Annette King passed away peacefully at her home in Somerset West on 5 September 2022. She joined the Department of Public Law as secretary on 1 August 1986 and retired from this position at the end of 2018. She served the department for more than 30 years with distinction. Annette (or Mrs King as she was also known) is described by her colleagues as a caring person, with a warm and compassionate personality. She was regarded as a mother figure in the department (and wider faculty), to colleagues and students alike. Colleagues remember her as a person with a great sense of humour, but also someone who could call a spade a spade. Even after formal retirement, Annette could still be relied upon for support, a friendly smile, or word of encouragement. At the time of her passing, she was the part-time administrative officer of the South African Research Chair in Property Law.
She will be missed. Our thoughts and prayers go out to her family, friends, and colleagues.