The University of Stellenbosch

News & Events

Mail & Guardian: 200 Young South Africans – Samkelisiwe Nyamathe

Each year, the Mail and Guardian recognizes the impact that South African Youth make with their 200 young South Africans initiative. The DTTC’s medical officer, Samkelisiwe Nyamathe hs been identified as one of the 200 young South Africans. To read more, please go to: 200 Young South Africans: Samkelisiwe Nyamathe    

Posted on 18 August 2023


DTTC Event Calendar

Date Event 11 August TB Clinical forum meeting I updates on adult TB and HIV treatment and prevention (TPT, DS, RR-TB) Prof Graeme Meinjes (UCT) I Case presentation- Area Centra   30 – 31 August SU 67th Annual Academic Day – BMRI (Biomedical Research Institute) Building   09 – 13 September ERS International Congress – […]

Posted on 31 July 2023


DTTC and other colleagues led international symposium champions ‘Life after TB’

An article about the Post TB Symposium went onto the Stellenbosch University website: Post TB symposium Stellenbosch University recently hosted the second International Post-TB Symposium, focusing on post-TB lung health. The symposium brought together leading experts in TB treatment and research. Professor Marieke van der Zalm from the DTTC highlighted the health issues that remain […]

Posted on 28 June 2023


TB kills 75,000 children in Africa every year: how this can stop

The work of Dr Graeme Hoddinott, socio-behavioural science lead at the DTTC, was featured on 23 March 2023 on The Conversation. The article focuses on the TB burden among young people and discusses drivers of TB infection and gaps in healthcare related to TB. To read more, please go to: The Conversation

Posted on 4 April 2023


Sweet advance for treatment of children with multi-drug resistant TB

The extemporaneous suspensions work as part of BENEFIT Kids Project was shared on Nature Africa: nature africa This article discusses findings from the Global Alliance for TB Drug Development (TB Alliance) and Stellenbosch University, in South Africa that now provide detailed blueprints for pharmacists to quickly and safely prepare more palatable, more accurately dosed syrup […]

Posted on 4 April 2023


Together we can end TB!

On Friday the 17th of March, the Desmond Tutu TB Centre (DTTC) held the annual World TB Day celebrations at the Biomedical Research Institute Conference venue, Tygerberg Campus. The meeting was attended by all DTTC staff and honoured guests and partners. Vikesh Naidoo and Sue Purchase facilitated the event and the various speakers showcasing the wonderful […]

Posted on 28 March 2023


The 2nd International Post-Tuberculosis Symposium 17-19 April 2023

Click Here for more information and to register Background The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that approximately 54 million people survived TB between 2000 and 2017 alone. There is increasing evidence of long-term respiratory complications following TB in a proportion of these patients, preventing them from returning to their normal lives. Patients can suffer from […]

Posted on 2 February 2023


TB-CHAMP study comes to an end!

TB-CHAMP study comes to an end! TB-CHAMP is an MDR-TB prevention study led by Stellenbosch University and DTTC and is the only study in the world designed specifically to investigate MDR-TB prevention in young children. The study compares the antibiotic levofloxacin with placebo, to see if levofloxacin is safe and effective to prevent TB in […]

Posted on 24 January 2023


Loyal team member of the DTTC retires

Vaughn, loyal service dog to Dr Rory Dunbar for the past 11 years, is retiring from duty. Vaughn has been a consistent presence at the DTTC and he will be missed!

Posted on 20 September 2022


Launch of GAP-f for child friendly medicines

Anneke Hesseling was featured in a Global Accelerator for Paediatric Formulations Network (GAP-f) Initiatives video. GAP-f is a WHO Network hosted within the Research for Health Department in the Science Division and was created to respond to the paediatric treatment gap, including the need for paediatric tuberculosis treatment. Follow the link to watch the video:

Posted on 2 March 2022