Participants of the Law and Poverty Research Project as well as the South African Research Chair in Constitutional Property Law provided research support to the Inner City Resource Centre for its intervention as amicus curiae in the case of Maphango v Aengus Lifestyle Properties (Pty) Ltd CCT57/11, heard in the Constitutional Court on 3 November,…
Access to the legal profession, socially relevant research to uphold constitutional rights and legal resources for rural areas will be the emphasis of the Ciucci Law Development Initiative established in the Faculty of Law at Stellenbosch University (SU). “The Faculty is proud to announce that Giuseppe and Kathleen Ciucci have made a significant pledge to…
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Manfred Weiss het op 18 Oktober 2011 die Morti Malherbe Gedenklesing oor “Law and Social Dialogue in the European Union: Lessons for Southern Africa” aangebied.
On 29 September 2011 the Public Protector Adv. Thuli Madonsela presented the Annual Human Rights Lecture at the Faculty. Read more about the lecture here: In the photo: Prof Sandy Liebenberg, Adv Thuli Madonsela, Prof Arnold van Zyl & Prof Gerhard Lubbe
The International Intellectual Property Law Conference was successfully held on 1 – 2 September 2011 to mark the launch of the new Anton Mostert Chair of Intellectual Property Law. Read the full article here: Watch an excerpt from the Conference here: In the photo: Professors Gerhard Lubbe, Arnold van Zyl and Owen Dean,…
Die nuwe lede van die Juridiese Vereniging is in Augustus 2011 aangewys. Voor van links: Stefanie Grosche (Onder Voorsitter), Demi Cyster (Bemarking), Tosca Ferndale (Openbare Skakelwese) Agter van links: JJ Arries (Studenteverryking), Maurice Ellis (Sosiaal), Eckhardt de Kock (Akademiese Belangeraad), Handrie Calitz (Tesourier), Shomane Mathiba (Voorsitter)
Die Aall-Stigting, ‘n internasionale liefdadigheidsorganisasie, het onlangs bekend gemaak dat dit $25 000 gaan skenk vir beurse aan behoeftige swart US-regstudente in 2012. Die Stigting het die afgelope twee jaar reeds $75 000 vir hierdie doel beskikbaar gestel. Die skenkings is gemaak aan die Amicus-fonds, wat sedert 1993 beurse van meer as R1 miljoen aan…
An international workshop on Affirmative Action took place at the Stellenbosch Institute of Advanced Study (STIAS) on Friday, 22 July 2011. The project is coordinated by Proffs Ockert Dupper (US) and Kamala Sankaran (Delhi, India). Other participants include Prof Dr Ingo Sarlet (Brazil), Prof Moshe Cohen-Eliya (Israel), Dr Tzehainesh Teklè (ILO), Prof Alexander Graser (Germany)…
The Annual Human Rights Lecture of the Faculty was delivered on Friday, 15 October 2010 by Chief Justice Sandile Ngcobo. Read more about the lecture on:
On 13 October 2009 former Constitutional Court Justice Yvonne Mokgoro delivered the annual human rights public lecture hosted by the Stellenbosch University Law Faculty. The title of Justice Mokgoro’s address was Ubuntu, the Constitution and the Rights of Non-Citizens. The lecture was attended by approximately 120 persons representing a cross-section of the bench, members of…