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Morti Malherbe Gedenklesing

Prof Sonia Human, Dekaan van die Fakulteit Regsgeleerdheid, Universiteit Stellenbosch nooi u na die jaarlikse Morti Malherbe Gedenklesing aangebied deur Prof Michael Freeman* oor “The Human Rights of Children”. Datum & Tyd:  11 October 2012 om 18:30 Lokaal:  JC de Wet Saal, Ou Hoofgebou h/v Victoria & Ryneveld Straat, Stellenbosch RSVP:  Mev Yolandi Filander voor…

Doctoral candidate receives research scholarship

Margot Strauss, a doctoral candidate in the Socio-Economic Rights and Administrative Justice Research Project has recently been awarded a full research scholarship by the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs to conduct research in Finland during October and November of 2012. Margot will conduct her research stay at the Institute for Human Rights at the Abo…

Doctoral candidate receives Oppenheimer Memorial Trust research scholarship

Shanelle van der Berg, a doctoral candidate in the Socio-Economic Rights and Administrative Justice Research Project, has been awarded a scholarship by the Oppenheimer Memorial Trust to conduct research at the University of Oxford for a period of three months commencing in October 2012. The Oppenheimer Memorial Trust awards a limited number of grants each…

SHORT COURSE – The Intellectual Property Law

Registration for this short course closes on 13 July 2012. The Anton Mostert Chair of Intellectual Property Law (University of Stellenbosch) and the Professional Development Project (University of Cape Town) is pleased to announce a short course (3 days) in IP law aimed at non-legal or non-IP practitioners, those in business, commerce, engineering, arts or…


Registrasies vir hierdie kursus sluit op 13 Julie 2012. Hierdie daglange kursus is gemik op regspraktisyns, ouditeure en sakemense met ‘n behoefte aan ‘n ontleding van die ervaring met die nuwe Maatskappywet sedert die inwerkingtrede daarvan op 1 Mei 2011. Dit word in Afrikaans aangebied. Die program behels : ‘n paneelbespreking oor praktiese probleme met…

BOOK LAUNCH: Law and Poverty: Perspectives from South Africa and Beyond

Law and Poverty: Perspectives from South Africa and Beyond (Juta & Co, 2012) was launched at the Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study (STIAS) on Thursday, 31 May 2012. Attendees at the launch included the Rector and Vice Chancellor of Stellenbosch University, Prof Russel Botman, and leading constitutional law advocate Wim Trengove, SC, as well as…

Boekbekendstelling: The South African Law of Unjustified Enrichment

Die boek The South African Law of Unjustified Enrichment is op 29 May 2012 tydens ‘n geleentheid by The Judges Lounge in Kaapstad bekendgestel.

Chair of Intellectual Property to advise the Desmond Tutu Peace Trust

The Chair of Intellectual Property has accepted the role of legal advisors to the Desmond Tutu Peace Trust regarding all aspects of its intellectual property rights management in future. The first mandate to the Chair is to advise the Trust during current negotiation with Google Inc. The Chair of IP in its executive capacity will…

Boekbekendstelling: Essays in Honour of CG van der Merwe

By ‘n geleentheid wat op Donderdag 19 April 2012 in die Ou Hoofgebou aangebied is (voorafgegaan deur ‘n akademiese colloquium), is ‘n bundel opstelle aan prof CG (Cornie) van der Merwe oorhandig.  Die oogmerk met die boek is om prof Van der Merwe te vereer vir sy merkwaardige loopbaan van meer as 40 jaar in…

Besoek van Prof Thomas Moellers van Universität Augsburg

Op uitnodiging van die Departement Handelsreg het Professor Thomas Moellers van die Universiteit Augsburg in Duitsland die Fakulteit Regsgeleerdheid van 26-28 Maart besoek. Prof Moellers is ‘n kundige op die gebied van Europese Handelsreg en het ‘n werkswinkel oor Europese Maatskappyreg aangebied, asook lesings oor onder andere bankreg en die Lehman Brothers-saak en probleme met…