self-discipline and motivation to ensure that you will be able to complete your modules successfully this semester.
The coming weeks will test our agility and resilience. We have no doubt, however, that you are capable and committed students who can get through this semester successfully. Please know that we are here to support you and that we wish you the very best.
Prof Nicola Smit
Prof Richard Stevens
Vice Dean
Beste Regstudente
Ons verstaan dat daar gedurende hierdie nuwe realiteit ʼn groot behoefte aan kommunikasie is om misverstande te voorkom, en bekommernis of angs te beperk as gevolg van ons veranderde omgewing en werkswyse. Ons wil dus die volgende inligting duidelik formuleer en onderneem om nuwe inligting te kommunikeer namate dit beskikbaar word:
- Die akademiese aanbod (aanlyn onderrig) vir alle studente van die Fakulteit Regsgeleerdheid begin op Maandag 20 April.
- Daar is tans geen datum waarop studente terug op kampus toegelaat sal word nie, daarom sal alle onderrig in een of ander vorm van aanlyn aanbieding tot verdere kennisgewing plaasvind.
- Daar is tans geen duidelikheid of besluit oor wanneer die “Junie-eksamenperiode” onderskeidelik sal begin en eindig nie.
- Hou u module-aankondigings en e-pos dop. Ons het geen ander metode om te kommunikeer nie, neem verantwoordelikheid om u e-pos te lees.
- Dosente en ander personeel kan nie op elke individuele e-pos van studente reageer nie (tensy dit van ʼn baie persoonlike aard is wat nie met ander studente op ʼn SUNLearn-forum gedeel kan word nie). Dosente sal op temas van navrae reageer, byvoorbeeld via die SUNLearn-aankondigingsbladsy van die spesifieke module.
- Dosente sal met studente kommunikeer oor die formaat van lesings en tutoriale, die aanlyn-kommunikasiereëlings vir elke module, veral hoe en wanneer om vakverwante vrae aan die dosent te rig en hoe en wanneer terugvoering op hierdie vrae gegee sal word.
- Die bedoeling is dat alle semestermodules in semester een afgehandel sal word (volgens die datums wat deur die Universiteit gekommunikeer sal word sodra besluite geneem word).
- Assesserings (uitgesluit die tradisionele lokaal-gebonde toetse), wat verskillende formate kan aanneem, insluitend aanlyn assesserings of geskrewe werkstukke/opstelle wat elektronies ingedien moet word, kan vanaf Dinsdag 21 April geskeduleer word maar waar moontlik sal dit eers vanaf Maandag 4 Mei geskeduleer word.
- In hierdie konteks behels summatiewe assessering dat die student se geleerdheid geëvalueer word en dat ʼn punt toegeken word wat deel vorm van ʼn klas- of eksamenpunt. Formatiewe assessering behels dat studente die geleentheid gebied word om die gewenste kennis, vaardighede en sienswyses te ontwikkel met behulp van tydige terugvoering wat studente kan gebruik om hul bevoegdheid te verbeter – vorm nie deel van ʼn klas- of eksamenpunt nie.
- Die Fakulteit se doel is dat daar ten minste een summatiewe assesseringspunt vir alle semestermodules (in die Regsfakulteit) voor die Junie-eksamenperiode sal plaasvind. Die volgende is van toepassing:
- In alle semestermodules sal daar ten minste een assessering (behalwe ʼn lokaal-gebonde toets) plaasvind om by te dra tot elke module se klaspunt.
- Waar ʼn summatiewe assessering voor 17 Maart voltooi is, sal daardie assessering ook deel vorm van die module se klaspunt.
- Tradisionele lokaal-gebonde toetse wat tussen 17 Maart en 20 April sou plaasvind, sal egter nie herskeduleer word nie.
- Hierdie posisie in (c) is nie van toepassing op buigsame assesseringsmodules nie. Hierdie dosent(e) sal spesifieke reëlings tref rakende moontlike herskedulering van assesseringsgeleenthede.
- Ons hoop om na 21 April meer besonderhede oor die formaat en omvang van semester een se summatiewe assesserings (behalwe vir die lokaal-gebonde toetse) sowel as enige moontlike wysigings aan module-uitkomste te kommunikeer.
- Die finale punte van regsmodules in die eerste semester word dus bereken op grond van ten minste een summatiewe assessering plus ʼn eksamenpunt.
- Vir jaarmodules is die eerste summatiewe assesseringsgeleentheid gedurende die Junie-eksamenperiode (tensy ʼn assessering voor 17 Maart afgehandel is).
- Ons het nog nie besluit hoe die finale punte van jaarmodules bereken sal word nie, maar sodra ons ʼn beter idee het van wanneer verdere assesserings in die tweede semester sal plaasvind, sal ons u in kennis stel.
