Boekbekendstelling: Essays in Honour of CG van der Merwe

By ‘n geleentheid wat op Donderdag 19 April 2012 in die Ou Hoofgebou aangebied is (voorafgegaan deur ‘n akademiese colloquium), is ‘n bundel opstelle aan prof CG (Cornie) van der Merwe oorhandig.  Die oogmerk met die boek is om prof Van der Merwe te vereer vir sy merkwaardige loopbaan van meer as 40 jaar in die regsakademie.  Prof Van der Merwe is tans ‘n senior navorsingsgenoot in die Departement Privaatreg aan die Fakulteit Regsgeleerdheid, nadat hy voorheen ‘n professor in die Department en ook professor aan die Universiteit van Aberdeen in Skotland was.  Hy is ‘n internasionale kenner op die gebiede van die sakereg en die deeltitelreg en hy het ‘n A-gradering van die NNS.


Die boek het 19 hoofstukke en, benewens Suid-Afrikaanse bydraes, het dit ook ‘n sterk internasionale dimensie met bydraes van skrywers uit België, Duitsland, Engeland, Hong Kong, Portugal, Singapoer, Skotland en Spanje.  Die boek is uitgegee deur LexisNexis en die redakteurs is proff Hanri Mostert (Universiteit van Kaapstad) en Marius de Waal (Universiteit Stellenbosch) – beide oud-studente van Prof Van der Merwe en ook bydraers tot die boek.




Book Launch: Essays in Honour of CG van der Merwe


At a function which was held on Thursday 19 April 2012 in the Ou Hoofgebou (preceded by an academic colloquium), a volume of essays was handed to Prof CG (Cornie) van der Merwe.  The purpose of the book is to honour Prof Van der Merwe for his remarkable career of more than 40 years as a legal academic.  Prof Van der Merwe is currently a Senior Research Fellow in the Department of Private Law in the Faculty of Law, and he previously held chairs in the Department and at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland.  He is an international expert in the fields of the law of property and sectional title law, and he has an A-rating from the NRF.


The book contains 19 chapters and, apart from South African contributions, it also has a strong international dimension with contributions from authors from Belgium, Germany, England, Hong Kong, Portugal, Singapore, Scotland and Spain.  The book has been published by LexisNexis and the editors are Proff Hanri Mostert (University of Cape Town) and Marius de Waal (Stellenbosch University) – both ex-students of Prof Van Merwe and also contributors to the book.

Foto/Photo:  Van links na regs/From left to right: Me Syntyche de Waal (LexisNexis), Proff Hanri Mostert (redakteur/editor), Marius de Waal (redakteur/editor), Kenneth Reid (Universiteit van Edinburgh, spreker/University of Edinburgh, speaker), Cornie van der Merwe and Gerhard Lubbe (Dekaan van die Fakulteit Regsgeleerdheid/Dean of the Faculty of Law)


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