Prof Sandra Liebenberg, H.F. Oppenheimer Chair in Human Rights Law and Prof Sonia Human, Dean of the Faculty of Law, University of Stellenbosch invite you to the Annual Human Rights Law Lecture presented by: CHIEF JUSTICE MOGOENG MOGOENG (Chief Justice of the Republic of South Africa) Topic: The Implications of the Office of…
Op 20 Maart 2013 het die Regshulpkliniek van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch ‘n kantoor in die Mediese Fakulteit van dié Universiteit se Ukwanda-Gesondheidsentrum te Worcester geopen. Die Regshulpkliniek se doel met die opening van ’n kantoor in Worcester is om behoeftige persone van die platteland toegang te bied tot kwaliteitregsdienste. Aanvanklik sal prokureurs van die Stellenbosch-kampuskliniek…
Prof Oliver Ruppel delivered his inaugural lecture on 19 March 2013. The lecture was titled “Intersections of Law and Cooperative Global Climate Governance: Challenges in the Anthropocene”.
The Anton Mostert Chair of Intellectual Property Law Public Lecture 2013 on 7 March 2013 was a resounding success, in no small part due to the talent of the guest speaker Prof Charles Gielen of Groningen University. The lecture drew a capacity crowd of over 200 academics, practitioners, members of the media, staff and students from across…
Congratulations to all our graduates, we are proud of you! The graduation ceremonies on 13 December 2012 and the 11 March 2013 were indeed special occasions with the Doctor of Laws (LLD) degree being awarded to Dr Reghard Brits, Dr Wian Erlank, Dr Sadulla Karjiker, Dr Carolina Koch, Dr Khulekani Moyo, Dr Franziska Myburgh, Dr…
The Anton Mostert Chair of Intellectual Property Law at the Faculty of Law will present its annual public lecture on 7 March 2013 with Professor Charles Gielen from Groningen University (Netherlands). The topic of Prof Gielen’s address is “APPLE v SAMSUNG – the design wars”. He will examine the significance of trademarks and registered designs for the proprietor’s global advertising…
The Polish Research Council has awarded funding for a multidisciplinary, five year research project on the legacy and domestic impact of international criminal tribunals. The members of the research team are Dr Klaus Bachmann (Wroclaw, Poland), Prof Gerhard Kemp (Stellenbosch) and Dr Irena Ristić (Belgrade, Serbia). The funds will be used to finance several seminars, conferences, field work, doctoral…
Dr. Pamhidzai H. Bamu a post-doctoral research fellow in the Department of Mercantile Law, Faculty of Law, Stellenbosch University, has been chosen to prepare a full paper for the Stanford Law School and Harvard Law School 2013 International Junior Faculty Forum. Dr. Bamu’s paper is entitled ‘I cross the border for a living: An analysis…
Stellenbosch University has awarded a three-year teaching fellowship to Prof Geo Quinot, starting in 2013. This is part of the University’s Teaching Fellowship Scheme, which was approved by the Senate in 2009 and launched in 2011. Prof Quinot is the third person to receive a fellowship under this programme. The fellowship will enable Prof Quinot…
In January Cambridge University Press published Public Procurement Regulation in Africa edited by Prof Geo Quinot (Stellenbosch University) and Prof Sue Arrowsmith (University of Nottingham). The book aims to address the shortage of scholarship in the area of public procurement regulation on the African continent and to promote future research. In the book the law…