Prof Sandra Liebenberg, H.F. Oppenheimer Chair in Human Rights Law and Prof Sonia Human, Dean of the Faculty of Law, University of Stellenbosch invite you to the Annual Human Rights Law Lecture presented by:
CHIEF JUSTICE MOGOENG MOGOENG (Chief Justice of the Republic of South Africa)
Topic: The Implications of the Office of the Chief Justice for Constitutional Democracy in South Africa
Date & Time: Thursday, 25 April 2013 at 18:15 for 18:30
Venue: JC de Wet Hall, Old Main Building corner of Victoria & Ryneveld Street, Stellenbosch
RSVP: Mrs Yolandi Filander before 19 April 2013 on 021-808 4853 or
Prof Sandra Liebenberg, H.F. Oppenheimer Leerstoel in Menseregte en Prof Sonia Human, Dekaan van die Fakulteit Regsgeleerdheid, Stellenbosch Universiteit nooi u na die jaarlikse Menseregtelesing aangebied deur:
HOOFREGTER MOGOENG MOGOENG (Hoofregter van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika)
Onderwerp: The Implications of the Office of the Chief Justice for Constitutional Democracy in South Africa
Datum & Tyd: Donderdag, 25 April 2013 om 18:15 vir 18:30
Lokaal: JC de Wet Saal, Ou Hoofgebou, h/v Victoria & Ryneveld Street, Stellenbosch
RSVP: Mev Yolandi Filander voor 19 April 2013 op 021-808 4853 of