BiodiversityEnvironmentInternational Celebration DayMarion IslandPrince Edward Islands

On July 28 annually, World Nature Conservation Day acknowledges that a healthy environment is the foundation for a stable and healthy society.   “Conservation means the wise use of the earth and its resources for the lasting good of manking” – Gifford Pinchot.” This year we highlight the conservation of the  Prince Edward Islands. ENVIRONMENT CONSERVATION ACT 73 […]

AntarcticAntarcticaArchiveBiodiversityBotanyEnvironmentLegacyMarion IslandNewsPenguinsPhoto GalleryPrince Edward IslandsScienceSub-Antarctic

World Environment Day 2020

In Celebration of World Environment Day 2020 – 5 June 2020   The theme of this year’s World Environment Day on 5 June 2020 is Celebrate Biodiversity. We will be celebrating the scientific work done on the variety of plant and animal species, marine and terrestrial, within the Antarctic and sub-Antarctic region over the past […]

ArchiveEnvironmentGough Island

The South African National Antarctic Programme (SANAP) manage a station on Gough Island as on  Marion Island  and Antarctica. By leasing the land on which the station was built from the United Kingdom government, the South African Weather Service has maintained a continuous presence on the island ever since.  Situated 2 600 km south-west of […]