The annual Morti Malherbe Memorial Lecture was delivered by Judge Dennis Davis on Thursday, 17 October 2013. The lecture was titled “The Development of Private Law without the Constitution” .
The annual Morti Malherbe Memorial Lecture was delivered by Judge Dennis Davis on Thursday, 17 October 2013. The lecture was titled “The Development of Private Law without the Constitution” .
Die lewe en werk van JC de Wet, wat deur baie beskou word as een van die grootste Suid-Afrikaanse juriste, word herdenk in ‘n nuwe publikasie, ‘n Man van Beginsel: Die lewe en nalatenskap van JC de Wet. Hierdie boek is op Donderdag, 19 September 2013 bekendgestel tydens ‘n geleentheid aangebied deur Juta en die…
The South African Medico-Legal Society (SAMLS) held their first Western Cape Seminar at the Faculty of Law on Saturday 7 September 2013. Approximately 80 legal and medical professionals – representing a wide range of specialised fields within their respective disciplines – attended the meeting. The meeting was chaired by the SAMLS chairperson and professor in…
The South African Research Chair in Property Law, Stellenbosch University (SARCPL) in collaboration with the University of South Africa (Unisa) invites all interested persons to attend the second day-seminar hosted by the SARCPL in 2013. Topic: Credit and the Constitution The seminar will revolve around the recent (2012) decision of the Constitutional Court in National…