- Dosente kan nuwe formatiewe assesserings skeduleer na 20 April en voor die Junie-eksamen, maar dit sal nie deel vorm van enige punt nie. Ons moedig studente aan om hierdie formatiewe assesserings te voltooi om hul individuele vordering en begrip van die werk te bepaal.
- Dosente sal aanlyn kantoor-/spreekure hê om u te ondersteun. Hulle sal mettertyd die platform, formaat en tye kommunikeer.
- Dosente sal sovêr moontlik hul normale rooster vir sinchroniese leerwyse handhaaf (byvoorbeeld in die geval van nagraadse studente); aanlyn kantoorure, besprekingsgroepe, ens. Dosente sal egter mettertyd spesifieke reëlings vir modules kommunikeer.
In ooreenstemming met die voorsorgmaatreëls wat die US se Fakulteit Regsgeleerdheid tref, word alle geskeduleerde gesig-tot-gesig skryfkonsultasies met die skryfkonsultante opgeskort. Skryfkonsultasies sal egter steeds aanlyn via Skype of Zoom tot en met 20 April 2020 plaasvind. Daar sal van studente verwag word om hul werksopdrag, 24 uur voor die konsultasie, saam met vrae rakende hul werksopdrag, per e-pos aan die skryfkonsultant te stuur.
Sodra ʼn student sy werkopsdrag en vrae per e-pos gestuur het, sal die skryfkonsultant ʼn Skype- of Zoom-skakel aan die student stuur, wat hulle moet gebruik om die oproep te begin wanneer die aangeduide tyd vir hul skryfkonsultasie geskeduleer is. Studente moet seker maak dat hulle op Skype of Zoom beskikbaar is vir hul geskeduleerde afspraak.
Let asseblief daarop dat dieselfde reëls geld ten opsigte van die herskedulering of kansellasie van sodanige skryfkonsultasies. Raadpleeg die besprekingsreëls in hierdie verband.
Moet asseblief nie huiwer om ons te kontak as u enige verdere vrae rakende u konsultasie het nie.
Op hierdie oomblik versoek ons u om:
- Die SUNLearn- en MS Teams-programme op al u leertoestelle af te laai.
- Die tydperk voor Maandag 20 April te gebruik om voor te berei, met behulp van u handboeke, module raamwerke en -gidse, asof u summatiewe assesserings in die komende weke gaan skryf (soos u sou gedoen het ter voorbereiding van al die voorheen geskeduleerde tweede assesseringsgeleenthede). Hersien u aantekeninge, lees die handboeke en, waar moontlik, gaan deur die tutoriale en ander hulpmiddels wat u dosente op SUNLearn oplaai om u leer te ondersteun. Hou dus aan om te leer en te studeer.
- Sorg dat u vanaf Maandag 20 April toegang het tot die aanlyn leerplatforms, insluitend SUNLearn, MS Teams en ander platforms wat u en medestudente in die verlede gebruik het om u studies en veral groepstake te koördineer. Ons verstaan dat sommige studente uitdagings mag ondervind, die US onderhandel tans met selfoonondernemings om gratis toegang tot SUNLearn te verkry. Hou die Universiteit se formele kommunikasie dop in hierdie verband.
- Die verskillende SUNLearn-webwerwe van u modules en u e-posrekening vir verdere instruksies gereeld na te gaan. Ons sal met u kommunikeer via die SUNLearn-moduleplatforms en/of e-pos.
- Gereeld na aanlyn ondersteuningsinstrumente te kyk. Die US Sentrum vir Onderrig en Leer en Fakulteite werk saam om nuttige gidse en wenke vir alle studente beskikbaar te stel. Kyk byvoorbeeld na:
Hou in gedagte dat ons in ʼn vloeibare situasie verkeer en dat bogenoemde reëlings moontlik moet verander na gelang van omstandighede. Enige veranderinge en ontwikkelings sal egter formeel gekommunikeer word. Ons is steeds daartoe verbind om metodes vir ons studente te vind om met hul studies voort te gaan. Om dit te bereik, versoek ons u om dit in ʼn gees van samewerking te benader. Alhoewel die fakulteit ons bes doen om toepaslike leermateriaal beskikbaar te stel en u op die verskillende aanlyn platforms te ondersteun, is die verantwoordelikheid om eienaarskap van u eie onderrig te neem nog nooit so belangrik soos nou nie. Dit vereis ʼn aansienlike hoeveelheid selfdissipline en motivering om te verseker dat u die modules hierdie semester suksesvol kan voltooi.
Die komende weke sal ons vlugvoetigheid en veerkragtigheid toets. Ons weet dat u bekwame en toegewyde studente is wat hierdie semester suksesvol kan voltooi. Weet asseblief dat ons hier is om u te ondersteun en dat ons u alles van die beste wens.
Prof Nicola Smit
Prof Richard Stevens