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Prof Quinot elected President of AdJASA for 2017/8

Prof Geo Quinot, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Law and Professor in the Department of Public Law, was elected as President of the Administrative Justice Association of South Africa (AdJASA) at the association’s annual general meeting held in Durban on 11 August 2017. AdJASA, is a non-profit association with the broad aim of promoting…

Two prestigious international research fellowships awarded to Prof. Gerhard Kemp

  Gerhard Kemp, professor in the Department of Public Law, recently returned to the faculty after a seven month stay in Berlin, Germany, where he spent time as a senior research fellow at the Robert Bosch Stiftung. The Stiftung’s Academy in Berlin is aimed at interdisciplinary cooperation which focusses on finding solutions for the main…

Dean’s Bursaries for Postgraduate Studies 2018

The Stellenbosch Law Faculty has a number of bursaries available for fulltime postgraduate study (LLM (Research) and LLD) under its Dean’s Bursary Scheme for 2018 in the following fields: Labour law International or transnational criminal law International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Contract law – general principles, specific contracts, transfer of personal rights,…

Property law in the new constitutional dispensation: Embracing Andre van der Walt’s legacy – the past and the future

On Monday the 31st of July and Tuesday the 1st of August, the South African Research Chair in Property Law hosted an international conference at Stias. The conference was initially planned to celebrate the Research Chair’s 10 year anniversary. However, after the untimely death of Distinguished Professor Andre van der Walt, the holder of the…


Prof Nicola Smit originally hails from Port Elizabeth and obtained her BLC (cum laude) and her LLB (cum laude) from the University of Pretoria.  She completed her LLD at the University of Johannesburg (then The Rand Afrikaans University) on “The Labour Law Implications of the Transfer of an Undertaking”. Prof Smit continues to be involved…

Faculty affirms university’s statement condemning racism

The Faculty of Law affirms Stellenbosch University and its Student Representative Council’s statement condemning racism, racial superiority and any attempts to polarise our campus community in the strongest possible terms. The statement can be read here.

A Blog Post on a Visit to the Stellenbosch University Legal Aid Clinic

The following blog post was prepared by Mr Malcolm Combe, Lecturer at the University of Aberdeen School of Law (LLB (Hons) (Strath); Dip LP (Aberd); Solicitor (Scotland (2008) and England & Wales (2009) (non-practising)); NP; FHEA) on his visit to the Stellenbosch University Legal Aid Clinic (and is also available at:

Law Faculty Alumnus wins prestigious Human Rights Fellowship

Letlhogonolo Mokgoroane, a former LLB student at the Stellenbosch University Law Faculty has won the prestigious Sonke Health and Human Rights Fellowship to study for an LLM in Public Interest Law and Policy at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). The programme is geared at training top law graduates from  law schools around the…

Prof David Butler to assist in official ADR reform

Prof David Butler, Professor Emeritus and Research Fellow in the Department of Mercantile Law, has been appointed by the Acting Minister of Justice to the South African Law Reform Commission Advisory Committee for the Alternative Dispute Resolution investigation (Project 94). The mandate of the committee is to undertake an investigation into ADR (excluding arbitration) and the possible need for…

New book by Prof S Williams-Elegbe

A new book by Prof Sope Williams-Elegbe titled “Public Procurement and Multilateral Development Banks” was recently published. The book examines the issues and challenges raised by procurement regulation in the multilateral development banks. The book examines the history of procurement regulation in the banks; the tripartite relationship created between banks, borrowers and contractors in funded procurement;…