The Anton Mostert Chair of Intellectual Property Law at the Faculty of Law will present its annual public lecture on 7 March 2013 with Professor Charles Gielen from Groningen University (Netherlands). The topic of Prof Gielen’s address is “APPLE v SAMSUNG – the design wars”. He will examine the significance of trademarks and registered designs for the proprietor’s global advertising…
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The Polish Research Council has awarded funding for a multidisciplinary, five year research project on the legacy and domestic impact of international criminal tribunals. The members of the research team are Dr Klaus Bachmann (Wroclaw, Poland), Prof Gerhard Kemp (Stellenbosch) and Dr Irena Ristić (Belgrade, Serbia). The funds will be used to finance several seminars, conferences, field work, doctoral…
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Dr. Pamhidzai H. Bamu a post-doctoral research fellow in the Department of Mercantile Law, Faculty of Law, Stellenbosch University, has been chosen to prepare a full paper for the Stanford Law School and Harvard Law School 2013 International Junior Faculty Forum. Dr. Bamu’s paper is entitled ‘I cross the border for a living: An analysis…
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