The South African Research Chair in Property Law, Stellenbosch University (SARCPL) in collaboration with the University of South Africa (Unisa) invites all interested persons to attend the second day-seminar hosted by the SARCPL in 2013.
Topic: Credit and the Constitution
The seminar will revolve around the recent (2012) decision of the Constitutional Court in National Credit Regulator v Opperman. The purpose is to consider the broader implications of this case in view of the fact that it concerns both the National Credit Act and constitutional property law (section 25 of the Constitution) – two areas of law that have intersected only recently as a result of this judgment. Specialists from both fields will present lectures and take part in a panel discussion.
Date: 29 October 2013
Time: 9:30 – 16:00
Venue: Bamboo Auditorium, Kgorong Building, Unisa, Pretoria
RSVP: Ms Sonja van Niekerk ( before 21 October 2013
For further information see also