The African Public Procurement Regulation Research Unit (APPRRU) collaborated with the Public Procurement Research Group (PPRG) at the University of Nottingham in hosting the Public Procurement: Global Revolutions VI conference from 24 to 25 June 2013 at the East Midlands Conference Centre in Nottingham, England. The conference brought together more than 250 academics, practitioners and policy-makers in the field of public procurement regulation from across the world to discuss recent developments in the field. APPRRU contributed an African perspective to the conference with three APPRRU researchers presenting papers.
Die African Public Procurement Regulation Research Unit (APPRRU) het met die Public Procurement Research Group (PPRG) by die Universiteit van Nottingham saamgewerk in die aanbied van die Public Procurement: Global Revolutions VI konferensie van 24 tot 25 Junie 2013 by die East Midlands Conference Centre in Nottingham, Engeland. Die konferensie het meer as 250 akademici, praktisyns en beleidmakers in die area van staatsverkrygingsregulering van oor die wereld byeengebring om ontwikkeling in die veld te bespreek. APPRRU het ‘n Afrika-perspektief tot die konferensie gebring met drie APPRRU navorsers wat referate gelewer het.