Update on Teaching & Learning/Opdatering rakende Onderrig & Leer

Dear law student

The Faculty has received several enquiries regarding whether teaching and learning will continue in terms of ARTLA (Augmented Remote Teaching and Learning Approach) having regard of recent changes in lockdown status and COVID-19-positivity rates. Please note that SU takes all teaching and learning decisions having regard of the advice of the Medical Advisory Committee (MAC). The Faculty of Law ensures that we follow all institutional rules and protocols and our main aim remains to provide quality and safe education to our students.

You can track COVID-19 statistics in our community on the SU website (COVID-19 infections sun.ac.za), these statistics are taken into consideration by the MAC and in the institutional approach and decisions. It is important that all students and staff continue to follow the prescribed safety measures, including social distancing, wearing masks and sanitising your hands regularly. This applies during classes, tutorials and assessments. I would like to thank every law student, lecturer and invigilator for working together the last months to implement these safety measures with great success and urge you to continue to do so.

Please know that the health and safety of our staff and students are very important to us. Therefore, much time and effort is spent on managing risks and implementing all necessary health protocols to make it possible for students to benefit from interactive teaching and sit-down invigilated assessments. Should the institutional position regarding ARTLA change, the Faculty of Law will immediately communicate with law students.

We wish you well with the last 3 weeks of classes. Please take care.

Beste regstudent

Die Fakulteit het verskeie navrae ontvang of onderrig en leer sal voortgaan in terme van ARTLA (Augmented Remote Teaching and Learning Approach), as gevolg van die onlangse veranderinge in die grendeltydstatus en die toename van COVID-19-positiwiteitskoerse. Let daarop dat die US alle onderrig- en leerbesluite met die advies van die Mediese advieskomitee (Medical Advisory Committee MAC) inaggenome, neem. Die Fakulteit Regsgeleerdheid verseker jou dat ons alle institusionele- reëls en protokolle nakom, en ons hoofdoelwit is om steeds gehalte en veilige onderrig aan ons studente te bied.

U kan die COVID-19-statistieke van ons gemeenskap op die US-webwerf (COVID-19-infeksies sun.ac.za) vind. Hierdie statistiek word in die institusionele en MAC se benadering en besluite in ag geneem. Dit is belangrik dat alle studente en personeel aanhou om die voorgeskrewe veiligheidsmaatreëls te volg. Van die maatreëls sluit die die handhawing van sosiale afstand, die dra van maskers en hande wat gereeld ontsmet moet word, in. Hierdie maatreëls geld tydens klasse, tutoriale en assesserings. Ek wil elke regstudent, dosent en toesighouer bedank vir die samewerking die afgelope paar maande wat hierdie veiligheidsmaatreëls met groot sukses toegepas het en versoek julle om so voort te gaan.

Weet asseblief dat die gesondheid en veiligheid van ons personeel en studente vir ons uiters belangrik is. Daar word daarom baie tyd en moeite aan die bestuur van risiko’s en die implementering van alle nodige gesondheidsprotokolle bestee, sodat studente voordeel uit interaktiewe onderrig en in-persoon toesighoudende assesserings kan trek. Indien die institusionele posisie rakende ARTLA verander, sal die Fakulteit Regsgeleerdheid onmiddellik met regstudente kommunikeer.

Ons wens julle met die laaste drie weke se klasse sterkte toe. Wees asseblief versigtig en veilig.

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