Read more about the article Innovative management protocol for PSHB based on citizen science
Priority monitoring areas (1km2 grid cells) based on polyphagous shot hole borer (PSHB) reproductive host density and their proximity to plant biomass sites for (a) all reproductive hosts, and (b) Acer negundo. Red = high priority, green = low priority. A visual survey of a high priority Acer negundo monitoring site identified in our protocol detected a new PSHB infestation outside a nursery (photo credit: LJ Potgieter, 18 February 2023). Data from iNaturalist ( and, Accessed 14 February 2023)

Innovative management protocol for PSHB based on citizen science

CIB researchers develop an innovative protocol to map priority areas for detecting new and expanding polyphagous shot hole borer (PSHB) infestations in urban areas.

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