The Faculty is deeply saddened by the news of Judge Anton Steenkamp passing away on 20 May 2019. It is a great loss for his family, friends and the legal profession. He will be truly missed, also by our Faculty.
Judge Steenkamp graduated with his BA (Law) (1985) and LLB (1987) from Stellenbosch. He worked as a journalist and labour lawyer before being appointed to the Labour Court in 2010. Judge Steenkamp was a past president of the South African Society of Labour Law (SASLAW). Condolence and tributes have been pouring in and reference is made to Judge Steenkamp’s integrity, commitment to human rights, exceptional intellect and his commitment to justice and democracy. See the media statement and tribute to Judge Steenkamp by Judge President Waglay (on behalf of the South African Judiciary, the Judge President of the Labour and Labour Appeal Court) issued by the Office of the Chief Justice:
Judge Steenkamp previously presented the Mortie Malherbe Memorial Lecture at the Faculty. His presentation was “Ubi remedium, ibi ius; that is where do I get my help from? The jurisdiction and the existence of the Labour Court”. In 2013, Judge Steenkamp wrote a letter to law students as part of our legal writing initiative, where he offered a few pointers from the Bench on how to write clearly. He concluded his letter with the following: “All the best for your studies, and do not be influenced by bad habits when you start practising law – rather try to influence those who are set in their ways.” (
Judge Steenkamp will be remembered for his humanity, scholarship and as an influencer. The Faculty offers their condolence to Judge Steenkamp’s wife and two children.
Read more about Judge Steenkamp at:
Photo credit Mr Simon Sephton.
Dit is met groot hartseer dat die Fakulteit kennis neem van Regter Anton Steenkamp se sterfte op 20 Mei 2019. Dit is ’n groot verlies vir sy familie, vriende en die regsberoep. Hy sal werklik gemis word, ook deur die Fakulteit.
Regter Steenkamp het sy BA (Regte) (1985) en LLB (1987) van Universiteit van Stellenbosch verwerf. Hy het as joernalis en arbeidsreg spesialis gewerk voordat hy in 2010 by die Arbeidshof aangestel is. Regter Steenkamp was ‘n voormalige president van die Vereniging vir Suid-Afrikaanse Arbeidsreg. Medelye en huldeblyke word ontvang en verwys na Regter Steenkamp se integriteit, buitengewone intellek en toewyding aan menseregte sowel as geregtigheid en demokrasie. Sien die mediaverklaring en huldeblyk aan Regter Steenkamp deur Regter President Waglay (namens die Suid-Afrikaanse Regbank, die Regter-president van die Arbeids- en Arbeidsappèlhof), uitgereik deur die Kantoor van die Hoofregter:
Regter Steenkamp het voorheen die Mortie Malherbe-gedenklesing by die Fakulteit aangebied. Sy voordrag was “Ubi remedium, ibi ius; that is where do I get my help from? The jurisdiction and the existence of the Labour Court”. In 2013 het regter Steenkamp ’n brief aan regstudente geskryf as deel van ons regskrywingsinisiatief, waar hy ’n paar wenke vanaf die regbank aangebied het oor hoe om duidelik te skryf. Hy het sy brief afgesluit met die volgende: “All the best for your studies, and do not be influenced by bad habits when you start practising law – rather try to influence those who are set in their ways.” (
Regter Steenkamp sal onthou word vir sy menslikheid, vakkundigheid en as ’n invloedryke persoon. Die Fakulteit bied hul medelye aan Regter Steenkamp se vrou en twee kinders.
Lees meer oor Regter Steenkamp by:
Foto geneem deur Mnr Simon Sephton.