It is with great sadness that the Faculty of Law announces the passing of Professor Marius de Waal, a former Dean of the Faculty and current Chairperson of the Department of Private Law. Marius de Waal was a scholar who enjoyed considerable local and international renown for his major contributions to the law of succession and the law of trusts. Internationally, these contributions were recognised by him being awarded a Fellowship by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in Germany, and through his appointments as visiting professor at Paris Descartes University (Paris V) in France and the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in Belgium. He was the recipient of the SU Chancellor’s Award for Research in 2017. He contributed to a number of prominent publications in these fields, most notably as co-author (with Edwin Cameron and Peter Solomon) of the standard work Honoré’s South African Law of Trusts.
Marius de Waal was a gifted and sympathetic teacher, who took great trouble in guiding students through complex areas of law with remarkable clarity of exposition and dedication. As a person, he was known for his extraordinary integrity, collegiality and humility. His passing leaves a tremendous void in the Faculty. Our thoughts, as well as those of his current and former students, are with his family in these difficult times. Watch the Memorial recording here. Also, tributes to Prof de Waal tributes written by friends and colleagues.
(Afrikaans volg)
Dit is met groot leedwese dat die Fakulteit Regsgeleerdheid die heengaan aankondig van Professor Marius de Waal, ʼn voormalige Dekaan van die Fakulteit en huidige Voorsitter van die Departement Privaatreg. As akademikus het Marius de Waal plaaslik sowel as internasionaal besondere aansien geniet vir sy groot bydrae tot die Erfreg en Trustreg. Op internasionale vlak is hierdie bydrae erken deur die toekenning van ʼn Genootskap van die Alexander von Humboldt-stigting in Duitsland, en deur sy aanstellings as besoekende professor aan Paris Descartes Universiteit (Paris V) in Frankryk en die Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in België. Hy was die ontvanger van die US Kanselierstoekenning vir Navorsing in 2017. Hy het bygedra tot ʼn aantal vooraanstaande publikasies in hierdie regsgebiede, onder andere as mede-outeur (met Edwin Cameron en Peter Solomon) van die standaardwerk Honoré’s South African Law of Trusts.
Marius de Waal was ʼn begaafde en simpatieke dosent, wat besondere moeite gedoen het om studente met sy glashelder uiteensettings te begelei deur komplekse regsgebiede. As persoon was hy bekend vir sy buitengewone integriteit, kollegialiteit en nederigheid. Sy heengaan laat ʼn ongelooflike leemte in die Fakulteit. Saam met sy huidige en oud-studente, is sy familie in ons gedagtes tydens hierdie moeilike tye. Kyk die opname van die herdenkingsdiens hier. Ook, kan huldeblyke deur vriende en kollegas geskryf, hier afgelaai word.