Stellenbosch University has awarded a three-year teaching fellowship to Prof Geo Quinot, starting in 2013. This is part of the University’s Teaching Fellowship Scheme, which was approved by the Senate in 2009 and launched in 2011. Prof Quinot is the third person to receive a fellowship under this programme. The fellowship will enable Prof Quinot to dedicate about 30% of his time to teaching development over the three year period. Prof Quinot’s fellowship proposal comprises of a number of elements, mostly focused on teaching law and the development of a local pedagogy of law in continuance of his earlier work on transformative legal education. However, it also extends to the scholarship of teaching and learning in higher education generally. Some of these elements are continued research on the use of podcasting as a mechanism to facilitate blended learning in law modules, investigating initiatives across all law faculties in South Africa in developing law students’ writing skills and potential curriculum development, such as the introduction of formal research methodology training in postgraduate programmes and capstone modules in the LLB programme.