Professor Theo Broodryk, Associate Professor of Law, was recently awarded the prestigious Georg Forster Fellowship Award of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in Germany.
The Georg Forster Research Award is granted to academics of all disciplines in recognition of a researcher’s achievements to date, including material findings, new theories, or insights have had a significant impact on their own discipline and beyond and who are expected to continue developing research-based solutions to the specific challenges developing countries. Award winners are invited to conduct a research project of their own choosing in Germany in close collaboration with a specialist colleague. The award amount totals €60,000.
Prof Broodryk will conduct his research in cooperation with specialist colleagues at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. “I am extremely grateful and proud to have been awarded the fellowship. It provides an opportunity to conduct further research regarding the South African class action mechanism and the important role it fulfils in facilitating access to justice, specifically in relation to consumer disputes. The comparative perspective may prove to be beneficial in respect of the continued development of the framework within which the South African class action mechanism operates”.
Prof Broodryk is an admitted attorney of the High Court of South Africa, a Y1 NRF rated researcher and the author of Eckard’s Principles of Civil Procedure in the Magistrates’ Court. He is a Senior Researcher at the Ius Commune Research School in the programme ‘Foundations and Principles of Civil Procedure in Europe’ and a Beaufort (Colenso) Fellow at St John’s College, Cambridge.
Prof Theo Broodryk ontvang Georg Forster Toekenning
Professor Theo Broodryk, Mede-Professor in Regte, het onlangs die gesogte Georg Forster Toekenning van die Alexander von Humboldt Stigting in Duitsland ontvang.
Die Georg Forster Toekenning word aan akademici oor verskeie dissiplines toegeken ter erkenning van ‘n navorser se prestasies tot op hede, insluitende wesenlike bevindinge, nuwe teorieë, of insigte wat ‘n buitengewone impak op hul eie dissipline en wyer gehad het, en van wie daar verwag word om aan te hou om navorsingsgebaseerde oplossings te ontwikkel ten opsigte van spesifieke uitdagings in ontwikkelende lande. Ontvangers van die toekenning word uitgenooi om ‘n navorsingsprojek van hul eie keuse in Duitsland, in nabye samewerking met ‘n spesialis kollega, te behartig. Die toekenningsbedrag beloop €60,000.
Prof Broodryk gaan sy navorsing in samewerking met spesialis kollegas by die Ludwig Maximilian Universiteit van Munich behartig. “Ek is vreeslik dankbaar en trots om die toekenning te ontvang. Dit skep ‘n geleentheid om verdere navorsing rakende die Suid-Afrikaanse groepsgeding-meganisme te behartig en die belangrike rol wat dit speel om toegang tot geregtigheid te fasiliteer, spesifiek met betrekking tot verbruikersdispute. Die vergelykende perspektief mag voordelig wees vir doeleindes van die verdere ontwikkeling van die raamwerk waarbinne die Suid-Afrikaanse groepsgeding-meganisme funksioneer.”
Prof Broodryk is ’n toegelate prokureur van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika, ’n Y1 NNS-gegradeerde navorser en die outeur van Eckard’s Principles of Civil Procedure in the Magistrates’ Court. Hy is ’n Senior Navorser aan die Ius Commune Navorsingskool in die program ‘Foundations and Principles of Civil Procedure in Europe’ en ’n Beaufort (Colenso) Genoot by St John’s College, Cambridge.